Added settings for the detection message sent to players who cheat.
Changed and fixed plugin codes.
Lag has been reduced and transaction priority has been changed.
Redundancy is minimized by creating a loop only for cheating players, rather than identifying all players individually.
Code (YAML):
# # COLORAPI: Errors can occur in use cases below Minecraft version 1.16. # # {!} Using it on very old versions can cause problems! # # Examples; # - <GRADIENT:ff1b6b>your-text-here</GRADIENT:45caff> # - <RAINBOW1>your-text-here</RAINBOW> # - <RAINBOW100>your-text-here</RAINBOW> # - <SOLID:FF0080>your-text-here # # {?} You can click this link for more help: # # COLOR API ONLY WORK [1.16+] VERSIONS # # If you want to support: # > Patreon: #
# ^ Please do not edit. ^ version: 1.9.9
WarnMessage: '&8
] &b
%player% &7tried to use &c%cheat-type%&7, tried to hit: &c%distance% &7is both are greather than &c%max%.' Settings:
Enable: true
Use-Bypass: false
sendDataFile: true
Max-Reach-Survival: 3.2
Max-Reach-Creative: 4.0
PlayerLogSender: true
Freeze-Cheating-Player: false
WarnMessage: '&8
] &b
%player% &7tried to use &c%cheat-type%&7, tried to hit: &c%damage% &7default damage&8(&c%default%&8)&7.' Settings:
Enable: true
Use-Bypass: false
sendDataFile: true
PlayerLogSender: true
Freeze-Cheating-Player: false
WarnMessage: '&8
] &b
%player% &7tried to use &c%cheat-type%&7, tried to hit: &c%hits% &7different entities max&8(&c%max-entities%&8)&7.' Settings:
Enable: true
Use-Bypass: false
sendDataFile: true
Max-Entities: 5
PlayerLogSender: true
Freeze-Cheating-Player: false
On-Freeze: # # -- FREEZE TYPES -- # <?> You can use the following types for restrict features. # Using these features will restrict the player. # # Types: # - DISABLE_BLOCK_BREAK # - DISABLE_BLOCK_PLACE # - DISABLE_ATTACK # - DISABLE_ITEM_CONSUME # - DISABLE_FLY # - DISABLE_JUMP # - RESET_FOODBAR # - DISABLE_TELEPORT # - DISABLE_USE_COMMANDS # # <?> You can make the plugin more customizable and functional # by entering some actions that you want to be banned when the player freezes. # Types: - DISABLE_ATTACK
# # -- ADMIN BYPASS -- # <?> This feature is useful if you want authorized or admin players to be unaffected by this plugin. # AdminBypass: true
# # <?> If you write "[op]" or "[player]" at the beginning of the commands you want to execute, # you can set the authorization with which they will be executed. # # <?> If you do not add any prefix to the command, it will be executed through the console. # # <?> Examples; # Run-Command: # - '[PLAYER]your command here' <?> Executes the command based on the authorizations carried by the player. # - '[OP]your command here' <?> Ignores the player's authorizations, but instead executes the command as if it were executed by an official. # - 'your command here' <?> # # <?> What is the Exceeding-Limit? # "Exceeding-Limit" allows you to add your new cps limit and stop # players with different restrictions if they exceed the set limit excessively. # Run-Command: - '
%player%' Exceeding-Limit:
Run-Command: - 'your command here'
Run-Command: - 'your command here'
Run-Command: - 'your command here'
# # -- SENDER -- # <?> This is where you can set the messages you want to send to the player when the over limit occurs. # Sender:
enable: true
actionbar: '&8- &cYour cps is high. You can not attack. &8-'
enable: true
chat: '&cYour cps is high. You can not attack for
} seconds.'
enable: true
title: '&4&l✖'
subtitle: '&c&lYour cps is high.'
shake: true
# # -- KICK -- # <?> Do you want to kick a player off the server when they go over their limit? # Then this feature will be very useful for you. # Kick:
enable: false
message: '&4Your cps is high.<nextline>&cYour Cps&8/&cLimit
: &e{cps}&8/&e{limit}'
# # # <?> You can edit the general settings and the main messages of the plugin from this section. It is fully customizable. # # <?> Limit: Allows you to edit the overall cps limit on the server. # <?> Freeze-Second: Allows you to set the time a player is restricted if they exceed the set cps limit on the server. # <?> Messages.Types: Send a message to the player if they try to fulfill the features you have restricted. # <?> Messages.Progress: It would be different to show a customized progress bar instead of text when the player sees the cps limit. # <?> Messages.Main: Other admin messages of the plugin. # Settings:
Prefix: '&8
] &r'
# cps limit Limit: 10
Freeze-Second: 5
disable-use-commands: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You do not use this command.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
disable-teleport: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You do not teleport.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
disable-block-break: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You do not break this block.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
disable-block-place: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You do not place this block.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
disable-item-consume: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You cannot consume items.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
enabled: '&aCps enabled.'
disabled: '&cCps disabled.'
actionbar: '&cYour cps &e
}. &8- &cLast cps &e
Progress: # Actionbar is disabled if progress is enabled! enable: false
char: '█'
reload: '<GRADIENT:25B1B1>Config.yml has been reloaded.</GRADIENT:8331AC>'
permission: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>You do not have permission to this command.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
unknown-command: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Unknown command.</GRADIENT:12005A>'
# # COLORAPI: Errors can occur in use cases below Minecraft version 1.16. # # {!} Using it on very old versions can cause problems! # # Examples; # - <GRADIENT:ff1b6b>your-text-here</GRADIENT:45caff> # - <RAINBOW1>your-text-here</RAINBOW> # - <RAINBOW100>your-text-here</RAINBOW> # - <SOLID:FF0080>your-text-here # # {?} You can click this link for more help: # # COLOR API ONLY WORK [1.16+] VERSIONS # # If you want to support: # > Patreon: #
# ^ Please do not edit. ^ version: 1.9.6
Enable: true
Use-Bypass: true
Max-Entities: 3
WarnMessage: '&8
] &b
%player% &7tried to use &c%cheat-type%&7, tried to hit: &c%hits% &7different entities max&8(&c%max-entities%&8)&7.' Freeze-Cheating-Player: false
On-Freeze: # # -- FREEZE TYPES -- # <?> You can use the following types for restrict features. # Using these features will restrict the player. # # Types: # - DISABLE_BLOCK_BREAK # - DISABLE_BLOCK_PLACE # - DISABLE_ATTACK # - DISABLE_ITEM_CONSUME # - DISABLE_FLY # - DISABLE_JUMP # - RESET_FOODBAR # - DISABLE_TELEPORT # - DISABLE_USE_COMMANDS # # <?> You can make the plugin more customizable and functional # by entering some actions that you want to be banned when the player freezes. # Types: - DISABLE_ATTACK
# # -- ADMIN BYPASS -- # <?> This feature is useful if you want authorized or admin players to be unaffected by this plugin. # AdminBypass: true
# # <?> If you write "[op]" or "[player]" at the beginning of the commands you want to execute, # you can set the authorization with which they will be executed. # # <?> If you do not add any prefix to the command, it will be executed through the console. # # <?> Examples; # Run-Command: # - '[PLAYER]your command here' <?> Executes the command based on the authorizations carried by the player. # - '[OP]your command here' <?> Ignores the player's authorizations, but instead executes the command as if it were executed by an official. # - 'your command here' <?> # # <?> What is the Exceeding-Limit? # "Exceeding-Limit" allows you to add your new cps limit and stop # players with different restrictions if they exceed the set limit excessively. # Run-Command: - '
%player%' Exceeding-Limit:
Run-Command: - 'your command here'
Run-Command: - 'your command here'
Run-Command: - 'your command here'
# # -- SENDER -- # <?> This is where you can set the messages you want to send to the player when the over limit occurs. # Sender:
enable: true
actionbar: '&8- &cYour cps is high. You can not attack. &8-'
enable: true
chat: '&cYour cps is high. You can not attack for
} seconds.'
enable: true
title: '&4&l✖'
subtitle: '&c&lYour cps is high.'
shake: true
# # -- KICK -- # <?> Do you want to kick a player off the server when they go over their limit? # Then this feature will be very useful for you. # Kick:
enable: false
message: '&4Your cps is high.<nextline>&cYour Cps&8/&cLimit
: &e{cps}&8/&e{limit}'
# # # <?> You can edit the general settings and the main messages of the plugin from this section. It is fully customizable. # # <?> Limit: Allows you to edit the overall cps limit on the server. # <?> Freeze-Second: Allows you to set the time a player is restricted if they exceed the set cps limit on the server. # <?> Messages.Types: Send a message to the player if they try to fulfill the features you have restricted. # <?> Messages.Progress: It would be different to show a customized progress bar instead of text when the player sees the cps limit. # <?> Messages.Main: Other admin messages of the plugin. # Settings:
Prefix: '&8
] &r'
# cps limit Limit: 10
Freeze-Second: 5
disable-use-commands: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You do not use this command.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
disable-teleport: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You do not teleport.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
disable-block-break: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You do not break this block.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
disable-block-place: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You do not place this block.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
disable-item-consume: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Your cps is high. You cannot consume items.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
enabled: '&aCps enabled.'
disabled: '&cCps disabled.'
actionbar: '&cYour cps &e
}. &8- &cLast cps &e
Progress: # Actionbar is disabled if progress is enabled! enable: false
char: '█'
reload: '<GRADIENT:25B1B1>Config.yml has been reloaded.</GRADIENT:8331AC>'
permission: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>You do not have permission to this command.</GRADIENT:714C17>'
unknown-command: '<GRADIENT:E60C0C>Unknown command.</GRADIENT:12005A>'
(✎) Changed Config.yml (+)7Freeze-Types (+)Progress Bar (+)Freeze-Kick (+)Admin-Bypass (+)GradientColors (-)Right-Click CPS (-) Extra Language support (+3.. lang)
(!) Cps read while mining. (!)The plugin has been softened.