hey long time no see
This build has so much structural change that it can contain some issues/bugs within the system. So if you do not need this/wait for stable update, do not update & use migrate command, it will literally break

And for old users, PLEASE BACKUP. Now onto the update:
AetherPotions 4.0
- Advanced Command System
- Ordered Commands
- Executors
- Chance System
- Weight System
- Tab Completion
- Wiki
- Instant Drinking
- Migration Command from 3.2 to 4.0+
Advanced Command System
How you use commands in AetherPotions is completely changed. Now, you can do order the commands, set the executor and even do chance and weight based commands!
Tab Completion
Yeah pretty obvious. I should have done this sooner but hey, better late than never.
I have created a
gitbook wiki (probably replace later with self hosted ones) for you to understand everything.
look bro it was not that complicated before but even i am getting confused with the features what have i done
Instant Drinking Feature
Now you can use drinkable potions in an instant, without waiting to consume the potion. You can change that in configuration
Migration Feature
This version completely breaks all AetherPotions configurations. That is why i have added a special migrate command in plugin.
/aetherpotions migrate <potionid/all>