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CommandGUI | FunctionsGUI is a handy plugin that allows you to create as many and different GUIs (user interfaces) as you need for your server.
Features: - With CommandGUI you can send commands, messages to players.
- You can also charge money for it via Economy (Vault and Economy plugin required).
- You can decide per slot if the players need certain permissions or not.
- You can play a custom sound for each slot.
- You can also open another GUI directly via slots.
- You can also just display information by setting a lore for the items in the GUIs, these also support placeholders.
- There is an item that players can get in the inventory, with which they can open a specific GUI.
- You can add a hover and/or clickable feature to all messages sent to players.
You can add a hover and/or clickable feature to all messages sent to players.
/*/to separate the message.
[nl] to set a line break in a message or hover.
Hover message: <message >/*/<hover>
Message with hover and click function: <message >/*/<hover>/*/<action>/*/<actionValue>
Message only with click function: <message >/*//*/<action>/*/<actionValue>
OPEN_URL - Opens a URL under the path specified in ActionValue.
OPEN_FILE - Opens a file under the path specified by ActionValue.
RUN_COMMAND - Runs the command specified by ActionValue.
SUGGEST_COMMAND - Inserts the string specified in ActionValue into the player text box.
CHANGE_PAGE - Changes to the page number in a book specified by ActionValue.
COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD - Copies the string specified by ActionValue to the player's clipboard.
BungeeCord: Bungee commands can also be executed from CommandGUI.
This plugin must be on the proxy and on the spigot
/commandgui - Open the default GUI (adjustable)
/commandgui [gui] - Open the selected GUI
/gui-item on - Activate the GUIItem for you.
/gui-item off - Disable the GUIItem for you.
/gui-item slot [slot] - Set the slot for GUIItem for you.
/commandguihelp - Open the help file.
/commandgui admin info - Open the CommandGUI info.
/commandgui admin createdefaultgui - create a default GUI
/commandgui admin reload - Reload the plugin.
description: All permissions from CommandGUI
default: op
commandgui.command: true true
commandgui.useitem: true
commandgui.useitem.toggle: true
commandgui.bypass: true true
commandgui.command.give: true
description: All permissions from CommandGUI
default: op
commandgui.command: true true
commandgui.useitem: true
commandgui.useitem.toggle: true
description: Required permission to open GUIs via command
default: op
description: Only players with this permission will receive the GUI item
default: op
description: Required permission to use the GUI Item
default: op
description: Required permission to enable/disable the GUI Item for itself
(if the function UseItem/AllowToggle is set to true
) default: op
description: Bypass to open disabled GUIs
default: op
description: Permission to view CommandGUI info
default: not op
description: Kommend in V2.1.0
default: op
%commandgui_useitem% - Shows if you have activated or deactivated the UseItem (in color, customizable in config.yml)
%commandgui_useitem_boolean% - Shows if you have enabled or disabled the UseItem
%commandgui_useitem_slot% - shows on which slot you have set the UseItem
(Video from Version 1.x | The images / commands shown may differ)
Servers Using CommandGUI:(Contact me via Discord, Issue or PM if you want to add your serer)