Added the option for hover & clickable messages for players.
Hover & Clickable Messages: You can add a hover and/or clickable feature to all messages sent to players.
/*/to separate the message.
[nl] to set a line break in a message or hover.
Hover message: <message >/*/<hover>
Message with hover and click function: <message >/*/<hover>/*/<action>/*/<actionValue>
Message only with click function: <message >/*//*/<action>/*/<actionValue>
OPEN_URL - Opens a URL under the path specified in ActionValue.
OPEN_FILE - Opens a file under the path specified by ActionValue.
RUN_COMMAND - Runs the command specified by ActionValue.
SUGGEST_COMMAND - Inserts the string specified in ActionValue into the player text box.
CHANGE_PAGE - Changes to the page number in a book specified by ActionValue.
COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD - Copies the string specified by ActionValue to the player's clipboard.