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Warum RHLeafDecay? / Why RHLeafDecay?
[DEU] Jeder kennt es - jeder hasst es. Schwebene Blätter. Man holzt einen Baum oder eine Waldfläche ab und das Blattwerk schwebt ewig wie ein Klumpen in der Luft, bis es vollständig despawned. Mit
RHLeafDecay lässt du nervige Blätter im Handumdrehen verschwinden!
[ENG] Everyone knows it - everyone hates it. Levitating leaves. You cut down a tree or a wooded area and the foliage hovers forever like a lump in the air until it completely despawns. With
RHLeafDecay you can make annoying leaves disappear in no time!
Vorschau / Preview
Kompatibilität / Compatibility
[DEU] Das Plugin ist mit Spigot und Paper auf der aktuellsten Minecraft Version kompatibel. Ältere Versionen werden nicht unterstützt. Bitte nutze immer die aktuellste Version dieses Plugins!
[ENG] The plugin is compatible with Spigot and Paper on the latest Minecraft version. Older versions are not supported. Please always use the latest version of this plugin!
What if I want to use it on an older version?
The legacy version
1.20_R1 runs on all Minecraft versions from 1.13 - 1.20.4 on Spigot and Paper.
Other forks are not tested and not officially supported.
By using the legacy version, you agree, that you won't receive any support, if you run into problems.
Also compatible with the following server modifications:
Magma(Forge + Spigot/Paper)
Cardboard(Fabric + Spigot/Paper)
Custom trees will lose all their leaves instantly, as the game will not recognize them as "natural trees"!
Unless the leaves themselfes are not persitent, every strucuture of leaves needs a log connected.
Also, the leaves have to be interconnected.
Diagonal placements of leaves will not work with only one log/stem.
Please don't ask for support!
Download the latest .jar and upload it to your Spigot/Paper plugins/ folder
(Optional) Configure the plugin with the config file /plugins/RHLeafDecay/config.yml
Do one of the following:
Restart your server.
Type /reload as an op player.
Tip: For manual reloads I recommend the plugin PlugmanX.