I don't know if it's a bug, however, players without command permissions can only click on gems before uncommon, the other types of gems after uncommon are only for infeite, however, who has OP, gets their exp
Thanks for the 5*! im actually setting writing up gem customization as we speak :D ill roll it out in the next update! and its great to see my plugin has reached as far as japan! :D
Version: 1.7.5
well plugin is good but it deos not disable vanilla xp orbs and everything is fine
Thanks for the 5*! i havent diabled the default EXP system because by doing so the mending enchantment wouldnt function, mending works on orb pick up so i just set the expdrop to 1 to keep things working as they should :)
Version: 1.7.5
Good plugin, but there's a way to disable it from monsters from mobspawners? :3
thanks for the 5*! i always welcome suggestions and any means to make my plugins better for you all :D
Version: 1.5
I really like this addon to vanilla minecraft, its very useful when trying to reach lvl 30 for enchantements and stuff. But the part I prefer is that because its an item, you can store it and only use it when you need xp points. So you don't loose them all on death!