This is not finished, expect bugs and report them if possible.
Bug reports need to be done on
github please.
- Now disables godmode for CommandBook and Essentials
- Disable nametags if Spigot version is not supported
- The command whitelist/blacklist is now recursive, if you whitelist a command you are whitelisting all it's subcommands
- Fixed Updater, turns out Jaunt isn't free after all
- Fixed players being able to see invisible players while tagged
- Removed teleport blocking for now
- Fix truced factions being able to attack each other
- New command: /tag or /ct or /pt or /pvptag -
Shows time left until out of combat
- Fix commands blocked being case sensitive, also added /tag to whitelist
- Added commands to execute on PvP Log
Removed broadcast on PvP log as commands offer more customization
- Disabled updater on first time users
- Operators no longer have pvp disabled automatically
- Money Rewards/Penalties support percentages now
- Added commands to execute on PvP Toggle
- Other small fixes
Previous changelog of 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b118:
- Added Spigot Updater, you can now choose if you want the updater to check from bukkit or from spigot website
- Fixed the updater not working with the snapshot versions (it wasn't updating automatically from b102 to b114)
- Removed support for WG pvp allow flag, it was doing more harm than good and nobody seems to want it anyway.
- Added missing money penalty message to messages file
- Fix NPE when player is not online
Previous changelog of 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b114:
- Removed toggle signs feature, i don't think anyone used it but if there are many requests i can add it again.
- Added German translation. Thanks MrMusicBoy12345
- Fix errors with servers not running WorldGuard v.6.0+
- Lots of internal changes(yes more, so with changes come bugs, so get ready for that)
- Now any type of teleport is blocked in combat, except enderpearls if specified in config.
- Commands blacklisted/whitelisted now support arguments. Blacklisting /f won't blacklist /f list for example
- Fix some bugs related to kicks while in combat
- Fix players being able to attack from outside a WG region with pvp allow
- Some /pm commands can now be executed from console (Should have been that way a long time ago)
- Fixed Factions compatibility, now it is tested and working
- Fixed and updated FactionsUUID compatibility, also tested
- Fix players from same faction attacking each other inside WG region with pvp allow
Previous changelog of 3.0-SNAPSHOT-b102:
- Huge re-code of pretty much everything !
- Support for FactionsUUID as well as regular Factions
- Compiled with Java 7 (I don't think anyone still uses Java 6)
- Added option to manage player drops! The modes are: Drop only in PvP, Keep only in PvP,Transfer drops directly to killer and Always drop where PvPManager does nothing so items drop as usual.
- PvP can now be forced by admins/console with /pvp [name] [on|off]
- Added permission to bypass /pvp cooldown, default for OP
- pvpmanager.pvpstatus.nocooldown
- Removed option to drop items on PvP log without killing the player (It doesn't make sense much imo)
- Re-coded all the logic of player drops on PvP log, it is now a lot simpler and using different methods, so with better performance as well.
- This also fixed several bugs that i found while testing
- Changed the message when blocking lava/flint near PvP disabled players
- WorldGuard pvp allow flag now overrides PvPManager, so a player with /pvp off inside a WG arena can still be attacked.
- And several small things i probably forgot.