Books without Borders Updated icon

Books without Borders Updated -----

Easy book management

This release fixes a bug in 1.21 that caused contents of a book to disappear when unsigning the book with /unsignbook.
----------, Sep 6, 2024

This update for 1.20+ adds an optional feature which displays the books in a chiseled bookshelf if the player is sneaking and left-clicking a chiseled bookshelf (Works for signed books, book and quill, enchanted books and plain books). As this feature relies on chiseled bookshelves, this version is not compatible with pre-1.20 versions of Minecraft. Use 1.3.3 instead until you update.

The feature requires the bookswithoutborders.peekbookshelf permission, which is included in

Sign code has also been updated to only consider the front of a sign.
----------, Jun 24, 2023

This update fixes a problem where a player name in a book's author wasn't converted to an UUID when loading the file. This should be working now.

Additionally, both the real file names, and the ones with UUIDs converted to player names are displayed in the tab-completions, just in case.
----------, Nov 8, 2022

This update adds RGB support to /setlore and /settitle, so you can use hex colors like: "#caffcfEpic Item".
----------, Nov 5, 2022

This update adds a new /clearbook command which removes all text, author, generation and title from a writable (unsigned) book. Use it if you want to start again, and don't want to manually erase each character.

If you use writable (un-signed) books as payment method, books containing text will now be ignored. You no longer need to worry about your work in progress book being lost when payment is taken.

A bug where un-signing a stack of signed books would return one un-signed book has been fixed.
----------, Nov 4, 2022

This update adds several features and improvements:

Book folders now use player UUID instead of player name. Existing folders will be renamed once the owner logs in.
Books saved in a player folder will be stored with the player's UUID as the author.
The two UUID changes allow a player to keep their books and book ownership even if their name is changed.

Book generation (Original, Copy of Original, Copy of Copy, Tattered) is now saved along with the book.

This update fixes an inconsistency with the internal usage of the title author separator. Any problems caused by changing it should be gone.

New options:

  • Author_Only_Unsign: Only allows a book's author to unsign the book
  • Author_Only_Save: Only allows the owner of a book to save it to their personal collection
  • Change_Generation_On_Copy: Mimicks the vanilla behavior when it comes to book copying. A copy of the original will result in a "Copy of Original" book. This basically ensures there can only ever be one original book. A tattered, or copy of copy book cannot be copied.

New commands:
  • /setbookgeneration - Sets the generation (Original/Tattered/Copy of original/Copy of Copy) of the held book

New permissions:
  • bookswithoutborders.reload - Allows player to reload the plugin (this is already included in bookswithoutborders.admin)
  • bookswithoutborders.bypassauthoronlyunsign - Allows player to ignore Author_Only_Unsign config setting
  • bookswithoutborders.bypassauthoronlysave - Allows player to ignore Author_Only_Save config setting
  • bookswithoutborders.setgeneration - Allows player to change the generation of a book with /setbookgeneration (Original, Copy, Copy of Copy)
----------, Aug 11, 2022

This update fixes an exception thrown when trying to do book-related commands without holding a book (I don't know how I haven't found it sooner).

Additionally, the plugin is now built against the 1.19.1 Spigot version.
----------, Aug 5, 2022

This update adds filtering to the tab completion values, making it easier to find books or command options. For books, the filtering will return any values that contain the typed text. For other options, the filtering will return any values that start with the typed text.

In addition, the console will now display a notice if an update for Books without Borders is available.
----------, Feb 19, 2022

This update fixes a NullPointerException triggered when the list of books is displayed and no saved books exist.
----------, Jan 17, 2022

The main feature of this update is a config option to automatically format a book when it's signed. It does the same as the /format command, just automatically and for all players.

Additional changes:
* The config file is now commented
* Adds missing command info about the /formatbook command
* Adds information about the permission required to execute a command if /bwb is executed by an admin
* Improves the code a bit
----------, Jan 17, 2022

This update uses the 1.18.1 spigot .jar and Java 17 for building. Additionally, a new /formatbook command can be used on a written (signed) book to translate color/formatting codes such as &a,&e, #22ccee and &r to the actual color/formatting.

A formatted, unsigned book may look weird, such as some colors being wrong, but formatting it again after signing it should fix it.
----------, Jan 16, 2022

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 435
First Release: Sep 9, 2021
Last Update: Sep 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings