Advent Calendar icon

Advent Calendar -----

Adds a customizable advent calendar so players can receive gifts every day for the holiday season!

More PlaceholderAPI goodies + A fixed mistake
Added a PlaceholderAPI placeholder %adventcalendar_total_claims% which can be used in any other plugin that supports PlaceholderAPI to show how many gifts the player has claimed! PlaceholderAPI is still not required if you don't want the features so don't worry!

I also removed a line I left over from testing that would print "LEFT" every time you clicked an item in the preview calendar... sorry!

If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please join my development discord ( As this plugin is free, if you would like to contribute, please consider buying me a coffee. I am open to any and all feedback! Happy Holidays and thank you for using my plugin!
----------, Nov 27, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,770
First Release: Oct 26, 2022
Last Update: Dec 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
16 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings