I am really sorry for the lack of activity on this resource. This rewrite took way longer than I hoped but I finally have an Alpha version ready with some big changes.
Please take a look at it in a non-production environment. All feedback is appreciated
New Discord
From now on, support will only be provided on my discord server(faster and recommended way) and in Spigot PMs. You can join the discord here:
Changelog & Info
- Completely rewrote the plugin for better stability, improved performance, and removal of features that I considered not useful.
- Added an experimental implementation of a much-requested feature, a shop GUI where ActionPoints can be used.
- All old
vanilla(not plugin related) actions are available in this alpha version.
- Currently, there are little to no abuse prevention features like timeout, these will be implemented ASAP.
Old user data is NOT compatible! The SQL structure has been changed and support for YAML files has been removed. Instead of YAML files, SQLite will be used instead.
- 1.12 is not officially supported yet in ALPHA-1, but it may work if you use the correct material names.
- Some features and actions are still missing, these will be added over time. Your feedback will be appreciated