AdvancedDisplays icon

AdvancedDisplays -----

Create block, item and text displays!

An error will not be thrown when clicking the text alignment setting in the editor GUI.

How text displays work has also been changed. Before, the text was being serialized and deserialized multiple times, but now it's only serialized once. Creating or editing a text display in-game will also set the strings in the config file to whatever was written in chat rather than the legacy text. For example, if you wrote "<red>Hello", that will be stored rather than "§cHello".

Lastly, the dependencies have been updated, adventure is now shaded inside in a different location and NMS modules are dynamically shaded.

*This update doesn't bring config-breaking changes but, If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here .

I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.21.4 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Feb 23, 2025

This version only brings support for Minecraft 1.21.4

*This update doesn't bring config-breaking changes but, If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here .

I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.21.4 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Dec 6, 2024

This update only brings some bug fixes:
  • The view distance will now work correctly (the wrong method was used before).
  • Clicking on entities created by other plugins won't cause an error now.

*This update doesn't bring config-breaking changes but, If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here .

I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.21.3 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Nov 22, 2024

This version supports Minecraft versions 1.19.4 to 1.21.3 and, apart from some minor fixes & improvements, the player and console command and message actions support lists instead of just one parameter. Check this section of the wiki for more information.

*This update doesn't bring config-breaking changes but, If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here .

I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.21.3 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Nov 2, 2024

Some items' meta can now be modified to change how they look in item displays. These items are potions, tipped arrows, armors, banners, shields, compasses and bundles. To see which properties you can modify, see this section of the wiki.

Additionally, dependencies were updated and some unnecessary shadings were removed, reducing the jar size from 2.26MB to under 1MB.

*This update doesn't bring config-breaking changes but, If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here .

I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.21.1 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Sep 26, 2024

This release features new subcommands for text displays: nextPage, previousPage and setPage, which will allow you to change the page (or animation) the display is showing.

Every display now has a new setting: hide-permission. Players with that permission won't be able to see the display even if they have the permission set in permission. In summary, to see the display, players must be closer than view-distance, have the permission permission and not have the hide-permission permission.

Additionally, item displays can now show items with custom model data. To do that, change the number in the customModelData setting.

Bug fixes include:

  • Displays spawning in the incorrect world.
  • Some items in the editor GUI not working.
  • Placeholders with minimessage text not being parsed.
  • Texts added via the editor GUI being added before the current texts (they are now added to the last position).
*If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here.

I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.21 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Sep 5, 2024

Apart from 1.21.1 support, the main new feature is the addition of attached displays. They will be attached to a wall to look like a sign or a billboard. Visit the wiki for more information.

This update also adds support for ItemsAdder items and blocks. You only need to add the "itemsAdder" setting to your item or block displays' config file.

Lastly, the /ad finishEditing subcommand has been renamed to /ad finish and it can be used to cancel the creation of an attached display.

*This update doesn't bring config-breaking changes but, If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here .

I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.21.1 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Aug 12, 2024

Block and item displays can now show Oraxen items. To use Oraxen items and blocks, add 'oraxen: `<Oraxen ID>"` to the settings of a display.

The in-game editor can now have disabled settings. You can set them in the config.yml file or using the BaseDisplay#openEditor(Player player, List disabledSettings) if you are using the API. The /ad finishEditing subcommand no longer requires a permission.

Lastly, the plugin is now compiled using Gradle rather than Maven and NMS is now provided by paperweight-userdev rather than Spigot's BuildTools. However, the plugin should still be compatible with Spigot. The API is now obtained from "com.github.Luncaaa:AdvancedDisplays:{PLUGIN VERSION}" and setting text displays now requires an Adventure component. However, you can use the ComponentSerializer, which supports both legacy and minimessage, to parse text into a component.

*If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here.

I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.21 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Aug 9, 2024

Displays have 2 new options: "permission", which can be "none" or a permission that players need to see the display; and "view-distance", which can be 0.0 or any number which is the distance at which the player must be from the display to see it. The API has methods to change these values as well.

Additionally, a bug which caused text displays to not appear has been fixed and the way colors are parsed has been improved.

*If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here.

I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.21 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Jul 27, 2024

This update brings many new features, being a new in-game editor the most important one. Running the command /ad edit [name] in-game will give the player tools to edit the display. Additionally, new API methods have been added which open the in-game editor of displays created with the API.

Text displays have a different config structure: "texts" now contains as many string lists as you want. Each list will appear every x animation time and each line in those lists will be a line in the display. New API methods have been added and some changes have been made to existing methods which modify text displays' displayed text.

API displays' visibility can now be changed globally or per-player using the new VisibilityManager class.

Lastly, some bugs were fixed, an updated checker was added and duplicate method calls were removed.

*If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here.

I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.19.4 and 1.21 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Jul 12, 2024

Added support for Minecraft versions 1.20.5 and Minecraft 1.20.6

*If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert [previous version]" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here.

I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.19.4 and 1.20.4 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, May 1, 2024

One of the plugin's biggest update is finally here! Displays are now clickable *, meaning that if you attack or interact with them, actions will be executed! These actions are fully customisable and many more will come in future updates. You can see the current list of actions here. (API displays can be clicked too, although they are a lot more flexible as the developer can execute their own code)

* Because displays do not have hitboxes of their own, a separate Interaction entity has to be created, which is what players really interact with. This entity is not very customisable, as you can only change its height and width and nothing else. You can modify these atributes in the display's config file.

Finally, this update improves the tab completion system and introduces a new subcommand: "list", which shows the list of created displays.

*If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert [previous version]" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here .

I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.19.4 and 1.20.4 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Mar 27, 2024

Added support for Minecraft 1.20.3 and 1.20.4

Every display now has a new section in their config file, "glow". You will be able to make the display glow and change its color.

Additionally, block displays can now be fully customisable. A new section is present in the config of block displays, "blockData", which allows you to modify the block's data (if a redstone torch is lit or not, for example).

Finally, the biggest change is the introduction of a Developer API. It is very basic for now and new changes will be added in future updates. More information can be found here.

*If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert [previous version]" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here .

I have tested this plugin on 1.20.4 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Jan 8, 2024

Item displays now support player heads with a player skin or a custom texture. You can see how to use it in the wiki.

*If you are migrating from 1.2.2, this won't be necessary but if you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert [previous version]" command in-game. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here .

I have tested this plugin on 1.19.4 and 1.20.1, both Spigot and Paper, although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Sep 3, 2023

A new setting has been added to item displays: "enchanted: true/false". This will add the enchanted glowing effect to the displayed item.

*If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert [previous version]" command in-game. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here .

I have tested this plugin on 1.19.4 and 1.20.1, both Spigot and Paper, although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Aug 22, 2023

Each text display will now have their own animation time. This means that one display can, for example, show a new text each second and another display every 2 seconds.

Additionally, there's a new option: "refreshTime". This updates the CURRENTLY DISPLAYED TEXT. If, for example, you want to display "%player_x%", this option will make it so the displayed value is always updated.

Minor changes: Removed a log message that shouldn't have been there the previous version..

*If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert [previous version]" command in-game. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command
here .

I have tested this plugin on 1.19.4 and 1.20.1, both Spigot and Paper, although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Jul 27, 2023

Added support for animated texts. You can set as many texts as you want in the "text" field in the display config and, every x seconds (customizable in the config), a different text will be displayed.

*If you are migrating from 1.0 or 1.1, you will need to use the "/ad convert [previous version]" command in-game. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here.

I have tested this plugin on 1.19.4 and 1.20.1, both Spigot and Paper, although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Jul 23, 2023

This update brings a lot of new features:
*1. Minimessage support. You can now use minimessage in your text displays to use normal colors, RGB and even gradients! Legacy codes (such as &6) are supported.

**2. Now, instead of entities, displays are created using NMS. This allowes players to see, for example, different texts in the same display. See point 3.

3. PlaceholderAPI support with per-player placeholders. In the previous version, players could only see the same text for the same display. By using packets, player can now see different texts and, therefore, different values for a placeholder. Placeholders such as "%player_name%" will work now!

Minor changes:
1. Background color now has a fourth parameter, which is "alpha" (R;G;B;A), the opacity. Setting it to 0 will make the background transparent.

2. Add check to prevent the plugin from enabling on versions before 1.19.4.

**3. Made some changes to the structure of the display config file.

*The file size is now 630KB because minimessage is shaded into the plugin. This is necessary to add support to Spigot servers.

**If you are migrating from 1.0, you will need to use the "/ad convert" command in-game. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here.

I have tested this plugin on 1.19.4 and 1.20.1, both Spigot and Paper, although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Jul 23, 2023

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 944
First Release: Jun 29, 2023
Last Update: Feb 23, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
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Released: --------------------
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