Split "tagged" and "out of combat" messages into different entries, so now you can have a combat chat message different from the action bar message or have it show only on action bar/only in chat
All money rewards/penalties are now rounded to 2 decimals, instead of the exact value, when taking a percentage of the balance. This should prevent player balances with many decimal numbers
Added a new drop mode option named CLEAR, this will really delete all player drops/exp on death so be sure you really want to use it. Mostly for Kit PvP servers or similar servers
Added Java version checker, it will warn if using Java 8 but will still work, for now
Replaced SavageFactions support with SaberFactions since the first is abandoned. However, the code to support them is exactly the same so it should still support both
Add color to PvP toggle nametags if above 1.13
Added /pmr alias for /pvpmanager, this will be made the main alias at some point
Made the force enabled pvp and commands blocked for newbie messages configurable
Added a list of regions in config where pvp will be force enabled