Added the first iteration of the To-Do feature. You are now able to create To-Do items for your team, and your team can claim them.
Added an option to change the Discord bot's name and image.
New Commands:
- /todos
New Permissions:
- elyzium.todos - Enables the usage of the todos command & open the GUI
- elyzium.todos.claim - Allows to claim & change the status of existing to-do items for yourself
- elyzium.todos.delete - Allows to delete existing to-do items
- elyzium.todos.self - Allows to view all assigned to-dos (currently not an active feature yet)
Please remember, that this feature is in beta. There may be bugs, and there are many improvements and sub-features to be added to this feature.
NB! Add these fields into your locale file, in order to change the bot name and the Discord bot's image.
Code (Text):
bot-name: 'Elyzium Bot'
bot-image-url: ''