A fully-featured support-ticket plugin designed for both players and staff alike
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Note: Be sure to check out the wiki page for installation instructions and setup!
TicketManager is a fully-featured support-ticket plugin designed for both players and staff alike. Designed with an emphasis on flexibility and efficiency, TicketManager strives to be scalable from small towny servers to demanding high-traffic networks, all while remaining as efficient and fast as possible.
Official Addons:
TicketManager has an
API that developers can use to add new functionality to the Standalone Edition. Below are official addons made using it:
- Customizability: Extensive permissions and format control
- Performant: Asyncronous and optimized code allows high throughput without bogging down your main thread and impacting your TPS
- Multiple Languages: Either choose one of the currently supported languages or make your own localization! GitHub lists all translators whose localizations wouldn't exist without them
- Extensive Search Command: Find exactly what you're looking for using the numerous search patterns
- Beautiful Formatting: Acquire maximum information at a glance while still remaining aesthetically pleasing
- Full History: See who made what changes and when
- Silent Commands: Execute ticket changes without posting the immediate modification notification to either ticket creators OR staff! (Still leaves a history on the ticket)
- In-Depth Tab Completion: Tab-completion leverages Command API and Brigadier to provide insightful error checking and feedback messages
- Proxy Support: See notifications and teleport across all servers in a network using Waterfall or Velocity. Note: this requires installing the Proxy Bridge Edition (PBE) on your proxy and enabling proxy mode on the SE.