As the holiday season approaches, I feel it is my duty to spread a little bit of christmas cheer to all of you who have supported me throughout the months/years. So along with all of the new features that this update brings, I am also lowering the price of ALL of my premium plugins by 40% until the end of November to really kick off the season right! Now you can finally get that shiny new plugin you have been eyeing for the past few weeks!
Anyways, you're probably wondering what this new update brings so I guess I should get around to telling you!
Gambling shops have been transformed by some holiday magic! Unwrap those gifts and rediscover the magic of gambling away all of your hard earned money!
With the edition of Shulker Boxes in Minecraft 1.11, you were probably asking Santa for the ability to make some very portable new shops. Well cross that off your wish list because christmas came early this year! Along with this, the
items.tsv file has been updated with all of the new Minecraft 1.11 items!
And as always, here is a list of all notable bug fixes and changes:
Shop now requires Java 8. (This has been a long time coming and should not affect many of you)
Fix LARGE_ITEM display issues
Add an option in the config to disable metrics
Add two more sections in the signConfig.yml file for handling shops with no displays
Add another section in chatConfig.yml that allows even more messages to be translated
Custom hover chat events will now work with CraftBukkit servers
BUG: Fix operator permission issue with opening other players' shops
BUG: Fix WorldGuard hook errors that were thrown when WorldGuard was not installed
BUG: Prevent an unlikely but critical bug where players in limited creative could retain the creative game mode on a server crash
BUG: Fix issue that caused shop displays to be moved by hooking them with a fishing rod
Make sure to backup and remove the following files so that the new ones can be generated: