MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts icon

MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts -----

Create wonderful mounts and pets for your server

Version: MCPets 4.1.4 for 1.21+
[23:31:35 ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling MCPets v4.1.4 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ticxo/modelengine/api/mount/controller/MountControllerSupplier
at MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar/ ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar/fr.nocsy.mcpets.MCPets.loadConfigs( ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar/fr.nocsy.mcpets.MCPets.onEnable( ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at ~[paper-api-1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-api-1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$2( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at java.base/ ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ticxo.modelengine.api.mount.controller.MountControllerSupplier
at ~[paper-api-1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at ~[paper-api-1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ~[?:?]
... 15 more
[23:31:35 INFO]: [MCPets] Disabling MCPets v4.1.4
[23:31:35 INFO]: -=-=-=-= MCPets disable =-=-=-=-
[23:31:35 INFO]: See you soon
[23:31:35 INFO]: -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-
[23:31:35 ERROR]: Error occurred while disabling MCPets v4.1.4
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ticxo/modelengine/api/mount/controller/MountControllerSupplier
at MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar/fr.nocsy.mcpets.MCPets.onDisable( ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at ~[paper-api-1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.disablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.disablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin( ~[paper-api-1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-api-1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$2( ~[paper-1.21.4.jar:1.21.4-174-5e2a3bc]
at java.base/ ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ticxo.modelengine.api.mount.controller.MountControllerSupplier
at ~[paper-api-1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at ~[paper-api-1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]

Do I need to purchase the ModelEngine 4 Developer Edition to use this plug-in?
ModelEngine4.0.7 does not support pet plug-in

Version: MCPets 4.1.4 for 1.21+
[16:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling MCPets v4.1.4 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityMountEvent
at ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at fr.nocsy.mcpets.MCPets.loadConfigs( ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at fr.nocsy.mcpets.MCPets.onEnable( ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityMountEvent
at ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ~[?:?]
... 15 more
[16:02:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [MCPets] Disabling MCPets v4.1.4
[16:02:41] [Server thread/INFO]: -=-=-=-= MCPets disable =-=-=-=-
[16:02:41] [Server thread/INFO]: See you soon
[16:02:41] [Server thread/INFO]: -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-
[16:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred (in the plugin loader) while disabling MCPets v4.1.4 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityMountEvent
at fr.nocsy.mcpets.MCPets.onDisable( ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.disablePlugin( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.disablePlugin( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin( ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityMountEvent
at ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ~[?:?]
... 16 more
Author's response
Hi! This error states that you are using an incompatible build between ModelEngine and MCPets. As stated in 4.1.3, MCPets is only compatible with ModelEngine 4, and I believe that's the error you are facing here.

Version: MCPets 4.1.4 for 1.21+
Amazing plugin! Works well with existing pet packs out there and is highly customizable. Waiting for a 1.21.4 update :)
Author's response
Hi! This plugin is already compatible with 1.21.4, you just need to use the appropriate ModelEngine and MythicMobs builds.

Version: MCPets 4.1.4 for 1.21+
al descargarlo para la version 1.20.1 me avisa q no funciona necesita de un complemento extra para q funcione el plugin??

Version: MCPets 4.1.4 for 1.21+
I really liked this plugin. I actively used it before and now I am waiting for the release of a version compatible with 1.21.1+
Author's response
Hi! This plugin is already compatible with 1.21.4, you just need to use the appropriate ModelEngine and MythicMobs builds.

Version: MCPets 4.1.4 for 1.21+
[19:25:28 ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling MCPets v4.1.4 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta.setItemName(java.lang.String)'
at ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at<init>( ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at<clinit>( ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at fr.nocsy.mcpets.MCPets.loadConfigs( ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at fr.nocsy.mcpets.MCPets.onEnable( ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at ~[paper-api-1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-497]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-497]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-api-1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-497]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-497]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-497]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-497]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-497]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-497]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.20.4.jar:git-Paper-497]
at ~[?:?]
Author's response
Hi! As your error states, you're using Spigot 1.20.4 with a version only available for 1.21+ (see the build's title), hence your error. You need to download the appropriate build to get it working.

Version: MCPets 4.1.4 for 1.21+
[12:56:33 ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling MCPets v4.1.4 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ticxo/modelengine/api/mount/controller/MountControllerSupplier
at MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar/ ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar/fr.nocsy.mcpets.MCPets.loadConfigs( ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar/fr.nocsy.mcpets.MCPets.onEnable( ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at ~[paper-mojangapi-1.21.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-mojangapi-1.21.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at java.base/ Source) ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ticxo.modelengine.api.mount.controller.MountControllerSupplier
at ~[paper-mojangapi-1.21.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at ~[paper-mojangapi-1.21.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
... 15 more
[12:56:33 INFO]: [MCPets] Disabling MCPets v4.1.4
[12:56:33 INFO]: -=-=-=-= MCPets disable =-=-=-=-
[12:56:33 INFO]: See you soon
[12:56:33 INFO]: -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-
[12:56:33 ERROR]: Error occurred while disabling MCPets v4.1.4
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ticxo/modelengine/api/mount/controller/MountControllerSupplier
at MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar/fr.nocsy.mcpets.MCPets.onDisable( ~[MCPets 4.1.4-1.21+.jar:?]
at ~[paper-mojangapi-1.21.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.disablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.disablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin( ~[paper-mojangapi-1.21.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-mojangapi-1.21.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.21.1.jar:1.21.1-15-11b4ac7]
at java.base/ Source) ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ticxo.modelengine.api.mount.controller.MountControllerSupplier
at ~[paper-mojangapi-1.21.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at ~[paper-mojangapi-1.21.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
... 16 more
Author's response
Hi! This error states that you are using an incompatible build between ModelEngine and MCPets. As stated in 4.1.3, MCPets is only compatible with ModelEngine 4, and I believe that's the error you are facing here.

Version: MCPets 4.1.3 MEG4
Please add 1.20.2+ support, I can spawn my pets but I can't mount them and they won't despawn anymore.

Version: MCPets 4.1.3 MEG4
Very good plugin. Hope it can support the mythic 5.7.0 version. It cannot be used in 1.21.
Author's response
1.21 is being worked on! I should release it anytime soon.

Version: MCPets 4.1.3 MEG4
Very good model plugin. Can I transfer it to KLPBBS(, I believe more people will like it.

Version: MCPets 4.1.3 MEG4
I requested support through Discord, but
The managers said I was a nuisance and banned me, so the problem is still not resolved.
Author's response
I don't recall banning anyone for that reason, you can contact me on Discord if you got banned by mistake!

Version: MCPets 4.1.3 MEG4
Nice plugins, my users will love the pets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: MCPets 4.1.3 MEG4
Plugin is good but it has a very bad negative thing. For some reason it is not possbible to mount anything

Version: MCPets 4.1.3 MEG4
this plugin good but i cant used it when i use command the plugin say i cant use this because it have an error
Author's response
Please reach out on Discord! The team will be glad to help =)

Version: MCPets 4.1.2 - MEG4
A great plugin, I highly recommend using it.
But I have a suggestion, do you have plans to create a skill list in the future? Does it feel cool for RPG game type pets to be able to customize their skills?
Author's response
Hi! You mean like reference skills?

Version: MCPets 4.1.2 - MEG4
the plugin is perfect, but I miss one thing, the pets don't sync between servers. It would be perfect if there was this synchronization between bungeecord/velocity
Author's response
Yeah sadly no support for that ATM. I'm still waiting for someone to test that feature on a bungee with me :(

Version: MCPets 4.1.2 - MEG4
Great plugin, it would be great if the author made another version that supports MEG 3, because I only bought MEG 3 and I don't know about MEG 4.
Author's response
I don't know how to support both ATM. Whenever I find the trick I'll add it back!

Version: MCPets 4.1.2 - MEG4
The best pets plugin, easy to use, the help on discord is fast and there are a lot of pets available.

Version: MCPets 4.1.2 - MEG4
MEG3 still works for the latest versions, I don't understand why stop supporting it and make us pay double for MEG4.
Author's response
Same comment as the one below, please have a look at my answer.

Version: MCPets 4.1.2 - MEG4
MEG3 is still getting updates. What is your reason for removing meg3 support? You don't need to bring anything new, it just works with MEG3.

Version: MCPets 4.1.2 - MEG4
Does not work for MEG3 anymore, atleast not properly - No response or new related to it either. This is a sad time.
Author's response
Hi! MEG3 and MEG4 share very different codes, and I don't know how to support both simultaneously. Since MEG4 improves performance drastically, I decided to upgrade to MEG4.

The code being open-source, any pull request to support both builds is more than welcome!

Version: MCPets 4.1.0 MEG4
It works.
Want to create your own pets? Not easy.
Wiki lacks all vital information, I asked for help on the discord and got very rude responses with no help, actually got mislead with false information...

Wiki lacks VITAL information on many features.
There are NO tutorials on YouTube.

I make plugins, I'm a game developer. It's the only reason I've been able to get this far into the plugin.

Plugins works great with only insignificant bugs.
They want you to pay for models, not make your own.
That's why their wiki and support is so lacking and rude.
Sure they got the basic information, but they're missing 40% of the information required for all their features.
Author's response
I'm sorry if you were welcomed on our Discord by rude people. I haven't seen such behavior personally, but I'm always glad to help! So feel free to ask help anytime and just @Nocsy if you wanna make sure I answer you =)

Version: MCPets 4.1.0 MEG4
Un gran trabajo de nocsy espero que siga aun asi trabajado fuerte con todo lo que hace para lograr todos sus objetivos!

Version: MCPets 4.1.0 MEG4
thanks for the extremely fast support <3 meg 4 was released yesterday and mcpets already has support 10/10

Version: 4.0.3
A really cool plugin. So far, I haven't had any issues with it either. The developer is very kind and takes time for new ideas and problem-solving to make sure it works for everyone. Can only recommend it.

Version: 4.0.1
As an avid Minecraft player, I've explored countless plugins over the years, but none have left me as awe-inspired and thrilled as the MCPets plugin. It's hands down the best plugin I have ever used in my entire Minecraft journey! If you're a fellow player with a passion for creativity and a love for pets, look no further - MCPets is the ultimate pet customization dream come true!

One of the most outstanding features of MCPets is its limitless potential for imagination. With this plugin, you can bring to life any pet you can think of, no matter how wild or fantastical your ideas may be. The freedom to create pets without any limitations sparks endless possibilities for every player. From mythical creatures to adorable companions, the power to shape and design pets is truly unparalleled.

Furthermore, the compatibility of MCPets with other fantastic plugins like Model Engine and MythicMobs is a match made in Minecraft heaven! The seamless integration of these plugins enhances the overall gaming experience to an extraordinary level. Imagine your custom-designed pets interacting dynamically with other plugins, adding layers of depth and excitement to your gameplay.

The user interface of MCPets is incredibly user-friendly, making the process of pet creation intuitive and straightforward. Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, you'll find MCPets to be accessible and easy to use.

Additionally, the developer support for MCPets is top-notch. Regular updates ensure that the plugin remains stable, compatible with the latest Minecraft versions, and enriched with new features. It's evident that the developer has a genuine passion for their creation, as they actively listen to the community's feedback and implement improvements accordingly.

In conclusion, if you've ever dreamed of having the freedom to create and customize pets beyond your wildest imagination, MCPets is the plugin you've been searching for. Its endless creative potential, seamless integration with other plugins, and user-friendly interface make it the crown jewel of Minecraft pet plugins. I can confidently say that MCPets has brought a whole new level of excitement to my Minecraft adventures. Don't miss out on this phenomenal experience - give MCPets a try, and you'll never look back!

Kudos to the developer for this incredible masterpiece! MCPets has undoubtedly earned its place as the best plugin I have ever used in my life.

Version: 4.0.0
Great plugin, Nocsy always responds to feedback/suggestions and helps out on his discord, never experienced a critical bug of any sorts.
The only way to further improve this plugin would be to add a husky pet, otherwise its literal perfection

Version: 4.0.0
Amazing plugin! Based of MythicMobs and ModelEngine, this plugin creates a way to add amazing pets to your minecraft server. Yes, you can go crazy with stuff and spend a lot of money on external resources, but using just the free resources you can do a lot of great stuff, not to mention all the amazing tutorials that have been made to make your own pets!

People wo give this plugin a low rating clearly have not even read the description and are expecting magic based on the title only with minimal/no own effort.

The dev is transparent, helpfull and overall a good dude who is super active in his discord. He's able to help with any issue.

In short, this plugin requires a tiny bit of effort to fully set up, but is able to do a lot of great stuff even using only free resources!

Version: 4.0.0
you have to hundrets of $ more for plugins and models to get it to work. ...........
Author's response
The heck is that comment xD That's blatantly not true

Version: 3.1.1
10/10 does exactly what its advertised to do. Discord support is excellent as well!

Version: 3.1.1
Plugin comes with only one free "pet". There is nothing else, but this one singular pet. Did I mention you need to download it from an external website, and it's pretty hidden?

This plugin is entirely powered by ModelEngine and MythicMobs.

This plugin does nothing, other than make the "pets" follow you.

There isn't even vanilla "pets", and you cannot create custom pets from already existing MythicMobs, you are forced to create config files for every single mob you have.

It's impressive how this plugin rides the back of MythicMobs and ModelEngine, yet the developer claims it to be extremely "diverse" and it has a complex "skill and behavior" system, when in reality it is built into MythicMobs, and all this plugin does is make the mob follow you.
Author's response
Hi ! You can create pets from existing MythicMobs, that's the whole point of MCPets.

MCPets has some great implementations as evolutions, taming, player interaction signals, and so on, that makes the interface between MythicMobs and ModelEngine =)

Besides your comment being harsh for a free plugin, I feel like it is unjustified and blatantly untrue, especially when I can not recall having any chat with you on our Discord about it. But so be it!

Version: 3.1.1
There is a problem, if I'm not in creative, my pet disappears after logging out and logging in. Tamed everything works, but it is necessary to go out and he will disappear.
Author's response
Hi! There's an option for logging respawn, did you have a look at it ? If not, feel free to join the Discord so I can help you =)

Version: 3.1.1
Remember that the review space is only for commenting on the plugin and the things it ADDS, not what it should have.

This plugin for the immense amount of work and quality it has could be premium quietly. Nocsy (the dev) is always willing to help and assertively answer any question. I definitely prefer this plugin over AdvancedPets a million times. It is a work of art without much to say or exaggerate.

Thanks a lot! (Also check the creator's mcmodels, they are unique)

Version: 3.0.4
MCPets is a game-changer for Minecraft. It allows you to create pets with any behavior, skills, and effects using MythicMobs and ModelEngine. The customization options are endless, making each pet unique and captivating. It's user-friendly and takes pet customization to new heights. A must-have for Minecraft enthusiasts.

Version: 3.0.4
it has some bugs and small problems, but it is without a doubt one of the best pet plugins around.

Version: 3.0.2
great plugin unfortunately not working on 1.19.3 and 1.19.4 that includes version 3.0.3 on discord :(
Author's response
Hi! Can you join the discord so we can look into the issue ? I'm pretty sure it works fine on these versions, though I can be wrong =)

Version: 3.0.2
It's very good the truth an incredible job by aracneon but missing the suggestions that gives them the community not saying that all suggestions can be colcoadas or are 100% necessary but some have good clean section that could be applied.

Version: 3.0.2
I'd love to rate this more but this plugin NEEDS a way to use vanilla mobs as pets. Forcing us to install a resource pack limits the ways this plugin can be used and ultimately brings people to find a different plugin
Author's response
Hi! Indeed, ModelEngine is a requirement which ultimately relies on texture packs. I'm sorry if it doesn't suit your expectations. I'm pretty sure a lot of plugin out there perform similar behavior with vanilla mob support =) !

Version: 3.0.2
I have the plugins installed on my server and can I use the command to give the player a pet?
Author's response
Reach out on discord! =)

Version: 3.0.2
Somehow some messages changes don't apply to the plugin, but it's a good plugin. Can't wait for an Update!
Author's response
Did you already get an answer in the support channel of the discord ? If not, please open a ticket

Version: 3.0.2
Does not support 1.16, although in fact it is possible to implement it! When there is support, I will change my review
Author's response
1.16 was supported at some point, but it requires too many code tweaks to retrograde, especially now with major changes in MythicMobs source and ModelEngine. Sadly it is not planned to be adapted for now.

Version: 3.0.2
this plugin is perfect, just waiting for the 19.3 compatible version cause my server is updating there soon
Author's response
I think it's already working fine for 1.19.3 ?

Version: 3.0.2
This is free but the api required is not. Please provide free version for public to use
Author's response
Both ModelEngine and MythicMobs come with non-premium versions =)

Version: 3.0.2
It's sad that this beauty plugin doesn't have support for 1.16x, but I have hopes that at some point he will somehow support it.

Version: 3.0.1
The best pet plugin in the spigot market, the dev is also very friendly and will help you with all your questions and suggestions. 5/5*

Version: 3.0.1
nice plugin,but if i moved too far,my pet is not gonna tp to me,and if i return to the place that it lost me,it just disapeared
Author's response
Hi ! Can you join the discord so we can nail out this issue ? =)

Version: 3.0.1
This is actually a really cool plugin. Honestly, if you were to release a premium version of this I'd totally buy it. Underrated. Thanks for the amazing resource
Author's response
Hi ! Thanks for that nice review =)
Our patreon is our way to make the plugin "premium" in a way that you get new pets to implement on your server every month :3
The resources can be very costly if you want to have high quality pets on your server. Hence I decided to keep MCPets free, since it's already quite expensive in its own way =)

Version: 3.0.1
This plugin is really cool! I had a few issues configuring this one correctly and I was amazed at how quickly the support responded! Honestly they must have taken 2 minutes maximum if not less! I highly recommend this plugin, it is very intuitive and easy to use :D Love

Version: 3.0.1
muy bueno el plugin y me encanta todo lo que podemos hacer, lamento tener problemas con modelengine que aun sigue muy verde y no puedo usarlo correctamente pero ya cuando salga completo lo podre usar en mi servidor de red.

Version: 2.0.1
I can't enter the discord because my cell phone number got bugged in discord. This plugin has confused me like never before. No matter how many versions of plugins I combine, something always goes wrong. Either the pets don't spawn, or they replicate indefinitely, or the models look bad, or the features come and go. I spent hours looking for the permits until I found them scattered on different pages. When all the functions seemed to work correctly, it turns out that the models look bad. Is it because models have versions too? Or is it that nothing works without ModelsEngine premium 3.0?
Author's response
Hi ! Sorry that you couldn't join MCModels Discord. Try to join my private Discord so we can look into that together :

Or contact me in DM on Discord at Nocsy#4967

Version: 2.0.1
Great, open source and free plugin.
Gotta catch them all!

Version: 2.0.1
The best pet plugin on spigot, i would recommend to everyone. My players really enjoy having these in the server.

Version: 2.0.0
org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Cannot execute command 'mcpets:pets' in plu
gin MCPets v2.0.0 - plugin is disabled.
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[pat
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
9) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServ ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
nd( ~[app:?]
at ~[app:?]
at ~[app:?]
at ~[app:?]
at ~[app:?]
Thread$1( ~[app:?]
at ~[patched_1.17.1.
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.doRunTask(BlockableEvent ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantBlockableEventLoop.doRunTask(Reent ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.doRunTask(
426) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.executeTask(
:192) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.pollTask(BlockableEventL ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTaskInternal(MinecraftServer
.java:1404) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTask(
97) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.managedBlock(BlockableEv ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.waitUntilNextTick(MinecraftServe ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(
286) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.ja
va:319) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at ~[?:?]
Author's response
Hi, this error just says the plugin is disabled. Please join the discord to ask for help so we can figure it out =)

Version: 2.0.0
not bad . .

Version: 2.0.0
Nocsy est un développeur très investi, McPets est le meilleur plugin de pets sur le marché (pour les avoir tous testé) et de nombreuses nouveautés sont à venir ! Je recommande à 200%

Nocsy is a very dedicated developer, McPets is the best fart plugin on the market (having tested them all) and there are many new features to come! I recommend them 200%.

Version: 1.0.4
Very good model plugin. Can I transfer it to MCBBS, I believe more people will like it.
Author's response
Hi, what is MCBBS ?

Version: 1.0.4
such a simple yet complex & easy plugin for setting up custom mobs / pets! 5/5 would download again.

Version: 1.0.4
please add an option to disable only the damage of the players on the pets, like a worldguard flag or something please it's the best pets plugin :'(

Version: 1.0.4
dosent support cross server pets, and thats a big disadvantage if you use bungeecord
Author's response
Coming up next update =) you can have a look at the upcoming features here :

Version: 1.0.4
pls add mount option and mount can fly thank you . it is a best plugins pet i very like it
Author's response
Hey ! You can already make flying mounts with MCPets =) You just have to set the "MountingType" to "flying".
Here is a pack I made that uses this mechanic :

Version: 1.0.3
Best pet plugin if you use mythicmobs
Very fast support and the dev is very kind :D
I love this plugin

Version: r1.0.0
The plugin has very little documentation of it and for most of the time we had to configure everything without knowing anything.

But the worst thing is the support they offer us on the discord, I have literally asked them there and at first they answered me but then they stopped doing it. And they didn't even reply to my partner.
The only thing that makes me happy about this experience is having met MythicMobs and ModelEngine, those are worth their price in gold
Author's response
Hey ! I'm sorry for the service you may have faced. We've been very busy lately. Yet if you still face any issue make sure to tag @Admin in the Discord so you'll get an answer in a short amount of time.

Version: r1.0.0
Support Geysermc? Btw Its Good Plugin I Like It, I Hope Support Geyser Mc, But This Plugin Has Some Bug, Will Couse The Server To Crash

Version: r1.0.5
Invalid discord link ?? ^^' And Its a very good plugins of pets, 5 Stars

but my pet disappear when I change my world or teleport to another player :/

Version: r1.0.5
Me ha gustado bastante esté plugin, ya que tiene mecánicas interesantes y está logrado. Espero q lo sigáis actualizando.

Version: r1.0.4
First Impression : WOW! Love the little otter guy that comes with this. Very easy to setup and config. Using the Mexbot Taiga pack for more pets was super easy as well. Have not noticed ANY issues with performance.

Version: r1.0.3
Very good plug-in, but there are fatal bugs. Will cause the server to crash. The author still has no fixes.
Author's response
Hey ! would you mind reporting me the bug as well as your version of advanced pet ? I need more info to fix this

Version: r1.0.3
This plugin adds so cool and cute pets. You should give them superpowers or they can help you with something like mining.
Author's response
Thanks <3

This kind of features can be achieved through MythicMobs =)
Check out the order system you can implement on your pets on the wiki.

Version: 1.0.1
I mean premium-tier plugin. There is no more to say.
Downside is performance, sometines you cant get tps-loss lag-spikes.
But ey, time by time, plugin just realased boys.
Keep it up! <3

Version: r1.0.0
Imagine having a lagging server lol, just get that threadripper bro sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Version: r1.0.0
Lags a lot, players complaining about performance issues as well mobs are not smooth riding kinda is bad sometimes
Author's response
Do not hesitate to send me a lag report, I'll see how I could fix it =)

Version: 0.3.0
It would be great if support is added in lower versions such as 1.13,1.14,1.15,1.16.

Version: 0.3.0
This plug-in gives unlimited possibilities. I look forward to its growth. After all, it is associated with MythicMobs and ModelEngine. This is a perfect association. It is a rich model of pets obtained by players. I think my players will like it.

Version: 0.2.1
Amazing plugin, i wonder if you could maybe add level system in future :)

Great job

Version: 0.2.1
Compatible with mythicsmobs and model engine, that’s just INSANE! 10/5

Version: 0.2.0
Excellent. Seriously.

Simple to make configs, Easy to setup and example files that tell you everything you need to know.

You got Mythic Mobs and Model engine on your server?
Want some cute stuff for your players?

This is the perfect plugin for you.

I hope this becomes even more amazing over time

Version: 0.1.0
This is amazing, I've been looking for a plugin like this forever, the only suggestion I would have is to allow people to "tame" mythicmobs to turn them into pets, using either a vanilla item or custom item using an item registered with mythicmobs, so it would work with custom model data. I can't wait to see how this plugin advances!

Version: 0.1.0
This plugin has great potential and already does everything I initially want out of the box, looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Version: 0.1.0
I was stunned, this is a magical plug-in, I look forward to having more features, such as feeding pets, pets slowly grow into another appearance over time

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 46,792
First Release: Nov 14, 2021
Last Update: Aug 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
73 ratings
Find more info at
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