This is a Full version of AdventCalendar 2018
Merry Christmas
What's new?
- Added new states in Santa(ArmorStand hologram). "Last window today" and "No more rewards".
- Added prevention before full inventory at claiming rewards
- Added Czech translation. Thank you karloos
- Fixed critical bug with MySQL
- Fixed bug with Window Day state
- Small improvements
This update brings new variables in language files. It is necessary to update this file. You can use my Pastebin, where are all required files. Or you can remove old file and plugin creates new at the start of the server. WARNING! Without these steps, the plugin won’t work!
If you think that plugin is better than before, please support me with
donation. I spent the whole month of developing this plugin. Each donation motivates me to do new quality plugins.
If you like this awesome plugin or this update, you can rate it. Thanks