Shop - the intuitive shop plugin icon

Shop - the intuitive shop plugin -----

An easy to use shop plugin with advanced features

AreaShop support, bug fixes, and more messages!
Oh hey! I didn't see you there!

Well since were both here I may as well tell you about this new update I just wrote! What's that? You don't care? Well, I'm telling you anyway!

I added AreaShop support so that's kind of cool. Now all your AreaShops will have the support they need, and boy do they need it in these hard times.

I also fixed a bug that affected servers running on Minecraft 1.7 because Shop was trying to find ArmorStands when they didn't even exist yet. So now people can enjoy Shop while living in the past!

I also added the much requested initialization message to the chatConfig.yml file so that it can be translated! So be sure to remove your old file so that the new one can be generated!

That's it for now!
What's that? You want more? Well shoot, this wouldn't be a SnowGears update without a little shameless self-promotion now would it?
If you like my work, please give my new plugin a look-see. It's an awesome mini-game!

Arathi Basin
----------, Aug 25, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,091
First Release: Jul 19, 2015
Last Update: Sep 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
289 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings