Everything is working as it should.
we had a little problem (whitch was specific only on our server) and after a few messages auf the discord forum, it was fixed and used in the next pluginversion.
The plugin is continuously being developed and improved.
Thanks for the review and for helping test the builds!
Version: 3.6.1
This plugin is malware, DO NOT INSTALL it! If the plugin author claims that it's legit, compare the checksums and file sizes of this one vs the one off the actual GitHub page.
This plugin is malware, DO NOT INSTALL it! If the plugin author claims that it's legit, compare the checksums and file sizes of this one vs the one off the actual GitHub page.
Copying my reviews on your resources across all your accounts is quite the act. Thing is, the checksums on my plugins ARE the same, because I don't have malware injected into my code! Crazy how that works! Maybe do something better with your time rather than reupload people's plugins with code connecting to your server to download malware? Besides, I'm sure your account will be terminated soon enough anyways.
Version: 3.3.0
good plugin but how to set configs to delete every possible entity without typing all entity names in config?
sorry for poor english hope you undrestand that
It's technically not a fork but I appreciate the review nonetheless :)
Version: 1.17.0
What a great plugin! He made my 1.20.1 server smoother and my players had a better experience! It is indeed a perfect replacement for Clearlag, and it is even free!
Thanks for the review! It's not enabled by default as the option really shouldn't be used when possible - use Paper's alternate item despawn rates instead
Version: 1.17.0
ill rate 5 star again soon, but can this plugin also work with mythic mobs?--------------
Something didn't work right with me and I went to the Discord for support & it got fixed instantly. Very helpful and customizable plugin, highly recommend it!!