Added a new glow toggle feature with /itf toggle glow [glow color] and /itf togglemode glow [glow color]. This allows you to give item frames a glow color. The permissions are:
Changed /itf toggle and /itf togglemode to /itf toggle visibility and /itf togglemode visibility.
Changed the permissions used for the visibility toggle to work with multiple toggle types:
The plugin now initializes the managers at startup.
Added a new ConfigManager which is used for all config calls and caches the result until a reload or server restart, benchmarking has proven to be around 25x faster than using normal Spigot config calls.
Added an ImplementationManager and moved some things inside of it.
Rewritten and repackaged a bunch of the internals of the plugin.
Removed an unneeded soft depend.
Added missing description and website link in the plugin.yml that shows on /ver
Added a /ITF Scan (Radius) command that will find any item frame within the radius and spawn particles at visible and invisible item frames for 6 seconds, mostly for use when you cannot find an invisible item frame.
There are some config changes so please regenerate your config if you want to edit them but upgrading from v1 is no problem.
Both toggle and togglemode now will fire a fake interact event and if any other plugin cancels it, it'll prevent the player from switching the Item Frame's status, I tested this with GriefPrevention and Lands and both stopped me from changing someone else's frame visible/invisible. Works with any protection plugin that prevents "PlayerInteractEntityEvent".
Added a toggle mode by doing /itf togglemode then every Item Frame you right-click afterwards will toggle their visibility mode. Permission to use this is invisibleitemframes.command.togglemode