I have bought multiple plugins from this Author. He is very responsive, but hasn't pushed out a fix for a game breaking bug.
I reported this bug to this Dev over a month ago: The bug allows players to buy / sell to any shop purchasing / selling a custom lored / named item for just its base item.
This bug is game breaking, to say the least (especially for servers using custom named/lored items). I have been extremely patient, but it has been over a MONTH and no updates to fix this. Nothing.
I have tried this plugin's discussion page, and this plugin's private message. But I have been repetitively stone walled with the same response:
This is beyond ridiculous. I'd understand if it was something minor, but this renders this plugin basically unusable for my server and many other servers that use lore / named items.
TL;DR Do not buy, if you use custom items on your server, until the author patches a bug which allows players to convert a base item to any other lored / named item of the same type.