Added a configurable option to display distances from landmarks periodically on the compass. About every 10 seconds, the landmark symbol will be replaced with the distance in blocks/meters for 3 seconds. Players can toggle this option in their /compass menu.
New lang.yml entry:
Code (YAML):
"&{35bcff}Should compass show distance from landmarks? "
Updated compass-advanced-help:
Code (YAML):
"&{ffdd35}You can click the choices to change options!"
"&{35bcff}/compass toggle &fToggle on or off the compass feature."
"&{35bcff}/compass landmarksPriority 1/2 &fLandmarks overlap other symbols?"
"&{35bcff}/compass showDistances 1/2 &fShow distances from landmarks?"
"&{35bcff}/compass location 1/2 &f1 = bossbar; 2 = compass;"