AdvancedDisplays icon

AdvancedDisplays -----

Create block, item and text displays!

1.5.9 - Bug fixes & Improvements
An error will not be thrown when clicking the text alignment setting in the editor GUI.

How text displays work has also been changed. Before, the text was being serialized and deserialized multiple times, but now it's only serialized once. Creating or editing a text display in-game will also set the strings in the config file to whatever was written in chat rather than the legacy text. For example, if you wrote "<red>Hello", that will be stored rather than "§cHello".

Lastly, the dependencies have been updated, adventure is now shaded inside in a different location and NMS modules are dynamically shaded.

*This update doesn't bring config-breaking changes but, If you are migrating from previous versions, you will need to use the "/ad convert" command. CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR DISPLAYS FOLDER BEFORE CONVERTING! More information on this command here .

I have tested this plugin on Paper 1.21.4 although I may have missed some bugs. If you encounter any, please report it on GitHub or Discord, not on the reviews section.

Visit the wiki for more information.
----------, Feb 23, 2025
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 946
First Release: Jun 29, 2023
Last Update: Feb 23, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
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