- Compiled against 1.17 Spigot API
- Added PlaceholderAPI support. See placeholders
- Got a new link for dev builds, thanks to CodeMC
- Added a Maven repo for developers. Check README or this page
- Added PlayerCombatLogEvent to the API
- Fix error when not using any economy plugin
- Add config option to stop combat tags from renewing while inside WG regions
- Added warning about GP
- Fix NPE when using plugman
- Readded LibsDisguises support
- Fix issue where players lost their PvP status prefix on reload
- Changed money reward and penalty, if you use 1 it will now mean 100%
If you have auto update enabled, I suggest you disable it since a future version will likely require the messages file to be reset.
For a plugin with more features/updates check out
PvPManager premium
Please report bugs on
GitHub and not in the review section