Books without Borders Updated icon

Books without Borders Updated -----

Easy book management

Version: 1.3.3
Lo probare y le dejare 5 estrellas mientras para apoyar este plugin y su desarrollador :D

Version: 1.3.1
This plugin is an underrated gem and a must-have for anyone who cherishes their player's creations. It allows you to easily and safely export in-game books to text files which you can then back-up and reintroduce into the world if something goes awry.

Thanks to this plugin I was able to preserve decade old books on my childhood server after they became corrupted in-game from updating release 1.11 to 1.12. I don't know why this update scrambled and erased the contents of in-game books, all I know is that with an ancient back-up and this plugin I was able to recover them all in text format with this plugin. Now I have reintroduced this long lost player written lore into the server and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Author's response
I've also used BwB on my own server, that I've had since 2011, to prevent loss of books, and additionally, being able to unsign books to fix spelling mistakes is very convenient. I'm glad this updated version can be of use to others.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 435
First Release: Sep 9, 2021
Last Update: Sep 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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