Not sure if this is a bug or not. But trying to use the category feature with the plugin to make my vouchers more organized but every time I hit next page, one or 2 of the vouchers from the first page are duped and show up on the next page. After going 2-3 pages in trying to get to the voucher I want to add all 28 vouchers on the page are the same 1 or 2 vouchers.
Plugin is amazing and I have used it for a long time without any issue, but I have updated the plugin to the latest version and all my vouchers were lost! And the latest update don't have any warning about this...
Really good plugin. The functionality and performance is great, it seems well optimised, has easy to use interactive features and more. I use this as Voucher rewards in my Crates and it works wonders. I appreciate this plugin being free! It makes it accessible to everyone, I'd recommend this to anyone who needs a Vouchers plugin that is super easy (took me less than 2 minutes to make a single Voucher)
Hi VouchMe, I really really appreciate the detailed review :) I’m glad that the plugin is working well for you and that you enjoy it :D
- Kiran
Version: 3.24.1
Really simple, easy to use and deploy voucher plugin. Have only good to say. I regret buying another paid voucher plugin when this is around, works much better than paid one.
Good plugin for and highly recommended for simple use, but can't do multiple items or commands from a single reward, and it seems once a reward is set, you can't change the reward, chances or time it takes to execute. Even tried to find data to edit in configs, opening them gave null files from what I could see.
you should actually be able to just right click with the custom item on the change voucher icon button and it should apply. But I appreciate the 5 stars :)
Version: 3.23.0
Excellent plugin that does exactly what it should. We have created vouchers for items, ranks, tags, etc. and this plugin makes it easy! Thank You!
Hey thanks for the 5 star review. The command is just /vouchers, but you can view all them here
Version: 3.23.0
It's ok but it doesn't have full translation possibility and the GUI only handles English and it's not possible to change it, they should apply a translation system to the whole plugin.
The plugin works perfectly, I'm using 1.20.6 spigot btw. The only minor detail that needs improvement is the lore of the vouchers. When I have lengthy lores I struggle in editing it afterwards. Also you should add back .yaml so we can edit the vouchers faster and not being entirely depended on in-game gui. If people mess with it, let them be. It's the problem for messing with things they don't know how to use.
Still needs more fixes on 1.20.3, but you cannot do anything at once haha.
I used this in previous versions and it is AMAZING. One of my favorite plugins! Keep up the good work :D
Very good option for free but there are some problems with it.
1. Too much GUI dependent. almost unusable from console, it even doesn't say that you can't do it from console or a help message, it just doesn't respond. Only the reload and give worked for me.
2. It stores vouchers data in a databse format instead of a YAML. so it is not easy to manage or edit vouchers without joining the game.
Thanks for the review.
1. It's not meant to be used from the console
2. Yea I moved away from YAML since people would mess up then complain to me. It's probably not gonna be added back tbh
Version: 3.20.0
Awesome plugin. Saves me a ton of time by not having to write my own vouchers in Denizen or a plugin. Super intuitive, everything is done through GUIs and just about everything is customizable. Minor suggestion but it would be a bit cool if we could have vouchers that have global cooldowns so no one with that specific type of voucher could use it until the cooldown expires, but that is purely just a suggestion and everything else about this plugin is already amazing.
Hey, the plugin has not been tested on 1.20.3 as of yet.
Version: 3.19.0
I have been using this plugin since long time, Have purchased premium plugin in hopes that I would get better experience with those in terms of features and functionalities, but I have always ended up coming back to using this plugin. This is a ultimate out of the box best vouchers plugin imo, you do not need to purchase any premium once, Trust me I have wasted my money xD.
Hey I appreciate the 5 star review, glad you like the plugin. As for the custom heads, you should be able to just right click with the head onto the icon in the voucher settings menu that lets you customize the item.
Version: 3.16.2
I love it so much but when i left click i dont get it pls help and yea thats the only thing
Thanks for the five star review, I really appreciate it. Glad you like the plugin :)
Version: 3.13.0
Great plugin, GUI is very easy to use without sacrificing any customization to what you'd want from a voucher. I switched over from songoda to this one and I don't have any regrets about it. I would love to have a way to group my vouchers however, or some ability to organize them in the GUI. Thanks for the awesome resource!
Or you could join our discord server and ask for help in the voucher channel
Version: 3.11.1
What can I say? It's a perfect plugin for your need? I can say that, but it's more than that. You are very welcomed by their staff and the support will reach you, besides that, it's a free plugin. What do you expect? To be tickled by the staff and them paying you to use it?
For the ones who don't understand the power of maturity, please, don't leave reviews which are not even true.
Follow the instructions, watch the tutorial video and you are ready to go.
Wow, thank you for kind review. I really do appreciate it!
Version: 3.11.1
Great plugin, helpful video on main page.
Also, epic response to the previous review (directly below).
If you can't follow simple instructions or at least ask for help in the ways that are described, don't leave a review. People like that shouldn't be running servers.
Amazing voucher exporter from V2-V3, If you're still using V2 and wish to upgrade without losing vouchers visit the discord for assistance they're super helpful!
Thanks for the 5 star review, and yea I decided rather than forcing the 1.19 update out I’ll just do a “recode” building the plugin from the ground up while including things people have been asking for forever.
Version: 2.3.0
How is this free? This is literally the best voucher plugin ever. Easy to understand, easy to use, and you don't need programming language to use this! everything is in the GUI!
Thanks for the 5 star review, I’m glad you like the plugin!
Version: 2.2.1
Amazing plugin, does exactly what is written on the Spigot page. Easy to set up, even a monkey can handle that. Works on my 1.18.2 server. Highly recommend.
I have never seen anything like this anywhere before and I am happy that it will be possible on my server! 11/10 !
The Plugin ist very good but i cant add a command. The Plugin Says to any command:"Oups Vouchers 2.0.0 encountered an UnsupportedOperationException! Please check your error.log and report this issue with the information in that file.!"
The Error File:
More Information:
Error clicking in menu MenuNewReward{}
UnsupportedOperationException (Unknown cause)
at java.base/java.util.AbstractList.add(
at java.base/java.util.AbstractList.add(
at Vouchers.jar//$new$4(
at Vouchers.jar//$2.onClickedInMenu(
at Vouchers.jar//
at Vouchers.jar//
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor532.execute(Unknown Source)
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor.lambda$create$1(
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute(
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
Literally the only claim here that is correct is the reload command not being present. Everything else is a just a blatant lie because you don’t seem to understand the concept of reading update notes, especially for a major update.
Version: 2.0.0
We've been waiting for this update such a long time! good job Kiran! this is the best Vouchers plugin in Spigot!
Thank you for the 5 stars, glad you like the plugin!
Version: 1.8.1
This plugin is alot better then most you have to pay for, but i have some suggestions and questions, but the discord link seems to be expired. Does anyone know the discord link?
Author I need a help I installed the plugin and when I write /vouchers it just gives a message I am oped and all checked please reply me about the issue then I will rate 5 stars
Thanks for the 5 star review, when use /vouchers edit you’ll be able to see the permission node required to use that voucher. It usually follows the format: vouchers.use.TheVoucherId
Version: 1.7.4
discord link is no valid...............................................................
Thanks for the 5 star review, I really appreciate it
Version: 1.3.0
its a really great plugin and works perfectly!
however i dont know how to add anything other than Healing vouchers. I dont know what commands to input to grant lets say flying for 30 minutes or things like that.
how do i find what commands to input to give granted effect.
i tried Fly %player% and set fly %player% . all i can use now is healing vouchers untill i find a way to add more commands.
Thanks for the 5 star review.
As for the timed flight / commands, those would need to be handle by another plugin. Vouchers just lets you run any command, so if it doesn’t exist without vouchers it won’t work.
I do believe CMI has a timed flight command, but I could be wrong.
Version: 1.2.0
This guy is awesome.
My desired function was implemented immediately.
Thanks for the 5 star review Rhander, I appreciate it!
Version: 1.0.0
This developer has never disappointed me! Vouchers has been running amazing on my server without any issues and the creation feature is very helpful when you have to make a load of vouchers. :)