This update adds several features and improvements:
Book folders now use player UUID instead of player name. Existing folders will be renamed once the owner logs in.
Books saved in a player folder will be stored with the player's UUID as the author.
The two UUID changes allow a player to keep their books and book ownership even if their name is changed.
Book generation (Original, Copy of Original, Copy of Copy, Tattered) is now saved along with the book.
This update fixes an inconsistency with the internal usage of the title author separator. Any problems caused by changing it should be gone.
New options:
- Author_Only_Unsign: Only allows a book's author to unsign the book
- Author_Only_Save: Only allows the owner of a book to save it to their personal collection
- Change_Generation_On_Copy: Mimicks the vanilla behavior when it comes to book copying. A copy of the original will result in a "Copy of Original" book. This basically ensures there can only ever be one original book. A tattered, or copy of copy book cannot be copied.
New commands:
- /setbookgeneration - Sets the generation (Original/Tattered/Copy of original/Copy of Copy) of the held book
New permissions:
- bookswithoutborders.reload - Allows player to reload the plugin (this is already included in bookswithoutborders.admin)
- bookswithoutborders.bypassauthoronlyunsign - Allows player to ignore Author_Only_Unsign config setting
- bookswithoutborders.bypassauthoronlysave - Allows player to ignore Author_Only_Save config setting
- bookswithoutborders.setgeneration - Allows player to change the generation of a book with /setbookgeneration (Original, Copy, Copy of Copy)