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StreamlineCore -----

A different take on Essentials / CMI, but without the bloatware and with Folia support.

The Bukkit/Spigot/Paper Version Requires BukkitOfUtils - Found HERE.
Also, please leave a review! It really helps me out!


Please join the Streamline Discord in order to get updates and for me to fully assist you with bugs, questions, or suggestions.

Streamline Discord: click here


Introduction to Streamline

Wiki is found here: CLICK THIS

What is Streamline?

StreamlineCore is a Minecraft plugin that adds endless functionality to Minecraft servers through what is known as Modules. These Modules are downloadable content that you insert into the StreamlineCore plugin's modules folder to enhance your server.

Streamline Modules can do many things and even allow server admins and developers to make their own with a very nice API to develop with.

The currently made modules add functionality such as:
- Redirecting players from one server to another when that server goes down. ( Redirect Module)
- Network staff chat, whispering, and friends. ( Messaging Module)
- Discord to Minecraft and Minecraft to Discord. ( Discord Module)
- Aliases, buildable functions, online list (per server, per group, or network wide), cross-network tpa, cross-network homes, cross-network teleporting, and more. ( Utilities Module)
- Data-Driven event-based protection for proxies and backend. ( ProxProtect Module)
- Spying on all commands sent by players and sending them to Discord. ( Logger Module)
- Send resourcepacks to players on join. ( ResourcePackUtils Module)
- More.

What makes Streamline special?

Streamline allows for universal cross-platform functionality with its Modules.

This essentially means you can run the same modules on a BungeeCord proxy that you would on a Velocity proxy (or even a Spigot or Paper backend server). This, coupled with the Modularized features means that you, the server admin, can choose exactly what you want in your server.

This also makes it very simple for server to use a specific module across your servers, or even for Developers to develop modules for your server (or the community).

What exactly is Streamline capable of?

Literally anything.

Supported Proxies:

- Velocity
- Bungeecord
- Waterfall
- Flamecord
- Travertine
- XCord
- Etc.

Supported Backend Servers:

- Spigot.
- Paper.
- Purpur.
- Tuinity.
- ImmanitySpigot.
- FlamePaper.
- Etc.

Natively-Supported Plugins:

- Luckperms.
- Geyser.
- PlaceholderAPI.


- LuckPerms. [ FOUND HERE ]
- BukkitOfUtils. (Only on the Bukkit / Spigot / Paper version.) [ FOUND HERE ]


Follow the Discord setup guide [ FOUND HERE ] to set up the discord module.

What can I do with the Discord Module?
- Link Discord to Minecraft and Minecraft to Discord with Routes.
- Available link types:
- Natively (Without other Modules):
- Proxy local chat <-> Discord Text Channel
- Proxy global chat <-> Discord Text Channel
- All online players with specific permission <-> Discord Text Channel
- Discord Text Channel <-> Discord Text Channel
- Groups (With StreamlineGroups Module):
- Guild chat <-> Discord Text Channel
- Party chat <-> Discord Text Channel
- Messaging (With StreamlineMessaging Module):
- Local Room chat <-> Discord Text Channel
- Global Room chat <-> Discord Text Channel
- Custom Room chat <-> Discord Text Channel
- Message formats are completely customizable.
- Avatar with player's skin will pop up when their message is sent to Discord.
- Link player's Discord profile with your server.
- Players can chat using their StreamlineUser profile from Discord.
- All Discord messages can be configured to be sent as completely customized Discord embedded messages



All commands are completely customizable in their .yml file.


All permissions are completely customizable in their command's .yml file.

Command Syntax
See this.

Commands Provided by StreamlineCore
See this.


1. Download and install dependencies.
3. Download the plugin file.
4. Drop it into your server's plugins folder.
5. Start and stop your server.
6. Fill out the configs where necessary.
- Configurations for the streamline plugin can be found in your plugins folder, under StreamlineAPI (or streamlineapi if using Velocity).
7. Add desired modules.
- Modules can be downloaded from here: click here
8. Start and stop your server again.
9. Fill out module configs where necessary.
- Module files can be found in your [code single]plugins[/code] folder, under StreamlineAPI (or streamlineapi if using Velocity), under module-resources.
10. Start your server again.

More information can be found on our wiki: click here


1. Look on the wiki: click here
2. Get in touch on the Streamline Discord: click here
3. Submit a bug on the issue tracker (this is rarely checked): click here


The review section is not built or programmed in a way where I can effectively give you support. Please do the steps above to submit a bug. I am more than willing to help you, please just reach out first! If you do submit a bug in the review section, please at the very least update your review or write a new one when it gets fixed! Thank you!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,897
First Release: Sep 7, 2020
Last Update: Jan 12, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
20 ratings
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Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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