PvPManager Lite icon

PvPManager Lite -----

PvP Toggle, Combat log, Anti kill abuse, Newbie protection, Stop players running to safezones

Version: 3.18.36
Please fix the error that occurs when ending a fight in version 1.21.1, this happens when the tagging account ends, I tried it and this does not happen in other lower versions.
The rest is fine, but fix that. I tried with two accounts, one with version 1.17.1 and 1.21.1.

Version: 3.18.26
the owner refuses to help, banned me from his discord twice because his plugin doesnt work. disabled as it was loading up. support is terrible. i recommend another plugin
Author's response
If you looked up right from where you typed that ridiculous review you would see there's close to 3500 servers running the plugin. So I'm sure it doesn't work lol
You can't configure a plugin and then come spamming in someone's discord with multiple accounts when the issue is either your server or yourself. Good luck fixing either, you will definitely need it.

Version: 3.18.13
Simple and effective, makes it easy for players to use by having /pvp as a toggle.
Author's response
Thank you, glad to know it works well!

Version: 3.18.11
The plugin is ok for combat logging, however there is very poor configuration, for example I want to disable the /pvp command from this plugin but you can't, its a permanent feature.
Author's response
So having a feature is now a bad thing, makes sense... there are permissions to control command use, that's how you disable them.
I'm not going to make a config option for every command. And you're using Skript of all things lol

Version: 3.18.5
The best plugin for managing pvp in the world. Highly recommended for everyone who wants to stop combat logging.
Author's response
Thank you for the nice review

Version: 3.18.1
I rarely leave a review but this developer deserves it for keeping this plugin updated!
Author's response
Thank you for the review :D

Version: 3.17.8
Muy fácil de entender y ayuda mucho a la experiencia pvp, y lo mejor de todo es poder desactivarlo a gusto, para los usuarios que no les gusta el pvp.
Author's response
Thanks, I'm glad it helped

Version: 3.17.8
The best PvP plugin out there! This is better than CombatLogX because it isn't complicated
Author's response
Thank you for your review :)

Version: 3.17.8
The plugin is fine and everything but since it is possible that you can use menu commands when you are in combat, because of that they can bug and among other things if they fix it I give it 5 stars.
Author's response
It will block every command if configured to do so. If there's an issue with some specific plugin, report through the proper places.

Version: 3.17
This plugin is a MUST-HAVE whether you are a PvP server or not. The advanced customizations offered by this plugin are perfect, and no other plugin even comes close. The developer is active and keeps enhancing the plugin, offering great support. The code for this plugin is rock-solid, and works across Minecraft versions, prevents players from abusing things, and has a ton of nice extra features that make it perfect for any server. The wiki is thorough and well-documented, and there is a great API for developers.

If you are not using this plugin yet, you absolutely should be. It is a game changer. And be sure to check out the Premium version if you want even more features!

THANK YOU for the awesome plugin, ChanceSD!
Author's response
Wow, well thank you very much for the nice review, I appreciate it!

Version: 3.15.9
Excellent plugin, but I would suggest adding a command to force pvp to all or some and also allow some placeholders to be translated.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, you can use /pvp * which will toggle PvP for all online players, not sure if that's what you meant though

Version: 3.15.9
Can you add an option to make a pvp session start when:
- a player hits another player (no damage taken)
- the player that was hit, hits the player back (no damage taken)
-> the pvp session starts, damage taken from this point on

I feel like it is a very intuitive way of starting a pvp session that makes it consensual
Author's response
I feel it would be cleaner to just use a duel plugin for that. So they can have pvp off, and then just use /duel on someone. The Duels plugin has support for PvPManager afaik

Version: 3.15
Buen plugin, me salvaste con el sistema de regalar kills, un método eficiente y con claridad

Version: 3.15
good plugin but i cant find an option to disable "newbie protection disabled since you entered a pvp zone"
Author's response
Look for the setting called "Worldguard overrides", then set it to false. Thank you for the review

Version: 3.12.12
Nice plugin but add option to can disable block place when player have pvp off and Newbie protection
Author's response
Possibly but you should create a github ticket with that suggestion or I could end up forgetting. Thanks for the review though

Version: 3.12.12
One of the best neccesary plugins you should need if you have a PvP zone near your spawn.
Author's response
Thank you for your review, I'm glad you like it!

Version: 3.12.7
Can you add option for anty logout to mobs? If u attack mob anty-logout work too
Author's response
Reviews are not for suggestions and that feature currently exists on the premium version

Version: 3.12
Why are people so weird in plugin reviews.
"It's a great plugin, but it currently doesn't have this specific feature that would make it perfect for my purposes! 3 or 4 stars!"
I swear people are absolutely retarded when rating free plugins...

Version: 3.10.9
i love you man ♡ thank you for your good plugin .............................................

Version: 3.10.9
Nice plugin work perfect but add bossbar message on anty-log and repair border hopping players with internet lags can go to pvp disable area

Version: 3.10.9
This is a very good plug-in. You can set PvP status, but how do you set a world to force PvP?

Version: 3.10.9
Very good plugin, you can add support for Bedrock Players? Bedrock players don't see anti log action bar you can Fix it?

Version: 3.10.9
plug in is nice frfr ong no cap very good would recommend amazing features 10/10

Version: 3.10.9
This Plugin Is Awesome!, It Will Be Kinda Hard For Some People New To Configs But Damn This Plugin Having Anti Border Hop, configurable Messages, Etc For Free!!?!? Kudos To The Plugin Developer
Author's response
Thank you, I feel that configurable messages should be available in any type of plugin, free or not, but I'm glad you appreciate it!

Version: 3.10.9
No kill and death placeholders in this expansion?
Author's response
Not at this time, I am aware it should be added though, makes total sense to be in this plugin

Version: 3.10.6
Hello, is it possible to do something in the config where money-penalty so that 10% is taken from the deceased and they are given to the one who killed. money-penalty simply adds 10% from an existing balance.
Author's response
No, that's working fine. Create a github ticket if you have an issue

Version: 3.10.6
Hello, I have a problem, how during anti-logout it is impossible to go, for example, on spawn, but you can use elytra and fireworks and fly in quickly
please fix this.
Author's response
Try the latest dev build: https://ci.codemc.io/job/ChanceSD/job/PvPManager/
It should improve that

Version: 3.10.6
Awesome support & customer feedback listening. Plugin-wise also very good, everything you need + always listening to new feature requests and implements them quickly!

Version: 3.10.1
I have the BetterRevive plugin and with this plugin it stops working, or at least when a player kills another he doesn't bleed out, but dies instantly.

Version: 3.9.4
How can I turn on Anti Border Hopping?

Author's response
Make sure Pushback is true in config, also only works with WorldGuard regions

Version: 3.9.4
Please does this plugin have the option to automatically toggle pvp on for all players at a particular time, let's say night?
The plugin would be really great if it has this feature

Version: 3.9.4
Awesome plugin! I would love a feature to toggle pvp world wide tho :P. Other then that it works perfectly!

Version: 3.8.4
Great plugin, Works perfectly fine with 1.8! Tho I hate the fact that action bars for 1.8 are for premium, But it is fine the plugin gives what it promises.
Author's response
Basically action bars in 1.8 require NMS and the lite version only uses the Spigot API. But I understand the frustration

Version: 3.8.4
These words were written on the premium plugin page, I use the free one and it works there too. I did not find a way to disable this or translate the phrase when switching. Please give the opportunity to disable and translate, or completely cut this function from the free version. Thanks for the wonderful plugin.

Pushback on regions and auto enable PvP on regions with PvP allow
Support for both WorldGuard 6 and 7

Version: 3.8.4
That's execatly what i've searched! It works perfect for me on 1.16.5 Paper. 100% recomendable !!

Version: 3.8.4
the best plugin, good
good good good good good good good good good
100 100 100 100
Author's response
Thank you :D

Version: 3.8.4
Good plugin I like it
And thanks for 1.17 update

People in my server love it
Author's response
Thank you for the nice review!

Version: 3.8
add the ability to disable elytra during pvp pls

add the ability to disable elytra during pvp pls
Author's response
Thank you for the review.
That feature already existed in the premium version but sure, I added it here as well. You can try it here: https://ci.codemc.io/job/ChanceSD/job/PvPManager/

Version: 3.7.16
Disable BlockFly vs Mobs?

Version: 3.7.16
how to disable pvp prefixes? if left blank, it gives an empty prefix. Not friendly with nametagedit. Help

Version: 3.7.16

Version: 3.7.14
My favorite PVP plug-in, about the new function-the function of clearing the information of unlisted players is great.
But is it possible to add the function of automatically closing PVP in the future?
For example, every day at 10 o'clock in the morning, the system will turn off all players' PVP mode.

Version: 3.7
Good plugin! Really useful for my server and all the players like it ;)
Just one suggestion, would it be possible to stop pvp if a player runs a command? Like if the player isn't being attacked and they run it they can get out of pvp mode.
Author's response
What would be the point of having them tagged then. they could just run the command and escape. But you can create a ticket on github with more details and maybe we can think of something if you want.

Version: 3.7
2 stars, too bad.
This plugin blockes /pm messages lol??! Founder, do you know that this command is for messages?!?

Also! This plugin break all tab-list. There is no any way no disable pvp nametag prefix. For example, vips after pvp have no nametag prefix [VIP]. I must every 1 minute reload nametag plugin?!
Please tell me how to disable nametag prefix.
Author's response
PM = PvpManager
To disable prefixes, simply read the config.
Both of these are your problem, not the plugin.

Version: 3.7
Very nice plugin!
But I have a few Suggestions:
Could you add a placeholder to indicate whether the player is in PVP and how much of his cooldown is left?(My English is not very good, please excuse me XD)
Looking forward to your reply!
Author's response
Thank you for the review! Yes, i can add that, it's coming soon.

Version: 3.6
exelente plugin, realmente me ha sido muy util :) sigue con el buen trabajo, es increible :D

Version: 3.6-SNAPSHOT
Everything works perfect and is very helpful on my server. The support is very fast and is very efficient.
Author's response
Thank you for your review!

Version: 3.6-SNAPSHOT
I recommend adding:
1. golden-apple-cooldown
2. enchanted-golden-apple-cooldown
3. ender-pearl-cooldown
4. remove-join-message: true
5. remove-leave-message: true
6. remove-death-message: true
Author's response
Thank you for the review. I feel that join and leave messages are better suited for other plugins but i agree with the other 4 suggestions. I will try to add them over the next updates.

Version: 3.5.2
I have a problem, the players on my server spam the chat or command spam and the server kicks them, and the plugin doesn't kill them, before the kick the message "you not are in combat" comes out and takes them out of the server And so they don't die, how can I solve that?
Author's response
This is not the place to ask for help but you can set "Punish On Kick" to true in the config.

Version: 3.5-SNAPSHOT
Thank you for your update.
I am very happy that you are still here.
PVPManager is the best PVP toggle plugin without a doubt.
Author's response
Thank you for the review! I'm glad you like it.

Version: 3.4
Tested in 1.8.8
works excellent, better than other's pay combat logging plugins
great for large servers
Author's response
Thank you for the review!

Version: 3.4
Two different messages for the money Penalty and still no updates so far apart from dev builds.

Version: 3.4
por que me dice este usuario esta protejido >:v? cuando estamos en pvp
me dice eso ayuda plox :,v

Version: 3.4
5 stars, works great. Great for servers that are not for pvp, prevents random attacks. Thanks for the great plugin.

Version: 3.4
Lovely plugin, thanks a ton to the author for keeping it free!
Works as specified, good pvp logging, tagging and easy setup with lots of perms for customization, such as allowing players to toggle their own pvp, newbie protection for factions servers and plenty more!
Some things could be improved upon or maybe added to the premium version but overall its the best plugin in its class!! 5/5

Does not work with 1.12.2, even the latest dev build does not. I get this error: Error occurred while enabling PvPManager v3.0-SNAPSHOT-b114 (Is it up to date?) Can you please update your plugin??
Author's response
Your version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b114
Current version:

Incredible plugin, have been using it since months now, only thing is that name prefixes conflicts with another plugin and doesn't show, not sure wich one though.

Works perfectly. The only problem is it doesn't have an option for chorus fruit. You know how annoying that pseudo-enderpearl is.

This is a great plugin, and our players like to use it. If you are looking for a similar plugin, use it right.

Please update to 1.12. I was using this great plugin on 1.11.2, but now it doesn't work anymore
Author's response
The dev builds always contain the latest version:

But i will eventually upload it here yes.

Great plugin, but please update to 1.12
it's can't use on 1.12
/pvp->Usage: /pvp [on|off] or /pvp [player] [on|off]
can't use
Author's response
The dev builds always contain the latest version:

But i will eventually upload it here yes.

Great plugin, had used this on my last server and did exactly what I needed. Hoping this will be updated to 1.12 soon.

Great Plugin!
but please update to 1.12...
would be nice, cause i want to support this plugin further
Author's response
The dev builds contain always the latest version:

But i will eventually upload it here yes.

super duper cool plugin amazing plugin download this plugin recommend for everyoneeeeeeeeeeeee 10000000000/1000000000

great but add mob tagging please .

Great plugin that works great for me. However none of the permission nodes are listed anywhere.....

Nothings working for me, people are combat logging, no blood animation, and /pvp on doesnt work, /toggle, nothing, i need help. I have a 1.8.8 spigot server and idk why nothing is working

doesnt let me turn pvpmanager off and im opped .teh fuck is this, EVEN THE CONSOLE ! PVPMANAGER SAYS TO THE CONSOLE THAT IT DOESNT HAVE PERMISSION. TERRIBLE

Great plugin! You should add a ender pearl cool-down option..............................................

Why can't i /tpohere a person that is in combat???? Anyway i fix it myself...................................
Author's response
That's how it works, no teleporting when in combat. You can change it in config though.

Please add the posibility to deactivate the command /pvp, because there is a conflict with my command /pvp top
Author's response
Not much can be done about that, only if one of the plugins changes the command and i'm not planning to do that, sorry.

Simple and intuitive plugin! My players are now working on an arena complex to take advantage of the PvP status appropriately. I see command blocks in my future... ;) Keep up the good work!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you like it.

It's does the job BUT, it is not disabling fly when a player goes into combat. But other thing are OK
Author's response
It disables fly but only for the attacker currently. I thought it was fair that way but many people disagree so i will change it for next update.

Version: 3.0
It's does the job BUT, it is not disabling fly when a player goes into combat. Would like either an update doing this or some sort of information on how to disable fly when a player enters combat. I already enabled it to disable it in the config but nothing has changed.

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b196
Five stars because you can customize the messages in the messages.properties file. Overall the plugin works great and really helps my server. :)

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b196
This is a great plugin that handles PVP mechanics on your server. Would absolutely recommend. I've been using this free version for a while, however regret to inform that since PVP tagging relied on the main scoreboard's team system, it clashed with a different plugin in the server. and I had to get rid of it.

If in the future, PVP tagging isn't handled by the main scoreboard, I would love to reinstall this back onto my server.
Author's response
Hi, the plugin should the player's current scoreboard, doesn't matter if it's the main one. This was to try and keep compatibility.
But if it's conflicting with other plugin feel free to report to me with more details so i can try fixing it.

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b196
Great Plugin, A lot of features. If possible, can you add it so if a player has a certain amount of kills they will get X rewards? Such as console executing a command to give them money or an item. Can you add KillStreaks/ KDR and Maybe Featherboard support for them? Thanks! Keep up the amazing work

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b190
Works great but have errors at start please look at it.
.......100 characters.......

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b190
Great plugin. But I'm kinda confuse about Commands on kill. How do I set it?
Others are great!
this is here for words

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b190
Very nice plugin! Could you add pvpstats e.g. to show how many kills or deaths you have, something like that maybe?

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b190
very good plugin, thanks for the free version, if you can please add optiong to take money to the killed user and give to the killer, actually users can't create a clone account to free kill and give a lot of money

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b190
Excellent plugin. So far, it has fulfilled my small server's needs. Players can duel each other without affecting others, and can back out of fights they don't want to engage in. Simple, lightweight and effective. The auto-update checking is a nice convenience too!

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b190
Very nice plugin! Thanks for having a free version ...........................................................................

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b154
Hello, your plugin is great! However, the errors found. When you save the config file in Korean <null> This error needs your help. Error log: [01:25:58] [Server thread / ERROR]: null
org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'pvp' in plugin PvPManager v3.0-SNAPSHOT-b154
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute (PluginCommand.java:46) ~ [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch (SimpleCommandMap.java:141) ~ [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand (CraftServer.java:641) ~ [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.handleCommand (PlayerConnection.java:1162) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a (PlayerConnection.java:997) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a (PacketPlayInChat.java:45) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a (PacketPlayInChat.java:1) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils $ 1.run (SourceFile: 13) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors $ RunnableAdapter.call (Unknown Source) [:? 1.8.0_60]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run (Unknown Source) [:? 1.8.0_60]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.SystemUtils.a (SourceFile: 44) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B (MinecraftServer.java:714) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B (DedicatedServer.java:374) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A (MinecraftServer.java:653) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.run (MinecraftServer.java:556) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at java.lang.Thread.run (Unknown Source) [:? 1.8.0_60]
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unregistered scoreboard component
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scoreboard.CraftTeam.checkState (CraftTeam.java:217) ~ [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scoreboard.CraftTeam.addEntry (CraftTeam.java:142) ~ [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at me.NoChance.PvPManager.TeamProfile.setPvP (TeamProfile.java:87) ~ [:??]
at me.NoChance.PvPManager.PvPlayer.setPvP (PvPlayer.java:159) ~ [:??]
at me.NoChance.PvPManager.PvPlayer.togglePvP (PvPlayer.java:69) ~ [:??]
at me.NoChance.PvPManager.Commands.PvP.onCommand (PvP.java:29) ~ [:??]
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute (PluginCommand.java:44) ~ [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
... 15 more
[01:25:59] [Server thread / INFO]: NineSik issued server command: / pvp
[01:25:59] [Server thread / ERROR]: null
org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'pvp' in plugin PvPManager v3.0-SNAPSHOT-b154
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute (PluginCommand.java:46) ~ [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch (SimpleCommandMap.java:141) ~ [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand (CraftServer.java:641) ~ [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.handleCommand (PlayerConnection.java:1162) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a (PlayerConnection.java:997) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a (PacketPlayInChat.java:45) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a (PacketPlayInChat.java:1) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils $ 1.run (SourceFile: 13) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors $ RunnableAdapter.call (Unknown Source) [:? 1.8.0_60]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run (Unknown Source) [:? 1.8.0_60]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.SystemUtils.a (SourceFile: 44) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B (MinecraftServer.java:714) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B (DedicatedServer.java:374) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A (MinecraftServer.java:653) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.run (MinecraftServer.java:556) [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at java.lang.Thread.run (Unknown Source) [:? 1.8.0_60]
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unregistered scoreboard component
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scoreboard.CraftTeam.checkState (CraftTeam.java:217) ~ [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scoreboard.CraftTeam.addEntry (CraftTeam.java:142) ~ [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
at me.NoChance.PvPManager.TeamProfile.setPvP (TeamProfile.java:82) ~ [:??]
at me.NoChance.PvPManager.PvPlayer.setPvP (PvPlayer.java:159) ~ [:??]
at me.NoChance.PvPManager.PvPlayer.togglePvP (PvPlayer.java:69) ~ [:??]
at me.NoChance.PvPManager.Commands.PvP.onCommand (PvP.java:29) ~ [:??]
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute (PluginCommand.java:44) ~ [bukkit.jar: git-Spigot-0359393-9cd1111]
... 15 more

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b154
Great plugin really usefull. Soon i'll buy the premium version :)

Still have one small issue, announce is added in config but I dont have that command.
Author's response
Hi, announce is a command from PvPManager since some servers wanted a broadcast but /say doesn't support color codes or has a weird format

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b154
Very useful plugin for PVP we are using it in our server and it brings up a very fair and square and friendly environment for pvp seeking players our server is barkadzltd.mcph.co

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b154
Love it!

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b154
Keep up the great work!

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b149
Works like a charm. Friendly and helpful developer. Wish you best of luck with the premium version.
Best regards
Author's response
Thank you =D

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b118
I downloaded 2.4.9 version and it downloaded a 3.0 snapshot

Nice plugin though

Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b102
The plugin works great on my network!

Version: 2.4.8
Just downloaded this and tried it with a couple of friends, this will be our primary pvp plugin on all our servers in the future.

Version: 2.4.8
I love this plugin. Very efficient on PVP servers :)

Version: 2.4.7
First thanks for your plugin. I want to use your plugin but I have a problem with your plugin. You did one command for changing Pvp situation. If you add /pvpon and /pvpoff commands and also permissions , it can be useful. Actually I have one more problem its about changing player's tag colour. I want to use this feature. I have a rank system so I use a suffix and prefix plugin but that feature doesn't work with suffix and prefix plugins. Thanks a lot.

Version: 2.4.7
Great Plugin- Best feature for me is the commands on kill. Thanks for the Plugin. :)

Version: 2.4.6
Could you make it so that when you run into a safe zone on like a town that has PVP off it makes the town PVP enabled for the players in their that are still PVPing as getting teleported out of a safe zone while engaged in PVP makes it extremely hard.

Version: 2.4.6
Good Plugin does as advertised though could you please add MyPet support? http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/mypet/

Version: 2.4.6
Love it, but it does not disable fly mode..

Good plugin, but this plugin is raging with 10825 lines of errors in 30minutes with this error http://pastebin.com/XADbkCFM
Author's response
Use the latest dev build and it should be fixed
Factions is always changing their class names =/

awesome !!!

Version: 2.3.8
thank you very much for this plugin, it works perfectly

Version: 2.3.7
An awesome replacement to the old combat plugins like CombatTag with more awesome features. Great work!

Version: 2.3.7
This is da bomb! Even recognizes Fireball as PVP function. :)

Version: 2.3.7

Version: 2.3.1
Exceptional plugin 10/10

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 156,201
First Release: Aug 2, 2014
Last Update: Jan 7, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
Find more info at dev.bukkit.org...
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