Shop - the intuitive shop plugin icon

Shop - the intuitive shop plugin -----

An easy to use shop plugin with advanced features

The Big 1.7 Update
Boys and girls! Men and women! Old people!
Are you ready for the best update of your life? Then hold on to your seat because it's about to get crazy!

Let's start with the most notable features and go from there shall we?

New shop type!

  • Gamble shops are a type of admin shop that have a universal price that is set via the config file
  • There is a 'use' permission but no 'create' permission for them since they are admin shops and therefore require the operator permission to create and destroy
  • They hook into the server and get all crafting recipe results so they can give out custom random items that other plugins have added to the server (such as Machines or Grappling Hooks)
Rewrote shop saving system!
  • This included removing the /shop save command as shops are no longer all saved at a single time to prevent saving issues
Shop is now event driven in the backend!
Players can now set their own display type on their shops!
  • By right clicking their sign, players can cycle through the display types on their shop and pick which one they like the best!
  • This added a new permission, shop.setdisplay
  • Operators can set the displays on other player's shops by shift-right clicking the shop sign
Shop now has the option to hook into WorldGuard! (Finally, right?)
  • A new option has been added to the main config file called hookWorldGuard
  • If this is set to true, Shops will only be able to be created in WorldGuard regions where the allow-shop flag is enabled. (Unless you are an operator of course)
Other notable features and bug fixes:
  • Added an option in the main config file to change the main /shop command. (So no more conflicts with other plugins using the same command!)
  • Added a /shop reload command so that you can reload the plugin without restarting the whole server.
  • Fix bug that prevented placing of boats and using offhand items when LARGE_ITEM display type was being used.
  • RepairCost item tag is now ignored in item transactions.
  • If a player can only create one shop type, their default is now that type when creating shops. (so they don't have to type barter every time if they are only allowed to create barter shops)
  • Added new format field in main config for displaying prices! (This allows you to display your currency symbol before or after the price)
  • Shop owners now get notified when their shop is out of stock! (But will not get spammed with the message.) (This also added more configurable messages.)
  • And lastly, (and I am very sorry about this one) I updated the permission nodes involving 'selling' and 'buying' to 'sell' and 'buy' respectively. (I know this means redoing permissions for a lot of you which I apologize for but it was a necessary change in the backend)
And that's that! Man, that was a wild ride! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it!
I just want to thank each and every one of you for supporting my work. It is truly a blessing.
Have a fantastic day!
----------, Sep 8, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,091
First Release: Jul 19, 2015
Last Update: Sep 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
289 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings