Shop - the intuitive shop plugin icon

Shop - the intuitive shop plugin -----

An easy to use shop plugin with advanced features

Internals Update
This is a big update with many of the internals of shop changed. It took a ton of work to reach this point but you don't care about that right? That stuffs boring. What does this update mean for you?

  • More chat messages are now translatable! That's right! Just remove your old chatConfig.yml so that a new one can be generated!
  • Shop descriptions now show item tooltips that you can hover over with your mouse to view! Neat![​IMG]
  • Names of items are now more detailed! By using an internal database, item names now accurately reflect what they are. (Example, Pink Dye now reads as "Pink Dye" instead of "Ink Sack")
Thanks for being patient everyone! I have a few other major features planned and I will do my best to bring them to you as soon as possible. But for now, enjoy!

edit: There is a small bug that shows "CraftBukkit" instead of your server name in the chat when buying from an admin shop. I will roll this in with the next update since it is very minor.
----------, Apr 7, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,091
First Release: Jul 19, 2015
Last Update: Sep 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
289 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings