# # COLORAPI: Errors can occur in use cases below Minecraft version 1.16. # # {!} Using it on very old versions can cause problems! # # Examples; # - <GRADIENT:ff1b6b>your-text-here</GRADIENT:45caff> # - <RAINBOW1>your-text-here</RAINBOW> # - <RAINBOW100>your-text-here</RAINBOW> # - <SOLID:FF0080>your-text-here # # {?} You can click this link for more help: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/iridiumcolorapi.87351/ # # COLOR API ONLY WORK [1.16+] VERSIONS # # If you want to support: # > Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/KateroseRSE_?fan_landing=true #
# ^ Please do not edit. ^ version: 1.9.6
Enable: true
Use-Bypass: true
Max-Entities: 3
WarnMessage: '&8
] &b
%player% &7tried to use &c%cheat-type%&7, tried to hit: &c%hits% &7different entities max&8(&c%max-entities%&8)&7.' Freeze-Cheating-Player: false
On-Freeze: # # -- FREEZE TYPES -- # <?> You can use the following types for restrict features. # Using these features will restrict the player. # # Types: # - DISABLE_BLOCK_BREAK # - DISABLE_BLOCK_PLACE # - DISABLE_ATTACK # - DISABLE_ITEM_CONSUME # - DISABLE_FLY # - DISABLE_JUMP # - RESET_FOODBAR # - DISABLE_TELEPORT # - DISABLE_USE_COMMANDS # # <?> You can make the plugin more customizable and functional # by entering some actions that you want to be banned when the player freezes. # Types: - DISABLE_ATTACK
# # -- ADMIN BYPASS -- # <?> This feature is useful if you want authorized or admin players to be unaffected by this plugin. # AdminBypass: true
# # <?> If you write "[op]" or "[player]" at the beginning of the commands you want to execute, # you can set the authorization with which they will be executed. # # <?> If you do not add any prefix to the command, it will be executed through the console. # # <?> Examples; # Run-Command: # - '[PLAYER]your command here' <?> Executes the command based on the authorizations carried by the player. # - '[OP]your command here' <?> Ignores the player's authorizations, but instead executes the command as if it were executed by an official. # - 'your command here' <?> # # <?> What is the Exceeding-Limit? # "Exceeding-Limit" allows you to add your new cps limit and stop # players with different restrictions if they exceed the set limit excessively. # Run-Command: - '
%player%' Exceeding-Limit:
Run-Command: - 'your command here'
Run-Command: - 'your command here'
Run-Command: - 'your command here'
# # -- SENDER -- # <?> This is where you can set the messages you want to send to the player when the over limit occurs. # Sender:
enable: true
actionbar: '&8- &cYour cps is high. You can not attack. &8-'
enable: true
chat: '&cYour cps is high. You can not attack for
} seconds.'
enable: true
title: '&4&l✖'
subtitle: '&c&lYour cps is high.'
shake: true
# # -- KICK -- # <?> Do you want to kick a player off the server when they go over their limit? # Then this feature will be very useful for you. # Kick:
enable: false
message: '&4Your cps is high.<nextline>&cYour Cps&8/&cLimit
: &e{cps}&8/&e{limit}'
# # # <?> You can edit the general settings and the main messages of the plugin from this section. It is fully customizable. # # <?> Limit: Allows you to edit the overall cps limit on the server. # <?> Freeze-Second: Allows you to set the time a player is restricted if they exceed the set cps limit on the server. # <?> Messages.Types: Send a message to the player if they try to fulfill the features you have restricted. # <?> Messages.Progress: It would be different to show a customized progress bar instead of text when the player sees the cps limit. # <?> Messages.Main: Other admin messages of the plugin. # Settings:
Prefix: '&8
] &r'
# cps limit Limit: 10
Freeze-Second: 5
disable-use-commands: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You do not use this command.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
disable-teleport: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You do not teleport.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
disable-block-break: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You do not break this block.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
disable-block-place: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You do not place this block.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
disable-item-consume: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You cannot consume items.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
enabled: '&aCps enabled.'
disabled: '&cCps disabled.'
actionbar: '&cYour cps &e
}. &8- &cLast cps &e
Progress: # Actionbar is disabled if progress is enabled! enable: false
char: '█'
reload: '<GRADIENT:25B1B1>Config.yml has been reloaded.</GRADIENT:8331AC>'
permission: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>You do not have permission to this command.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
unknown-command: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Unknown command.</GRADIENT:12005A>'