InvisibleItemFrames - Better Item Frames icon

InvisibleItemFrames - Better Item Frames -----

Turn vanilla item frames invisible so you can only see the item, or even make them glow!

Version: 2.16.2
Easy to use, and it perfectly meets all the things i need! I hope the author does not abandon this plugin.

Version: 2.16.1
Cool plugin!
Would be cool to be possible to change the main command but outside of that very clean!

Version: 2.16.1
Great plugin! I am trying to make an item that will run the command when the player clicks an item frame with the item but console says "This can only be done by a player" Is there a way around this?

Version: 2.16.1
Amazing. I don't get how anyone could rate this less than 5 stars.
Does not lag, good permission nodes, does its job.

I love it, and my players love it as well.
Author's response
Thanks for the kind review!

Version: 2.15.4
Great plugin, my players love it. It's working flawless on my 1.20.4 Purpur server!

Version: 2.15.4
1.8 Support pls ………………………………………………………………………………………………….,,.,..,,,.,,,.,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,.,

Version: 2.15.3
hello, i love this plugin but in our server only java can see this, bedrock cant seem to see it working. do you have any idea why?
Author's response
Bedrock not working will be down to your packet converter which is most likely Geyser.

Version: 2.15.3
Works fine for me! This plugin works exactly like I want. What I like is that plugin also can work without permissions.

Version: 2.15.3
It's great, lovely plugin. but it seems it doesn't really read the config file for me, or I'm just stupid.. :)) Can't seem to toggle automatic invis on the item frames when placing an item into them and can't toggle off the messages it spamming me while manually toggling the frames invis.. But might be me being stupid and don't understand what I'm doing wrong, I've tried in different ways and nothing seems to work.. A bit ''meh'' over that but other than that it's a great plugin o/ (playing with lastes MC version on dedicated server)
Author's response
You may have messed with the formatting of the config.yml so its reading from the defaults - Make sure to validate the yml file with plenty online tools to ensure its correct.

Version: 2.15.2
great plugin! even with 1.20 support. but please can you add the craft recipe for invisible frames? or recipe config settings and the permission. because right now the command-mode is not usable for survival vanilla concept servers.

Version: 2.15.2
One of the most loved plugins on my server, without a doubt, is InvisibleItemFrames, thank you very much for keeping the plugin updated and making the game more personalized for everyone!

Version: 2.15.2
Soporte para velocity, les agradeceria de corazon!, muy buen plugin de hecho se pasaron, son unos crack
Author's response
Velocity is a proxy, not a game server.

Version: 2.14.1
Great plugin! but when Container Passthrough is enabled, players can bypass Plugin BlockLocker's sign lock. Please fix it. Thank you!

Version: 2.14.1
why crafting recipes was removed? the main feature for all survival servers = was - crafting invisible frames for decor. where is crafting mode? where crafting permission?
Author's response
This plugin has never had crafting recipes

Version: 2.13.0
Very friendly dev, a free ressource that he maintains since 3 years, and fix bugs very quickly

Version: 2.12.2
Absolutely fantastic plugin, does what it says on the tin and is probably the most effective, if not the ONLY effective Invis Item Frame plugin out there. Good work to the developers of the plugin. Great feature to have on any server.

Version: 2.12.2
This plugin is so easy to use, I love it!
Is there a way to designate an item (blaze rod/end rod) with custom id to work like some sort of wand? I'd like to give it as some sort of reward. Thank you.

Version: 2.12.1
Well the features are great, but even thy I set the "accsses container" thing to true and reloaded the plugin, I cant click trough it...

Version: 2.11.0
Great plugin, but is it possible to have it so that when you run a command it takes money from vault money. I was wondering because i want to charge my player to use it.

Version: 2.10.1
Please add a command to reload the configuration. For example, this is how the command would look like: /itf reload. The plugin "plugmanx" cannot reload it, so that the config changes take effect, it is necessary to restart the server, but for what? To see one line of text as it was named, and then change to, and restart the server again, and then another, and another ....
Author's response
When testing the plugin the other day I tried to use a reload command and I couldn't believe I didn't add one, I'll add it today. Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.9.0
unfortunately it doesn't work for bedrock players so rating 4, if you manage to solve the problem I change it to 5 stars
Author's response
Being a bedrock player should not matter, it'll be down to your Java <-> Bedrock bridge, not this.

Version: 2.9.0
Unstable on Spigot 1.19.3.

After installation, and hiding just one frame, the server tps dropped to 15, I do not recommend it.
Author's response
That has nothing to do with the plugin.

Version: 2.9.0
The best plugin with great features!! very recommedes use it! i hope you can keep updating it!

Version: 2.9.0
Thank you for updating the passthrough setting!! That was so quick! We really appreciate it!

Version: 2.8.0
This plugin had been working wonderfully and my players on my server loved it. . . Up until the recent 2.8.0 update. Now the container pass-through setting applies to both visible and invisible item frames. So now if it's set to true and you place an item frame on a chest, you can't put the item on the frame, not with crouching, itf turned on or off, nothing. Any plans to fix this? The whole reason we use this plugin was to put invisible item frames on chests and be able to click through them (but we also still need to be able to place the items).
Author's response
Fixed in v2.9.0, make sure to regen your config.yml!

Version: 2.7.1
Great plugin. I really like the edit mode. Keep it up and always update your plugin.

Version: 2.7.0
Works great, thank you for this. Good addition to my Survival Server on 1.19.2 .

Version: 2.7.0
Really easy to set up and exactly what I was looking for, perfect invisible item frame plugin.

Version: 2.6.1
Awesome plugin! Works great. No setup required, only permission needed. Great! Thanks!

Version: 2.6.0
What if you want to remove all invisible frames?What if you want to remove all invisible frames?

Version: 2.5.1
Great plugin! Could i post this on MCBBS? (the biggest China minecraft forum, i'll put this spigot link ! :D

Version: 2.3.2
an excellent plugin! However, how can i give the permissions to other players on my server

Version: 2.3.2
\\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
\\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////

Version: 2.2.1
Wanna use a simple plugin? Get this!
Wanna just use commands? Do this!
/give @p item_frame{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b}}
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.1.1
I wanted something like a really cool plug-in, but can you make it possible to use a transparent frame only in the lands area? I'm worried that I might toggle the frame installed by the admin.

Version: 2.1.0
Simple plugin and does what it says. It doesn't have any performance issue and it is really easy to use.
Only thing I'd add is a permission for the basic /itf command
Congrats dev! I also love some of your other plugins :3
Author's response
Glad you enjoy my plugins!

Version: 2.0.0
Good but.. about the new ITF Scan command
you could make an option in config.yml
where all the invisible item frames with no items will display particles everytime instead of 6 seconds

So.. it would be usefull to make fake particles or for showing where are the invisible item frames without commands
Author's response
That would crumble the server performance, to scan for Item Frames all the time.

Version: 1.5.1
Kind of a simple plugin that can use on any gamemodes. But uhhh... I don't think it really lag the server out that much but we don't actually need that plugin. I mean it is faster and more efficient way to change between invisible and visible item frames but we already have a command in vanilla Minecraft. Just search for it, btw thanks for posting the plugin!
Author's response
It's designed as a quality of life plugin that is user-friendly. The plugin itself most likely takes nanoseconds to process actions.

Version: 1.5.0
Just a simple and easy to use plugin, nice work! .
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.4.5
Simple, yet effective, very easy to use and understand. I can recommend this plugin.

Version: 1.4.0
One of the best and mist unique plugins available,
Works as described with no issue.
Defiantly Recommend this!

Version: 1.2.2
this plugin is sick man the only that bothers me is the inaccuray when looking at one frame it toggles a different one near it instead, usually not a problem when itemframes i'm working with are lined up horizontally but vertically is where it gets inaccurate. but my workaround is using the togglemode which is what you'd expect to use in the first place but I'm working with an imagemap plugin and it's a bit complicated.
Author's response
This is completely down to Spigot limits (That's also why it says it may be inaccurate on the startup message when using Spigot), if you use Paper it uses a 100% more accurate system.

Version: 1.2.1
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.entity.Player.getTargetBlock(I)Lorg/bukkit/block/Block;
at me.hexedhero.itf.utils.entityhelper.EntityHelperSpigotBukkit.getLookingAtEntity( ~[?:?]
at me.hexedhero.itf.commands.MainCommand.execute( ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[spigot-1.16.3.jar:git-Spigot-2740d5a-890130b]
... 17 more
Author's response
Or you could just post in in the discussions page and get it fixed.

Version: 1.2.1
Nice Plugin!It will be helpful if a item frame can be locked(Other players need permission to make it visibility or not:)

Version: 1.2.0
Very nice! Simple and works on 1.16.4. The one tiny annoyance is using the right click function (/itf togglemode) also rotates the item, but that's not a big deal.

Version: 1.1.0
Okay, here is what I liked, I liked everything but, instead of using a command, you use a item or a stick to disabled or enable by right clicking item frames. It will be easier to use it.
Author's response
I will add this :D

Version: 1.1.0
Godddd! HexedHero just doesn't stop making amazing plugins. He's by far my favorite developer out there right now. I have yet to use this plugin, but I 100% plan to! I just know it'll work better than I can imagine due to how good all of his premium/free plugins are.

Version: 1.1.0
what version did setVisible start with?
Author's response

Version: 1.0.1
Another great plugin by hexed hero. Ive got the pinataparty plugin aswell as this now and honestly they are the best features on my server. Im sure this will make my server look a lot more professional aswell! <3
Author's response
Oh hey there, thanks so much for the review! Glad you like it.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 42,830
First Release: Oct 22, 2020
Last Update: Oct 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
44 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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