- Improved the pushback feature, it's much better at stopping flying players
- Hex color codes should now display the correct color in action bar messages
- Added full Spanish translation. Thanks Santyxs
- The pvpinfo command is now fully configurable in the messages file
- Add permission to bypass combat log punishments: pvpmanager.nocombatlog
- The permission to bypass combat tagging was changed to: pvpmanager.nocombattag
- Modified more messages, also organized them in the messages file
If you made it this far into the changelog, there's a future update that will be adding SQL support and I would appreciate anyone willing to test. You can find it here:
The initial conversion will be to SQLite and you can then use /pmr convert to change to MySQL
Remember to make a backup of the PvPManager folder before using it as it will convert and delete the users.yml file
For some extra features/updates check out PvPManager premium