Grim Anticheat icon

Grim Anticheat -----

Fully async, multithreaded, predictive, open source, 3.01 reach, 0.01% speed, 1.8-1.21 anticheat

Revised setbacks and config
Riptide false when spamming click fixed
Riptide false when riptide attacking another entity (multiplying delta movement by (1, -0.2, 1) with mojang's generous detection fixed
Reworked the config system
- All current configs will be reset and renamed
- Config translation is now possible. Currently there are only configs in english
- Moved plugin messages to a separate config file
- Added the ability to execute custom commands on punishments

Reworked violations:
- Violation level is now determined based on violations in the past X amount of time
- The default amount of time is measuring the amount of violations in the past 5 minutes for the check
- This allows admins to know which check is being executed, while making other similar checks more sensitive.
- Violations are now grouped together into several categories.
Packet based setbacks

- The setbacks are now unable to override any other teleports. This makes grim setbacks very safe and prevents theoretical exploits such as cross overworld/nether exploitation.
- The setbacks are now up to 50 ms faster as grim no longer has to wait on the minecraft server's main thread
- The setbacks now resend knockbacks and explosions to the player and simulates it for them. This forces users to take knockback.
- The setbacks now send the player velocity to make the setbacks more fluid. This also gives other players the appearance that cheaters are moving legit at lower latencies.
Fixed some packet metadata errors on older server versions
Bugs with grim permissions were fixed
Fixed a spider bypass
Fixed antikb/explosion/noslow false near boats or pistons
Fixed placing things from vehicles
Fixed interpolating vehicles
Fixed scaffolding block tracking
Fixed users being able to place ghost blocks on 1.18.2 servers, caused by mojang adding a way to place ghost blocks 100% of the time on 1.18.2. Thanks, Mojang.
Fixed setbackVL = -1 not having any effect
Updated packetevents to fix various issues outdated server versions
Added some basic scaffolding checks
----------, Apr 6, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 319,997
First Release: Feb 11, 2022
Last Update: Jan 30, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
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