ActionPoints | The ULTIMATE Rewards Plugin! | Reward Players for Actions! | 1.16 - 1.21.x icon

ActionPoints | The ULTIMATE Rewards Plugin! | Reward Players for Actions! | 1.16 - 1.21.x -----

Level up your player's experience with ActionPoints - Rewarding players for every action they take!

  • Added /ap reset which will set a player's balance to 0 and reset all milestone rewards they have received, so they can receive the rewards again.
  • Messages in the messages.yml can now be disabled by changing them to "disabled". This will cause them to not be sent.
  • Added support for Title, Subtitle and ActionBar messages in milestones:
    Code (YAML):
         - "eco give %player% 500"
          - "give %player% 7 diamond"
    : "Your points balance has been reset and you earned the highest reward!"
    : "Congratulations!"
    : "You have reached the final milestone!"
    : "You have reached the final milestone!"
  • ActionPoints can now handle reloads (/reload) better. There should be fewer issues after a reload. Reloading/using PlugMan is still discouraged, however.


  • Removed a leftover debug message when using rewards.
  • Fixed an issue where a reward's message was not being sent.
----------, Mar 2, 2025

- Fixed ActionProfileCacheException happening on some player joins when the player's information was still cached.
----------, Sep 15, 2024

- (EXPERIMENTAL) ActionPoints can now act as an "Economy Provider" in Vault. This means that you can use ActionPoints as the primary currency on your server and use it in any plugin that supports vault. This allows the use of ActionPoints in more advanced shop GUIs, etc. This feature is disabled by default. You will need to enable "Settings.Economy.EnablePrimaryCurrency" in settings.yml to enable this. This will disable Essentials Economy or any economy plugin that registers as a lower priority!
- Added support for CustomModelData in the shop. Just add ":<CustomModelData Integer here>" to the material name.

- The minimum required minecraft version is now 1.16. Any version below 1.16 will not work.
- Removed code for handling legacy versions, removing the warning on newer versions about legacy materials.

- Removed the converter code for the (now very) old config format. This also removes /ap convert

- Fixed several errors that sometimes occurred when a player joins or leaves.
----------, Sep 11, 2024

- Added an option to fill all empty slots in the shop with a given material.
- Added a "DoNothing" option to shop items for when you want an item that does nothing when clicked on (useful for just providing information). Example:
Code (YAML):
: "Example"
: 2
: "&c&lThis Item Does Nothing"
     - "&fYou could put info here!"
: true
- Made several big performance improvements in the code handling the actions (the event listeners). This should be especially noticeable on bigger servers.

- Fixed placeholders not being parsed in shop item display names and lores.
- Fixed an issue where crafting would always award 1 point instead of the configured amount.
- Fixed an error that occurred when the player is killed while leaving (for example, by a combat log plugin)
- Fixed an error that could occur when the plugin saves player data and the player went offline.
----------, Sep 8, 2024

- Added fishing action: Awards points when the player catches a fishing.
- Added support for 1.21.


- The minimum required/supported Java version is now Java 17 (was Java 8)
- Updated several dependencies
- Updated support for FactionsUUID.
----------, Sep 2, 2024

- Added a config option to disable negative balances. This means that a player's balance will never go below 0.
----------, Dec 13, 2022

- Fixed an issue where PlaceholderAPI placeholders would not appear in chat messages.
----------, Oct 16, 2022

- Fixed an issue where the Command Action would always award 1 point instead of the configured amount.
----------, Oct 7, 2022

- Fixed an issue where /ap balance [player] would send the balance to the player instead of the command sender.
- Fixed an issue where /ap give [player] would send a message to the player instead of the sender.
- Fixed an issue where /ap set [player] would send a message to the player instead of the sender.
- Fixed an issue where /ap take [player] would send a message to the player instead of the sender.
----------, Jan 2, 2022

- Fixed ActionPoints throwing an error on boot.
----------, Nov 22, 2021

- Added support for SuperLuckyBlock(reward on Luckyblock break)

- Fixed an issue where plugin related actions didn't work. The actions for Massivecraft Factions and NuVotifier now work properly.
----------, Nov 21, 2021

- Fixed an issue causing the plugin to not start properly in certain scenarios.
----------, Nov 1, 2021

ActionPoints 2.0.0 is now considered stable and will be the the only supported version! ActionPoints 1.x is now no longer supported. Some features from 1.x have not been readded. Some of these won't be added back as I deemed them not useful. Some other features like trivia will be added back in the future!

Changelog from RC1
- Fixed an issue where actions could not be disabled.

Upgrading to 2.0
1. Stop your server ( DO NOT reload or use plugman!).
2. Fully back up the /plugins/ActionPoints folder and keep it somewhere safe.
3. Remove the complete /plugins/ActionPoints folder.
4. Replace the old jar with the new jar.
5. Start your server and wait for it to fully boot.
6. Create a folder in /plugins/ActionPoints called convert. (Full path will be /plugins/ActionPoints/convert).
7. Put the old config you just backed up into the convert folder.
8. Run /slb convert via the console. (This will currently not send a message telling you the conversion is done, but it should be done almost instantly.)
9. Go over all config files in /plugins/ActionPoints and see if everything converted correctly. If not, please try again or contact me. You may need to manually convert certain settings.
10. You can now safely delete the convert folder you just created.
11. Change settings if you wish.
12 Restart your server ( DO NOT reload or use plugman!).

Full Changelog

- Completely rewrote the plugin for better stability, improved performance, and removal of features that I considered not useful.
- Added a much-requested feature: a shop GUI where ActionPoints can be used to purchase items.
- Old user data is NOT compatible! The SQL structure has been changed and support for YAML files has been removed. Instead of YAML files, SQLite will be used instead.
- Added mob kill action.
- Added player kill action.
- Added title and actionbar support when the player completes an action.
- Added support for 1.17.
- Improved performance, especially on larger servers.
----------, Oct 24, 2021

- Added the rewards/milestones feature, that works the exact same as it did on version 1.x. Unfortunately, /ap convert does not convert rewards/milestones yet. This will be added in the next version.
- You can now disable /ap shop in the config.

If no major issues occur, the next update will most likely be the full release of version 2.0. This means that it will be considered stable and support for 1.x will be dropped.
----------, Oct 3, 2021

- Updated XSeries/XMaterials fixing multiple issues on 1.12 and below.
----------, Sep 1, 2021

- Fixed an issue where player data would sometimes not be removed from memory, potentially causing a memory leak.
----------, Jul 6, 2021

- Changed the way player data loads to hopefully prevent sync issues on bungeecord networks.
- Improved performance, especially on larger servers.
----------, Jul 6, 2021

- Added support for 1.17.


- Updated XSeries to 8.0.0.
----------, Jun 14, 2021

- Fixed an issue where the timeout option was missing for the MobKill action, causing an error each time a mob is killed.
- Fixed an issue where the timeout option was missing for the PlayerKill action, causing an error each time a player is killed.
----------, Feb 15, 2021

- Fixed the plugin not working properly when SQLite was used on a normal Spigot installation(it worked on PaperSpigot).
- Fixed the PlaceholderAPI placeholder not working.
----------, Feb 15, 2021

NOTE: There are a few changes to message on reward in the settings.yml. These message settings will reset so please reconfigure them.

- Added mob kill action.
- Added player kill action.
- Added title and actionbar support when the player completes an action.
----------, Jan 25, 2021

The stable folder in the previous 2 versions contained the alpha-2 jar instead of the stable jar. This has now been changed.
----------, Jan 7, 2021

Now that SuperLuckyBlock 4.0 has reached the beta phase I will be trying to focus more on finishing this ActionPoints rewrite. Expect more updates :)


- Added the following placeholder for PlaceholderAPI: %actionpoints_balance%.
- Added support for FactionsUUID.
- Added support for Votifier
----------, Dec 17, 2020

- Added timeouts to all actions to prevent players from getting a lot of points by doing really easy actions.
----------, Sep 30, 2020

I am really sorry for the lack of activity on this resource. This rewrite took way longer than I hoped but I finally have an Alpha version ready with some big changes.

Please take a look at it in a non-production environment. All feedback is appreciated

New Discord
From now on, support will only be provided on my discord server(faster and recommended way) and in Spigot PMs. You can join the discord here:

Changelog & Info
- Completely rewrote the plugin for better stability, improved performance, and removal of features that I considered not useful.
- Added an experimental implementation of a much-requested feature, a shop GUI where ActionPoints can be used.
- All old vanilla(not plugin related) actions are available in this alpha version.
- Currently, there are little to no abuse prevention features like timeout, these will be implemented ASAP.
- Old user data is NOT compatible! The SQL structure has been changed and support for YAML files has been removed. Instead of YAML files, SQLite will be used instead.
- 1.12 is not officially supported yet in ALPHA-1, but it may work if you use the correct material names.
- Some features and actions are still missing, these will be added over time. Your feedback will be appreciated :)
----------, Sep 9, 2020

This is not really an update but I wanted to announce that the plugin has been confirmed to work on 1.15 and I will now provide support for that version.
----------, Dec 24, 2019

- Fixed an issue when resetting someone's point balance, their reward level would not reset which would result in players not getting their rewards.
----------, Nov 24, 2019

Note: I haven't been able to update this plugin as much as I wanted, but I will change this. I have some nice plans for future.


- Updated HikariCP to 3.3.1
- Updated Remain to the latest version.
- Updated Designer to the latest version.
- ActionPoints now works with SuperLuckyBlock 3.0 and higher.
- All MySQL operations are async now(only update queries were before). This should be a HUGE performance increase. The plugin will have less impact on the TPS now. The plugin also used to delay joining because they weren't async so this should be solved too.
----------, Aug 5, 2019

- Added support for 1.14.X.

- Updated Remain and Designer to the latest version.

- SuperLuckyBlock is now listed as a soft-dependency again. I forgot I changed the name in the rewrite.
- Some issues have been fixed by updating Remain and Designer.
----------, Jun 1, 2019

- Updated CompatBridge to Remain(CompatBridge rename) 3.0.1
- Updated UIDesigner to Designer(UIDesigner rename) 3.0.2
- Fixed download, previous upload didn't work.

Both these things should fix some issues that were present.
----------, Apr 26, 2019

- Player information(point balance etc) will now be loaded 10 seconds after the player joined. This is so that when switching servers on a bungeecord network the database has time to sync. This will also improve login times and performance in general when mysql is used.
----------, Mar 24, 2019

- You can now use /actionpoints give on offline players.
- You can now use /actionpoints take on offline players.
- You can now use /actionpoints reset on offline players.
- You can now use /actionpoints set on offline players.

- Improved the way the plugin gets the playerdata
- Moved around some methods. The API has not been changed.
----------, Mar 17, 2019

- Added a cooldown option for most of the non-plugin actions. This requires players to wait between actions to get their points and prevents abuse.
----------, Feb 26, 2019

- Added an option to the config to not reset a player's balance (Rewards.DoNotReset). This allows users to use ActionPoints as an EXP or economy system.
----------, Feb 14, 2019

- Fixed an error on startup when ASkyBlock was installed.
----------, Feb 10, 2019

- Added the NoNegativeBalance option to the config. When set to true, players can't have a negative balanace, when set to false they can.
----------, Jan 29, 2019

- Added the possibiltity to execute a command when a player drops below their reward level.
Code (YAML):
 Rewards :
    # When the player's point balance is equal to or greater than the specified amount of points, player's balance will be reset and the player will be able to get all rewards again.
: 2000
    # When enabled, commands starting with an exclamation mark(= !) will be executed when
    # a player drops below the reward level.
: false
    # Commands to execute when reaching a specific amount of points. Don't include the /.
    # Format:
    # {points}:
    #   - eco give %player% 200
    #   - !eco take %player% 200
    #   Message: "{message here}"
        # Executes when reaching reward level
        - "eco give %player% 50"
        # Executes when dropping below reward level
        - "!eco take %player% 50"
: "You are just getting started %player%..."
----------, Jan 19, 2019

- Added a config cache which should greatly improve performance.
- Did some little performance tweaks,

- Fixed a pretty big performance issue with the block place action.
----------, Jan 14, 2019

- Added the permission actionpoints.balance for the /actionpoints balance command.
- Added the permission actionpoints.balance.others for the /actionpoints balance [player] command.

- Messages won't display negative numbers anymore.

- Fixed an issue which sometimes caused a balance to still be set to a negative number instead of zero.
----------, Dec 29, 2018

- You can now use /actionpoints balance on other players. Usage; /actionpoints balance [player]. The player has to be online!
----------, Dec 28, 2018

Don't have an update ready yet, and won't get it ready in time, but merry christmas everyone! Enjoy the sale :)
----------, Dec 25, 2018

- [BETA] A ranking system. Your config should be updated automatically, but I'll add the default ranking configuration here just in case:
Code (YAML):
Settings :
  # Ranks are configured the same way as rewards, except that you have to specify a string with the rank name instead of a command.
: false
    # This rank should not be removed
      # This value is used for the %actionpoints_fullrank% placeholder.
: "&6Wood"
      # This value is used for the %actionpoints_rankprefix% placeholder.
: "&6[W]"
: "&eGold"
: "&e[G]"
: "&7Iron"
: "&7[I]"
: "&bDiamond"
: "&b[D]"
: "&5Obsidian"
: "&5[O]"
- Added %actionpoints_fullrank% and %actionpoints_rankprefix% to display the configurable names.
----------, Dec 20, 2018

- Added a /actionpoints set command which sets the player's balance to the specified number.

- A player's balance can't go negative anymore.

API Additions
- Added a setActionPoints method.
----------, Dec 16, 2018

- Added the actionpoints.norewards permission so you can exclude players from getting rewards. More features will be added soon which require this permission to be granted.
----------, Dec 15, 2018

- Added the ability to create your own questions. You can use /apadmin addquestion for this.

- Rewrote the command system a bit. Some commands have changed a bit. For an up to date command overview, see the spoiler below.

- Improved the way trivia questions are handled.

/actionpoints help - Displays the help page.
/actionpoints balance - Shows your balance.
/actionpoints give <player> <amount> - Give a player the specified amount of actionpoints.
/actionpoints reset <player> - Resets a player's balance.
/actionpoints beg - Get some gold... Or maybe not?
/actionpoints daily - Claim your daily reward.
/actionpoints trivia - Answer a trivia question to get some points.

/apadmin help - Displays this page.
/apadmin reload - Reloads the config.
/apadmin addquestion - Add a custom question to trivia.
----------, Dec 14, 2018

- Added an option to not award points for blocks placed by a player.

- Hopefully fixed an error with the ItemCraft action(could not reproduce it so can't test it).
- Fixed some potential issues with LeaderHeads as I accidentally shaded the LeaderHeads API into the jar.
----------, Dec 2, 2018

- Fixed an issue which caused you to not be able to remove rewards.
----------, Nov 30, 2018

- Added support for LeaderHeads. For more info see the resource page.
- Added a land claim action for the Lands plugin.
- Added a point decay system. Every 24 hours the plugin will check when offline players last played, and if the last time they played is longer than the days you specified they will get removed the specified points each day of inactivity.

- Fixed some loop bug on startup when PlaceholderAPI was installed.
----------, Nov 24, 2018

- Added an update checker
- Added a reload command.
----------, Nov 23, 2018

- All features that were red on the main page(a lot).

- A bug with saving trivia time on reboot.
----------, Nov 22, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 135
First Release: Nov 21, 2018
Last Update: Mar 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings