- Fix a critical issue to do with bans & mutes
- Another fix to the /punish command
- Fix an issue with banning/muting overrides
- Fix an issue with the /punish command
- Added color support to some places where it was missing
- Fixed "Unknown" player name in player management GUI
- NEW Command added - /speed <1-10> [player]
Allows you to change the walking & flying speed for yourself or another player given the permissions:
meduzaadmin.speed & meduzaadmin.speed.other
- Minor code bits' cleanup
Big 3.0.0 release:
- Massive feature changes
- Huge stability and optimization enhancements
- Catches some errors, that are currently producing meaningless and ugly error lines
- Added additional fields to available for translation
- Fix a very rare error for PlayerJoin event
- Fix random players online MOTD not working
- Fixes out of bounds errors on Join and Quit events
- Fixes the error thrown when provided Warning type is invalid. Now gracefully handles the error and notifies the CMD sender
- Minor optimization changes
- Slightly lighten the plugin by removing legacy code
- Added the first iteration of the
/alts or /dupeip command, which displays all of the alt accounts, of a given player or IP
- General bug fixes
- Some logic fixes regards fetching players by their IP (previously assumed only 1 player to be returned)
- Preparations for the /alts command
- You can now warn players with the following new syntax (no need for /warn add anymore) -
/warn <player> <severity> [--server:Server] [--t:Type] [--s] [reason]
- When banning players, you won't get the message of 'Player is not currently online', since that is somewhat irrelevant.
- Handle kicking better, when banning an offline player
- Add 'gm' alias for gamemode
NEW! Setting to disable commands while a player is muted. This is meant to be used to block commands such as /msg or /whisper for example, when a player is muted, so any kind of communication is blocked.
NB! Add the new `blocked-commands-if-muted` setting under the chat-system setting.
Code (Text):
# / ____| | | | /\|__ __| / ____\ \ / / ____|__ __| ____| \/ |
# | | | |__| | / \ | | | (___ \ \_/ / (___ | | | |__ | \ / |
# | | | __ | / /\ \ | | \___ \ \ / \___ \ | | | __| | |\/| |
# | |____| | | |/ ____ \| | ____) | | | ____) | | | | |____| | | |
# \_____|_| |_/_/ \_\_| |_____/ |_| |_____/ |_| |______|_| |_|
# These commands will be blocked for players if they are muted.
# This is a good setting to disable private messaging from various plugins
# if you want to make sure that muted players couldn't private message either
- msg
- Fix packet level Night Mode setting for Vanish. Previously, depending on MC versions, it could break. Make sure to use the latest ProtocolLib build, to get rid of any possible errors.
- Enhance loading of GUI items
- Fix some commands' arguments parsing since the new command update
- Fix some pagination issues with certain pages
- Register ticket create and list commands
Major update
NB! MeduzaCore 1.1 is required for this
(Download MeduzaCore 1.1 Here)
The entire commands' structure, and all commands included have been rewritten, to properly support disabling/enabling commands. You will now receive a commands.yml file in your Elyzium plugin folder, in which you can disable and enable commands, and add/remove command aliases.
This provides the much requested flexibility, of removing unwanted commands from the plugin.
After modifying commands.yml, make sure to reload/restart the server. Simply reloading the plugin does not apply the changes of disabling/enabling commands or changing aliases.
Since this is a new feature, and not all edge-cases could be tested, it would be much appreciated, if you reported all bugs in the official Meduza Studios Discord server.
- Added a new configuration file - disabledCommands.yml -, where you can list all of the commands you want to disable from Elyzium. This will be helpful when some commands conflict with other plugins' commands.
- Add Tab completer to many commands
- Start working on the API
- Fix some issues regards migration from Litebans
- Enhance the migration script from Litebans to Elyzium by handling edge-cases
- Fix some menu items not displaying correctly
- Fix some locale translations
- Fix bugs regards the ban and mute duration limitations
- Enhance the command parsing for IP mutes and bans
- Fix some GUI items
- Fix some code not running asynchronously.
- Various bug fixes
- Fix the Add New Warning menu Close and Confirm buttons
- Fix player info menu Gamemode item
- Ticket lists now immediately update in the GUI after editing a ticket
- Bans now kick player out immediately from any server, connected to the Proxy
- Fix status updating since last version
- Fix Todo GUI menu items
- Fix updating Ticket statuses, and the closedAt time and workedOnBy name and uuid
- tppos command now double checks the teleportation location, so you won't clip into blocks with your legs
- the kick command now works across all Bungee servers
New config.yml setting. Keep this setting true, if you're running Bungeecord.
Code (YAML):
# If bungeecord is set to true, banned players will be kicked from BungeeCord itself, and other cross-server
# functionality will be enabled.
: false
- Handle tppos command flags correctly
The following permissions now actually limit the permissions to various gamemodes.
Code (YAML):
New configuration setting!
Add the following to your config file (by default it's right under the
default-server-scope setting:
Code (YAML):
# This setting allows you to set a default timeout time (in seconds) for all chat prompts.
# (e.g. when writing up the description for your ticket).
# By default, it's 60 seconds, so you will have 60 seconds to answer any and all chat prompts.
: 60
- Fix teleporting between servers, when clicking on tickets
Teleport position has a new format
/tppos <x> <y> <z> [world] [--server:<server>] [--target:<targetName>] [--pitch:<pitch>] [--yaw:<yaw>]
- Fix the /ely help command
- Ban and mute reasons won't get chopped anymore when using flags in the command
- Fix clipping into blocks when vanished, and a certain setting enabled in the configuration files
- Un-vanishing does not properly work sometimes
For the changes to successfully take affect, delete the vanishedPlayersCache.yml file in /plugins/Elyzium/data folder.
- Update the ProtocolLib dependency package to v4.8.0
NEW Command! /tppos <x> <y> <z> <world> [--server:<server>] [--target:<targetName>]
- Patched a small issue regards an SQL query with HSQLDB
This command is also integrated to the tickets menu.
NB! For cross-server teleportation to be possible, you must place MeduzaCore and Elyzium into your Bungeecord Proxy server as well!
- Sometimes the duration limiter for mutes and bans got confused, when the player was OP. Should be handled now.
Fixed the displaying of long lores in GUI menus
NEW Permissions!
- elyzium.ban.limit.<duration> - limits the duration that can be used for ban commands
- elyzium.mute.limit.<duration> - limits the duration that can be used for mute commands
NB! Duration has to be the same kind of string you'd use in the commands (e.g. elyzium.ban.limit.24h)
Locale file has also been updated. The updated version is posted on the Wiki.
Fixes minor illogical behaviors, and catches some errors.
NEW Notification - Warning added
NEW Setting in config.yml under the notifications category.
Code (YAML):
# Set this setting true, to be notified (when they have this notification turned on) when someone creates a new ticket.
: true
NEW translation options!
- Requires locale file to be recreated (save old one, and re-create new one if wanted, or use the updated template from the Wikipedia)
- Fixed Discord duplicating notifications during one session
NEW Notification - Ticket Created
NEW Setting in config.yml under the notifications category.
Code (YAML):
# Set this setting true, to be notified (when they have this notification turned on) when someone creates a new ticket.
: true
NEW translation options!
- Requires locale file to be recreated (save old one, and re-create new one if wanted, or use the updated template from the Wikipedia)
- Fixed some issues regards the Discord webhook
Remove legacy code and lighten the jar slightly
Minor patches regards ticket creation GUI
- Fixed {command_syntax} placeholder
Fix censoredWords.yml file not being created
Fix Discord hook.
Preparations for punishment duration limits.
Added the first iteration of the To-Do feature. You are now able to create To-Do items for your team, and your team can claim them.
Added an option to change the Discord bot's name and image.
New Commands:
- /todos
New Permissions:
- elyzium.todos - Enables the usage of the todos command & open the GUI
- elyzium.todos.claim - Allows to claim & change the status of existing to-do items for yourself
- elyzium.todos.delete - Allows to delete existing to-do items
- elyzium.todos.self - Allows to view all assigned to-dos (currently not an active feature yet)
Please remember, that this feature is in beta. There may be bugs, and there are many improvements and sub-features to be added to this feature.
NB! Add these fields into your locale file, in order to change the bot name and the Discord bot's image.
Code (Text):
bot-name: 'Elyzium Bot'
bot-image-url: ''
- Fix some settings erroring from the 1.8.8 update due to incompatible types
- Fix locale issues related to Discord notification messages
- Fix issue with Discord Webhooks in the latest 1.8.8 version
Hotfixes some issues regards fetching the correct settings from the configuration file, and also MySQL connections
- Huge refactor of settings (preparations for setting management from the Web Application that connects all servers' configurations)
censoredWords.yml configuration now takes regex options, so you can censor words and sentences more flexibly now!
To use this new feature, you simply have to add a new regex option to your censoredWords.yml config in the following manner:
NB! Make sure the regex option has
[regex] in front of it & also that the entire block is surrounded by quotation marks. The regex can be as complex as you'd like.
Code (Text):
- example
- badword
- '[regex] f.ck'
The following regex would for example censor all words, that start with f, have any random character on the second slot, and then ends with ck.
A good website to build & test your own regex is
New Feature - Chat Lock
- Description - Lock the chat so nobody could talk while this is activated
- Command - /chatlock
- Permission - elyzium.chatlock
- Bypass Permission (to chat even with chatlock enabled) - elyzium.bypass.chatlock
NB! Changes are required in the config.yml! Add the following piece to your existing config.yml. Preferably right at the start of the Chat System section!
Code (YAML):
# This setting allows you to change the text displayed in the chat, when chat is locked or unlocked
- '&9➤ &bChat lock has been &aturned on'
- '&9➤ &bChat lock has been &cturned off'
- Add a setting to set a minimum word length that is eligible for caps filter check
Please add the following piece to your config.yml (preferably right under the caps-filter-threshold setting.
Code (YAML):
# This setting is a minimum length for words, to go through the caps filter check. If the word is under defined number of letters,
# then caps filter does not apply.
# Example: If this setting is set to 6, then HELLO will not trigger the caps filter, but HELLOO will trigger.
: 6
- Hotfix on inventory management - turn it off by default
- Certain parts of GUI are now updating right after the data for players gets changed
- Fix punishment commands not giving an error message, if the server scope is not defined by the player, not in the configuration
- Hotfixed the unspectating issue, where you wouldn't be teleported back to your initial spot, after unspectating a player
- The profanity filter now also works on signs, with the same settings it works on profanity in the chat
- Minor tweaks regards the profanity filter's accuracy
- Performance improvements
- Remove legacy code and refactor some features
- Preparations for new features
/punish <name> now opens up the punishment templates GUI, so no need to specify the template name anymore
!Massive changes for the Web Application!
- Clean up code & make the plugin lighter
- Fix /ely and /ely help for all 1.8.x Spigot versions
NB! This update is only necessary for those, whose server runs 1.8.x
- Fix players not getting kicked when online and got IP banned
- Update the IP ban, IP mute, IP unmute and IP unban commands, so that they now work with IP addresses as well. You may now simply do /ipban <ip-address> <server> and it'll ban that IP address.
- Fix /ely and /ely help commands for 1.8.x servers
Not a necessary update, unless your server runs 1.8
- Minor performance updates and bug fixes
- Added Freeze option to the player management GUI
- Fix Player Menu GUI title
- Fix MySQL Driver for Java 16
- Remove unused code
NB! This release contains various new features, and a lot of serious refactoring, so
bugs may occur. If you encounter any issues, please report them to Meduza on the Discord server, and the issues will get patched swiftly.
- Added the
/punish command (You can now punish players simply with punishment templates using the /punish command!) (The permission for this command is elyzium.punish, and in order to give access to various templates, you'd have to give them the following permission -
- Fixed IP Lock GUI view
- Added the option to disable Elyzium native inventory management for those who do not wish Elyzium to intervene with other inventory management plugins or who have multi-world inventory support on their server (Elyzium's native inventory management does not support multi-world inventories) - In order to use this feature, add the following to your config.yml
- Added code autocomplete to some commands
- Fixed
/ely help - you can now see all the commands directly in-game
Code (YAML):
# This setting toggles whether inventory management should be enabled.
# If this is true, then the player's inventory will be saved by the plugin and given to the player on each login.
# This allows you to modify the player's inventory offline.
# NB! This setting does not support multi-world inventories. If you want inventories to be separate on different worlds, disable this setting.
: true
Autocomplete for the punish command
- Fix /warn add command
- Fix some GUI locales
- Added default-server-scope field to the config file, which enables you to set a default server scope for punishment commands. This means you do not have to set servers in your punishments anymore (Previously - /ban <name> <server> [reason] => Now - /ban <name> [server] [reason])
Add this piece to your config.yml
Code (Text):
# This setting allows you to set a default server scope for all punishment commands. If this is set,
# then you do not have to provide a server when running punishments
# If you do not wish to use a default server scope, then set the value as ''
# If you wish to use the default server scope, then set the value as 'server-name' (e.g. 'hub', 'global')
default-server-scope: ''
- Fix minor issue regards SQLite queries
- Update DB drivers
- Fix a lot of GUIs which were not working properly due to item name parsing errors
- Fix some locale issues regards placeholders
- Make IP Lock GUI more responsive
- Hotfix some issues regards parsing IPs for comparisons
- Minor bugfixes regards GUI locales
Added IP Lock. You are now able to add IP locks for your staff team or other players. This means a player's account can only be accessed from certain IP addresses. This feature is meant for adding an extra layer of security.
New Permissions:
Code (Text):
description: Enables to toggle player's IP lock status.
description: Enables to modify player's locked IP and toggle the feature.
New Commands:
Code (Text):
/iplock toggle [player] - This command allows you to toggle a player's IP lock.
/iplock manage [player] - This command allows you to manage a player's IP lock.
New settings for your config.yml
Code (Text):
# _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _ __
# |_ _| __ \ | | / __ \ / ____| |/ /
# | | | |__) | | | | | | | | | ' /
# | | | ___/ | | | | | | | | <
# _| |_| | | |___| |__| | |____| . \
# |_____|_| |______\____/ \_____|_|\_\
# This setting allows you to enable the IP Lock, which means that each account can only be accessed from 1 IP address.
# If someone tries to connect to the account from a different IP address, they won't be allowed into the server.
# This setting enables IP lock upon the first login. The IP that they connected to the server with, will be their locked IP.
# NB! Be very careful with this setting, as it's quite powerful. Only enable it if you're 100% sure that this is what you need.
auto-enable: false
- Fix minor bugs regards locale
- Fix locale issues regards tickets GUI
- Fix irrelevant error message appearing when switching worlds and not vanished
Massive customization update: All GUIs are now fully translatable.
More translatability coming soon for everything else.
If any bugs are found, please report them on Discord.
- Fix relogging while vanished not keeping vanished state for certain features
- Fix the bug where you'd reappear from the Vanished state upon world change
- Fix inventory updating incorrectly in certain scenarios
- Fix SQLite connection getting closed by other plugins in certain cases
- Fix silent and announced warnings
- Fix warning creation GUI silent/add item
- Fix type parsing from warn add command
- Modify the broadcast style for announced warning