The previous method for grabbing the server's current TPS was often too sensitive and would trigger if the TPS dropped below the threshold for even a second. This new update will now get the average TPS from the past 5 seconds, to ensure that the server is actually lagging.
Config changes:
Code (YAML):
low-tps: # Should the entity removal task be triggered when the TPS is low? enabled: false
# Below what TPS should the plugin remove the entities? threshold: 17
# Should the plugin remove the entities instantly or trigger the countdown? # Warning: If the TPS is too low and remove-instantly is false, the plugin may # not be able to remove the entities before the server crashes remove-instantly: true
# Should there be a chat message sent to players with the `entityclearer.lowtps` # permission stating that the TPS is low? chat: true
chat-message: "&c&lWarning: TPS low &8&l(&7&l{TPS}&8&l)&c&l! Removing entities..."