StreamlineCore icon

StreamlineCore -----

A different take on Essentials / CMI, but without the bloatware and with Folia support.

MAJOR UPDATE! Added lots of features!
+ Friends.
+ Ignores.
+ Messaging stuff.
> /msg + aliases.
> /reply + aliases.
> An actual use for SSPY.
+ New joining system VERY similar to Hypixel's.
> You will be able to choose the hierarchy in which players will be checked, and then messages sent to others upon join.
> You can choose from "staff", "guild", "party", or "friend".
> If the hierarchy is "staff,guild,party,friend", and the player who joins is staff, the staff join message will be sent to all online staff. AND in the same moment, say that person is in a party while joining, the non-staff in the party will be sent the new party join message (if they are not in the joining player's guild). And if that player has friends online who are not staff, or in their guild, or in their party, they will be sent the new friend join message. :D
+ Guild and party events (for lack of a better word | not actually apart of StreamLine's Event system...) will now send messages to their according Discord Text Channel Consoles.
+ New cool way to edit server configs.
> Currently only going to be MOTD, MOTD-Timer, version display, the Sample message (what you see when you hover over the player --> over the like 1/100), Max Players, and Online Players.
> This means you will be able to set a custom MOTD (and other stuff) from in game! :D

You WILL need to update your configs.
Also, send all bugs and suggestions in the #bugs / #suggestions channel on the Discord:
----------, Jun 19, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,902
First Release: Sep 7, 2020
Last Update: Jan 12, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
20 ratings
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