Advent Calendar icon

Advent Calendar -----

Adds a customizable advent calendar so players can receive gifts every day for the holiday season!

A couple last minute additions people have been requesting! Happy Holidays!
  • Added the ability to have 25 days instead of 24
  • Added customizable prefix string that can be used anywhere using `%prefix%`
  • Removed some leftover log messages from testing
You will need to either generate a new config or add the new lines to your config to use the new features!

If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please join my development discord. As this plugin is free, if you would like to contribute, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi. I am open to any and all feedback! Happy Holidays and thank you for using my plugin!
----------, Dec 6, 2024

  • Fixed a bug where players appeared to have items in their inventory when shift clicking items out of the menu
If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please join my development discord ( As this plugin is free, if you would like to contribute, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi. I am open to any and all feedback! Happy Holidays and thank you for using my plugin!
----------, Dec 1, 2024

Happy Holidays! Here is the first AdventCalendar update of the 2024 season:

- Ensured support for 1.21
- Added the ability to customize claimed and unclaimed versions of gifts including:
- Custom Model Data
- Material
- Player head texture
- Color code​
- Removed the /ac editor command, as the feature has been delayed

You will need to remove your config so that the newer config will generate, or things will break

If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please join my development discord ( As this plugin is free, if you would like to contribute, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi. I am open to any and all feedback! Happy Holidays and thank you for using my plugin!
----------, Nov 15, 2024

Prevents players from using hotkeys on the presents, which could cause the items to be duplicated if lagging. I'd also like to thank everyone for downloading and using my plugin this winter and for getting us to over 1K downloads, it means a lot!

If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please join my development discord ( As this plugin is free, if you would like to contribute, please consider buying me a coffee. I am open to any and all feedback! Happy Holidays and thank you for using my plugin!
----------, Dec 3, 2023

Fixed a bug with slots required where it was counting armor and offhand, it should now be working as intended.

Fixed a bug where you couldn't run /ac force <player> from the console.

If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please join my development discord ( As this plugin is free, if you would like to contribute, please consider buying me a coffee. I am open to any and all feedback! Happy Holidays and thank you for using my plugin!
----------, Dec 1, 2023

Added a new lines into the config for slots-required so that the user cannot claim the gift if they don't have enough space. If you are updating from an older version, you need to regen the config or add these lines manually, otherwise it will break!

Swapped the message and command order so that the claim message displays before the user gets claimed items.

If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please join my development discord ( As this plugin is free, if you would like to contribute, please consider buying me a coffee. I am open to any and all feedback! Happy Holidays and thank you for using my plugin!
----------, Nov 29, 2023

By request, there is now a check in place to prevent players from claiming the calendar unless they have 1 free inventory spot. The error message that it sends can be customized in strings.yml. Please make sure to delete strings.yml or manually add the new line so it doesnt cause an error.

I also rewrote the code that does player head textures again in the hopes that the bugs for it finally stop!

If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please join my development discord ( As this plugin is free, if you would like to contribute, please consider buying me a coffee. I am open to any and all feedback! Happy Holidays and thank you for using my plugin!
----------, Nov 28, 2023

Added a PlaceholderAPI placeholder %adventcalendar_total_claims% which can be used in any other plugin that supports PlaceholderAPI to show how many gifts the player has claimed! PlaceholderAPI is still not required if you don't want the features so don't worry!

I also removed a line I left over from testing that would print "LEFT" every time you clicked an item in the preview calendar... sorry!

If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please join my development discord ( As this plugin is free, if you would like to contribute, please consider buying me a coffee. I am open to any and all feedback! Happy Holidays and thank you for using my plugin!
----------, Nov 27, 2023

This update should (hopefully) fix all of the annoying inconsistencies with player head rendering between different versions of spigot and paper.

This update also adds support for PlaceholderAPI placeholders for commands only. Placeholder API is not required, so if you don't want to use it you don't have to!

I also added the ability to claim items without the GUI closing by Right Clicking them instead of Left Clicking. This should hopefully make it a bit easier for testing out all of the gifts in the preview calendar.

If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please join my development discord ( As this plugin is free, if you would like to contribute, please consider buying me a coffee. I am open to any and all feedback! Happy Holidays and thank you for using my plugin!
----------, Nov 26, 2023

Fixed some weird behavior with textures not displaying correctly in certain Spigot versions

If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please join my development discord ( As this plugin is free, if you would like to contribute, please consider buying me a coffee. I am open to any and all feedback! Happy Holidays and thank you for using my plugin!
----------, Nov 23, 2023

Fixed a bug where on some versions the calendar would error out instead of opening due to the gift textures.

If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please join my development discord ( As this plugin is free, if you would like to contribute, please consider buying me a coffee. I am open to any and all feedback! Happy Holidays and thank you for using my plugin!
----------, Nov 14, 2023

As we approach the holiday season, it's time for an Advent Calendar update! This update adds some small (but needed) changes ahead of the 2.0.0 rework that will (hopefully) be done before December 2023.

  • Restructured Commands
    • I know if feels like I change the command structure like every update, but this one sets us up for long term success and i promise they wont change (much) again.
  • Gifts now use NBT Data
    • This means that if you don't want to have the %day% in the name of your gifts, you don't have to! This was a much needed change.
  • All strings now get processed with Iridium Color API
    • Kind of a nerd change but this enables support for hex color codes, as well as gradients and rainbows. Learn more here:
      IridiumColorAPI - Github
  • Added the ability to change the month and day the calendar opens
    • Just in case you don't want your calendar in December, its the start of options that will make the use cases much more flexible if you wanted something like a summer calendar instead!
  • More Detailed Admin Permissions
    • Just separates reload and preview into separate sub permissions under admin in case you want to restrict access to those things
If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please join my development discord ( As this plugin is free, if you would like to contribute, please consider buying me a coffee. I am open to any and all feedback! Happy Holidays and thank you for using my plugin!
----------, Nov 14, 2023

As we approach the holiday season, it's time for an Advent Calendar update! This update adds some small (but needed) changes ahead of the 2.0.0 rework that will (hopefully) be done before December 2023.

  • Restructured Commands
    • I know if feels like I change the command structure like every update, but this one sets us up for long term success and i promise they wont change (much) again.
  • Gifts now use NBT Data
    • This means that if you don't want to have the %day% in the name of your gifts, you don't have to! This was a much needed change.
  • All strings now get processed with Iridium Color API
    • Kind of a nerd change but this enables support for hex color codes, as well as gradients and rainbows. Learn more here:
      IridiumColorAPI - Github
  • Added the ability to change the month and day the calendar opens
    • Just in case you don't want your calendar in December, its the start of options that will make the use cases much more flexible if you wanted something like a summer calendar instead!
  • More Detailed Admin Permissions
    • Just separates reload and preview into separate sub permissions under admin in case you want to restrict access to those things
If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please join my development discord ( As this plugin is free, if you would like to contribute, please consider buying me a coffee. I am open to any and all feedback! Happy Holidays and thank you for using my plugin!
----------, Nov 14, 2023

Fixed a bug where clicking the close button would yield an error.
Fixed a bug where having a color code with a number would cause the gifts to not open properly.

As always, if you find any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to message me on Discord @ Caelen#3001
----------, Dec 1, 2022

Fixed an issue where single number dates (1-9) would throw errors when you could not claim them.

Happy December Everybody!

If you encounter any issues as always, feel free to message me on Discord @ Caelen#3001
----------, Dec 1, 2022

Fixed an issue where due to funky Spigot stuff the presents were appearing as Steve heads.

If you encounter any issues please feel free to message me on Discord @ Caelen#3001!

Also if you like the plugin, please consider leaving a positive review or donating as it really helps out!
----------, Nov 27, 2022

Due to request, there are now a lot more things that can be customized! Make sure you either delete your config.yml and let it generate a new one or copy the new config.yml from the plugin page!

As always if there are any bugs, questions, or suggestions, message me on discord @ Caelen#3001!
----------, Nov 15, 2022

Important Info

The config.yml file has been updated so you might have to delete your config so the plugin can generate a new one. User data is not affected.

  • Added the ability to customize the Advent Calendar title
  • Added the ability to customize the Advent Calendar filler item
  • Added the ability to customize the Advent Calendar expired item
  • Added the ability to turn on and off displaying numbers on the gifts
  • Removed some accidental leftover log messages (sorry)
  • /adventcalendar reloadconfig is now /adventcalendar reload - they do the same thing its just less to type and clearer
  • /adventcalendar force has been removed
  • /adventcalendar forceopen <player> has been added. Unlike the old force command this does not bypass the time restriction and just allows admins or npc's to open the GUI for a player
  • /adventcalendar preview has been added. Allows admins to preview how the GUI looks and test the claim commands without affecting the regular calendar.

----------, Nov 13, 2022

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,770
First Release: Oct 26, 2022
Last Update: Dec 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
16 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings