EcoEnchants ⭕ 250+ Enchantments ✅ Create Custom Enchants ✨ Essentials/CMI Support icon

EcoEnchants ⭕ 250+ Enchantments ✅ Create Custom Enchants ✨ Essentials/CMI Support -----

The #1 most powerful custom enchantments plugin ever made.

Version: 12.21.0
Think 100 times before buying this plugin, developers take a very long time to fix bugs, there are a lot of unhappy people, and the plugin optimization is very poor. It's extremely bad, and the problem that causes severe lags has been known for almost a year, but the developers haven't fixed it.

Version: 12.21.0
lo unico malo es que dice que tiene todos los idiomas y en el soporte me confirmaron que no es asi no tiene traduccion a español

Version: 12.21.0
This is the second time you have failed to release the correct eco version. If this continues, I seriously doubt your ability to excel in your future career.

Version: 12.19.4
Abandoned plugin the creator stated that it has support for 1.21.4 but the plugin doesn't work, discord support is done by random people I don't recommend buying
Author's response

Version: 12.19.4
The greediest developer on spigot. His plugins are just a bunch of garbage. Look for analogues. Save your nerves.

Version: 12.19.4
This plugin has many bugs and problems in version 1.21.3, such as enchantments not taking effect, infinite use, invalid cooldown, etc., and the console is full of errors. Most of these problems are caused by libreforge-4.72.2. The author has not updated it for a long time and has not solved it.

Version: 12.19.4
Plugins says it supports 1.19.4 but doesent work. Do some proper testing before releasing updates.. Support also basically non existent. Creator is most likely just money grubbing
Author's response

Version: 12.19.4
Plugins says it supports 1.19.4 but doesent work. Do some proper testing before releasing updates..

Version: 12.19.4
The plugin is good, but discord support is very poor, I've purchased, posted screenshots as shown in their #verification channel аnd I'm still not verified, so if you gonna use the plugin, you will have to rely on yourself!

Version: 12.19.4
Did u test it on the paper 1.21.4? Maybe you should really know if this plugin can be used before releasing this version.

Version: 12.19.3
Spell cooldown does not work on the newest version, this completely breaks the game. Allows players infinite health, killing people instantly, xraying for ores, teleporting across the map. I opened a ticket three days ago without any support.
Author's response
Will be fixing!

Version: 12.19.2
The support is absolutely terrible.

I have opened several bugs and issues on discord in the appropriate thread, after a month still no response or answer from the Eco team.

On github they have years old problems with no response or solution.

It doesn't work with a number of plugins:
1. Does not work with Vulcan anticheat -> many enchants are random and cause problems
2. Eco plugins don't work with Shopkeepers, years old case, again with no response or attention from the developer
3. Enchant Nether prospector for a change doesn't work at all, again a month without help or response

Really big disappointment.

Version: 12.19.1
does this plugin support 1.21.1?
i purchased this plugin and used
some errors occurred...

Version: 12.19.0
They have not been able to fix the problem with the mine_radius_one_deep effect for almost a month, the plugin does not work correctly.
Author's response

Version: 12.18.7
I have this error which seems to be related to an incompatibility between the EcoEnchants plugin (or its internal Eco library) and the version of Paper I’m using, specifically with handling player head textures (skulls). The java.lang.NoSuchMethodException suggests that the method setProfile(com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile) in the CraftMetaSkull class doesn't exist or has been removed or modified in the server version. My server runs on the Purpur 1.21.1 fork, which might be contributing to the issue.

Version: 12.18.3
Only enchantment plugin that I trust on my servers, great developer who has made a highly configurable enchant plugin that makes my life easier.

Version: 12.18.2
The Plugin is everything it’s advertised to be and more. The support team is helpful, though it can take a bit of time to get a response, which is understandable given their workload. I'd give the support a solid 8/10. However, the plugin itself is excellent and definitely deserves a perfect 10/10.

Version: 12.18.1
The plugin is okay; sometimes, it's a hit or miss. It does not work well with Vulcan, as players get kicked for using some enchants. Also, installing two other plugins to make this one plugin work is annoying. I'm trying to limit the number of plugins, but requiring three total plugins just for EcoEnchant is outrageous. Overall, it's a decent plugin. I give it a solid 4.7/10
Author's response
EcoEnchants only requires eco to be installed, double-check what you're installing! Vulcan is the preferred anticheat, it has some extra checks that should be disabled, but it's what I use with no issue.

Version: 12.18.0
Current version has a pretty big issue that still hasn't been fixed.

On 1.21 servers, enchant books from trial vaults are blank enchant books. Players have no way to obtain the new Wind Burst enchant.

Issue has been reported on the discord but has still not been fixed.

I don't recommend buying this plugin until this is fixed. I will remove this review when its fixed.
Author's response

Version: 12.18.0

Developer is EXTREMELY rude and truly doesn’t care about his plugins. I’ve been using EcoEnchants and a few other plugins of his for years now and I’ve finally decided to ditch them all with 1.21 due to a bug that has made the 1.21 update a massive disappointment for our player base. Any enchanted books obtained through the trial vaults are blank enchant books, this makes the new wind burst enchant completely unobtainable for players and ruins the whole trial dungeon experience. People have been reporting this issue since day one and a member of the devs admin team has even marked it as a confirmed issue, but the dev refuses to comment or fix the issue.

Honestly, even if this does get fixed one day, I will not be changing this review. This is one of the worst developers I have ever encountered. The issue mentioned above is really such a minor thing compared to everything else I’ve seen over the years. This is just the final straw for me.

I have reported many bugs through the proper discord channels over the years and I have never ONCE had one fixed. All of his plugins are riddled with issues that are completely ignored.

Can’t wait to see his smartass response that dismisses everything I’ve said.


Version: 12.13.0
It is a pity that the objects shown in the presentation are not in the default configuration.
Author's response
All screenshots and videos were made with default configs

Version: 12.12.1
Deleted my last review to re-review as the developer ALSO loves to lie and make the people in his reviews come across as fake. Here is proof i've been using the plugin for over 2 years :) if you put your time and effort into covering up bad reviews into actually maintaining your plugin, perhaps you wouldn't get so many! (I've never in my life seen a plugin with so many "review bombers" ;)

Evidence I'm not a bot and actually have had conversations with this developer and his staff:

Once again RIDDLED with bugs the developer won't fix or pay attention to.

WARNING to others that there is currently a grindstone bug that players can exploit for unlimited XP which hasn't been patched after being reported over a month ago.

After being promised a brand new "recode" earlier in the year, the developer still has failed to learn his lesson. At this point, it would be fair to assume he's adding bugs for the sake of the free daily bump with "fixes"

I really do hope anyone considering buying this plugin reads the reviews carefully, so you know what to expect with this plugin.
Author's response
It says very clearly on the EcoEnchants GitHub that issues are tracked exclusively on the discord.

I didn't promise any sort of recode earlier in the year, that would be completely pointless and totally unnecessary.

If you open an issue in the correct place your bug will be fixed.

Version: 12.12.1
Once again RIDDLED with bugs the developer won't fix or pay attention to.

WARNING to others that there is currently a grindstone bug that players can exploit for unlimited XP which hasn't been patched after being reported over a month ago.

After being promised a brand new "recode" earlier in the year, the developer still has failed to learn his lesson. At this point, it would be fair to assume he's adding bugs for the sake of the free daily bump with "fixes"

I really do hope anyone considering buying this plugin reads the reviews carefully, so you know what to expect with this plugin.

Version: 12.12.1
Love this plugin. even after a long time when i first bought it and still being updated now. Great plugin and amazing discord support

Version: 12.10.1
It's a pretty good plugin, let me elaborate on some of the benefits of this plugin over data packs, which is probably a dealbreaker for most server owners.

- This plugin has more utility than data packs, meaning you can add more enchantments that vanilla cannot have and also support the custom one's data packs have.
- The descriptions for the enchantments are also a huge benefit. Most data packs will add a load of new enchantments, but most players won't understand them.
- The new category of enchantments, Special Enchantments, which is something that is a strong enchantment, but only one can be applied.

The only real issue I see about this plugin is the fact it's a premium plugin, so not many people can afford this. But if you can, it's worth it. It adds way more grind to your server and makes enchanting a lot better.

I am in no way related to the developer, I'm just a satisfied customer who got this plugin years ago, and it's a great thing that this developer still updates this plugin. This plugin is a huge game-changer.

Version: 12.8.1
Wrong. EcoEnchants is the #1 WORST custom enchants plugin ever made.

Developer decides to just quit and disappears for 2 months. Is unable to add 1.20.5 and 1.20.6 support, so all servers using this plugin are stuck on the outdated 1.20.4 version for weeks after 1.21 comes out.

If you want to use a plugin which's developer will disappear at any time and will not provide updates, have your server stuck on old versions and players leaving - this plugin is for you. Otherwise just look at other custom enchant plugins, which aren't as buggy or problematic.
Author's response
I never disappeared, that's just completely wrong.

1.20.5 and 1.20.6 are transition versions that many other plugins can't support, and 1.21 has been released and is fully supported.

Version: 12.7.0
Why is the plugin not compatible with version 1.20.6? I just downloaded the latest version on my Minecraft server, which is using version 1.20.6 and Java 21.
Author's response
This is because 1.20.6 is a transition version of sorts, and it has changes that make it impossible for EcoEnchants to work. 1.21+ works fine, as do older versions, but 1.20.6 doesn't work.

I recommend updating your server to 1.21 or downgrading to 1.20.4, and I expect many other plugins to not support 1.20.6 for similar reasons.

Version: 12.6.0
I've been using EcoEnchants for years and have enjoyed it immensely. The plugin is fantastic, offering extensive support and a wide range of pre-made enchants that work out of the box without any configuration if you prefer. Auxilor, the developer, is great, and I've never had any issues with the Discord support. Communicating with the support team just requires common sense, basic English skills, and a bit of patience. Negative reviewers are often immensely rude, act entitled, and have zero patience. They typically don't read announcements, changelogs, or warnings and lack basic server hosting knowledge or the ability to use text editors. Don't let these misleading reviews deter you from supporting this excellent creator.

Version: 12.5.1
Probably the best enchantment plugin currently on the market. But let me briefly talk about the alternatives.

AdvancedEnchantments... I have used AE for two years and it is just abysmal, absolutely disregard what the person said below. Closed source, countless issues, oh and fun fact. If you operate a hub like server, only three servers can use the plugin otherwise the built in kill switch disables it (anti-piracy measure), that was a fun surprise to try and work through. I could lambast this plugin and all the issues we have had with it, but then this review would be too long.

Anyways, I also tried MythicEnchants. However in its current state it isn't very user friendly, you will spend a lot of hours creating enchants from the ground up and working your way through the Wiki. It has potential but currently requires way too much user investment.

Then we have EcoEnchants, it is a solid plugin. It comes with a lot of pre-made enchants which is nice. It is also open source, so you can see under the hood to what you are getting. My only gripe with the plugin is not being able to disable vanilla enchant descriptions, however this feels like something our admin team will be able to resolve.

Most of the reviews I see talk about the discord support, can't really say much about that since I have yet to interact with them.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! If you make a feature request for vanilla ench descriptions I can add that :)

Version: 12.5.1
Terrible plugin. Every update breaks things. This has always been the case and the developer is an absolutely amateur. He cannot make a working product even if his life depended on it. He is also the most toxic developer on the platform, just check his Discord where he flames everyone.

I'd recommend everyone to buy some more ADVANCED plugins instead that can do the same but vastly better.

Version: 12.5.1
The plugin itself definitely has more than a 3-star rating, but it cannot get discord support at all. I don’t know why it was blocked. Furthermore, because of the lore of all the items replaced by the package, many plugins will be affected. By the way, my Discord ID is Liannai. , I don’t know why I got blacklisted and didn’t get support.
Author's response
Item lore is purely client-side, all plugins work with no issues - i'll sort your discord issue, I don't recognise the name you might have been caught in the spam filter

Version: 12.4.0
Terrible plugin, discord support is extremely toxic against customers - rather not even go there, the whole discord server should be banned, black hat people sucking up to auxilor claiming no problems with the plugin.

- poor performance
- extremely broken systems
- default enchants have issues, some straight up just do not work
- terrible support

This plugin, guys, falls under "do not even thinking about trying out" list.
Author's response
These have all now been fixed!

Version: 12.4.0
How unpleasant that you put all the permitted languages but you do not have the translation of any of them for my part. 1 star in spigot now I will have to translate hundreds of lines and yes, Google Translator is a kaka to translate

Version: 12.3.5
Extremely poor to no support for configs, questions ignored. No help for item configuration, only requests for extra payment. Chaotic wiki. Out of 400 updates, maybe 100 are significant. Prioritizes new plugins over fixing issues for profit. Cannot recommend purchasing the Eco series in its current state.
Author's response
I haven't made any new plugins and have announced that there are no plans to make any more in the remotely near future. I'm currently only pushing bugfix updates.

Version: 12.3.1
I don't get all the bad reviews, it is by no means a 1 star plugin. it works as advertised and I haven't had any server side issues. I've found the discord support to be a bit rude at times but then again common questions that need constant answering would get annoying.

Version: 12.3.1
Although this is not your merit, I see an update with optimization. This is good news. As I promised in the discussions, I'm deleting my review and leaving this one.
I would like you to also take part in optimizing your product. I don’t understand why you don’t care about your consumers and it takes you so long to optimize your product. I really hope that your next commits will carry hints of optimization within a few weeks. if you need help, you can always write to my discord lovesweetgirls, I am ready to send you sparks that will indicate problems. but there are too obvious things there, you can even see them on a test of 1 person.

Version: 12.3.0
incredibly terrible optimization. Previously, only libreforge was heavily loaded, now eco. the author does nothing but sell additional services on his discord. I tried to help him, threw sparks in personal messages - the author simply didn’t care. 2 conclusions - either he doesn’t know how and doesn’t know what to do, or he just doesn’t care about us.

here are a couple of points:
when you quickly scroll the hotbar - your server gets +3 MSPT
For some reason, absolutely all inventory items are checked, even empty slots, and extra placeholders are created, which also adds load
different types of checks that check the same item 4 times
and this is only a small part of the list.

please stop doing something new and start optimizing. your updates are killing server performance, because 25% for eco-charms is already too much, this is not normal. I don’t understand how you can sell anything here and consider yourself a top 1 plugin.

I sent sparky to the owner - he said that he would look and I did not receive any results. I've been waiting half a year for an answer to my sparks.

Well, it was also before. The author can simply insult you, call you something obscene and ban you for telling the truth. The author only wants money from you so that you can order additional services from him. He doesn't need anything else.
Author's response
Alt account of AlexMiller and vip_glist

Version: 12.3.0
Reply to author:
I bought this resource and have the right to report about issues, you don't have support in the discord channel, it's just a place to sell configs for money, so i report about problems here. Please stop breaking what has already worked for many years, it already seems to me that you are doing this on purpose. Please fix your resource.

Previous review text:
After updates conflicts -> everithing it just doesn't work. (latest eco, latest ecoenchants, paper 1.20.4, clear configs)
Eco enchantments, as always, destroy the gameplay and ruin the server economy, and you will know about it when it happens.
Author's response
You've been posting 1-stars on this plugin for 2 years now, do something else with your life

Version: 12.2.4
I really really really like this plugin. It's easily the best custom enchant plugin to work with bar none. My only gripe is I really wish support is better. There will be a plugin breaking bug and you may not be aware of what to do and how to fix it unless you REALLY dig. I don't want to take any stars off because of poor support, but you should be aware it's a lot of self learning and tinkering.

Version: 12.2.4
After updates conflicts -> everithing it just doesn't work. (latest eco, latest ecoenchants, paper 1.20.4, clear configs)

Eco enchantments, as always, destroy the gameplay and ruin the server economy, and you will know about it when it happens.
Author's response
You've been leaving 1-star reviews on EcoEnchants for 2 years now. Why don't you do something else with your life?

Version: 12.2.4
I have tried to be patient with this developer, but I can’t take it anymore. The support for all their plugins is terrible. The developer is at a point where he can’t catch up due to the immense accumulation of errors in all their projects. Instead of fixing the mess, he keeps releasing new plugins. To fix a bug, you have to beg or wait months, and I’m not exaggerating. also performance is scary I would love to give a good review but I just can't, at this point I wouldn't recommend to buy any of the ecoplugins.

Version: 12.2.4
So, the author replied to me on my other review, saying that Issue Tracker is on Discord rather than GitHub, which might be true now, but it wasn't over a year ago. On Discord I was asked to create a GitHub issue which was completely ignored with no response, just marked as completed, and the issue wasn't fixed till today.

In the reply of my other review the author also asked me to "be more specific and open an issue on the issue tracker", the funny thing is he didn't even check the issue tracker as it's open for a while with no response from support nor the author itself.

Don't try to clear your appearance, just start working on your plugin man..

Old review:
That's my first review of any plugin in SpigotMC, but I'm forced to show the truth about that developer.

As other customers already mentioned - support is terrible and that's a fact.
Issues hardly get fixed - that's a fact too.

I created an issue on their GitHub regarding an issue with item nbt that the plugin is causing, I haven't even gotten a response to that issue, it was just closed and marked as "completed" meanwhile it still happens.

I updated my server to the latest version of MC, and even tho I fixed their issues with my plugin (so that's a workaround instead of a real fix), new issues are happening and the author doesn't seem to care at all. On their discord, there are multiple issues reported by users, that haven't been replied to by author, contributors, or anyone from support even once.

Quantity over quality - it is what it is.

If you want to run the server bug-free you better hire a dev for specific functions than buy their plugin as they just won't fix anything. It's been over a year since I reported an issue that hasn't been fixed and new issues similar to the one I reported are being added? is that a bug, no - that's probably a feature if that doesn't get fixed.

I'll update the review if any of the issues i reported get fixed.

Version: 12.2.4
That's my first review of any plugin in SpigotMC, but I'm forced to show the truth about that developer.

As other customers already mentioned - support is terrible and that's a fact.
Issues hardly get fixed - that's a fact too.

I created an issue on their GitHub regarding an issue with item nbt that the plugin is causing, I haven't even gotten a response to that issue, it was just closed and marked as "completed" meanwhile it still happens.

I updated my server to the latest version of MC, and even tho I fixed their issues with my plugin (so that's a workaround instead of a real fix), new issues are happening and the author doesn't seem to care at all. On their discord, there are multiple issues reported by users, that haven't been replied to by author, contributors, or anyone from support even once.

Quantity over quality - it is what it is.

If you want to run the server bug-free you better hire a dev for specific functions than buy their plugin as they just won't fix anything. It's been over a year since I reported an issue that hasn't been fixed and new issues similar to the one I reported are being added? is that a bug, no - that's probably a feature if that doesn't get fixed.

I'll update the review if any of the issues i reported get fixed.

Version: 12.0.0
God blesses this author and his work, for his honest prices and its appealing quality.
Do not trust those who put shame on this software, for they share only the goal of lowering the greatness of this Author.

Thank you for providing me this plugin, I will continue supporting it.

Version: 11.2.2
Thought it was a good idea to buy this around Christmas, because ECO blocks the AdvancedEnchantment Descriptions. Thought it would be no problem. Then i faced bugs like permanent potion effects turning each other off when switching armor on/off. The support was slow and when i requested a refund after just a few hours into it since its not usable for my server like this - i got 1 answer and then just ghosted. No way of contacting the Dev directly.
Author's response
You should never use multiple custom enchantment plugins together!

Version: 10.50.1
Good, it getting more and more better.
i hope you can use this plugin now
In the past, the error was frequent, but now it has been fixed

Version: 10.50.0
The plugin is generally great, albeit unbalanced at the times. Generally, I could say I am satisfied with the overall quality of the plugin. It is also open source, and the codebase is excellent if I do say so myself.

The problem, however, is that the author is generally unresponsive to bug reports as indicated by the activity in bug reports channel on Discord. EcoEnchants features a major bug concerning item lore, and despite having reported said bug over 3 weeks ago, I am yet to receive a response acknowledging the bug.
Author's response
Hey, I'm so sorry about this! It's been coursework season for me but it's mostly over now so I'll be on this ASAP!

Version: 10.50.0
Extremely buggy, support is really bad - I've been cursed at, talked sh*t for just asking questions - see the pattern in other reviews as well with this. Do not recommend.

Version: 10.50.0
Superior Plugins, not to mention has great customization options. Auxillor does well, so well ive bought his whole ecosystem of Plugins.

Version: 10.45.1
Lags my server and their Discord and staff members lack discipline. Going to use mainly AE now.
Author's response
Hi - haven't seen you in the discord at all, if you have a problem feel free to come to me directly and I'll sort it for you

Version: 10.44.0
An absolutely incredible plugin allowing the usage of custom enchants without the laggy nonsense other plugins do. The fact you can set up an infinitely limitless amount of combinations for custom enchantments without issue is amazing. Plugin is always updated nearly everyday to fix issues and bugs. Support is there if you are patient, and if you follow directions in the discord provided

We are probably going to use thus plugin for years to come provided it is updated this quickly all the time. I wish it came with a custom enchanting table with it, so we could set 50 levels, or max of 100 levels for chances at enchants, but still, plugin is fantastic

Version: 10.42.0
Earlier wrote that refunds are impossible. So it is, I wrote in a private message to the developer here on the site, as well as in the developer's Discord, about the return of full ignoring. I do not use the plugin, and do not advise.

Version: 10.42.0
Complete ignore in return in a private message. I don't use the plugin, I can't say anything, I bought it by mistake.

Version: 10.39.1
The plugin itself is good, unfortunately there is no support, you have a library that helps you create things individually, but about 95% of people who use the plugin are not programmers and sometimes you need help/direction. A big minus for the non-existent support

Version: 10.39.0
Support for the plugin has been amazing, the author has put a lot of effort into trying to help out users with this plugin. Honestly, I feel upset that there seem to be a lot of negative reviews, when from a true genuine experience, it was an easy experience trying to get the plugin to work, and I never had any issues with the plugin. If you are considering to add some interesting gimmicks to your Minecraft server, I do suggest this plugin highly as it works with pretty much every plugin.

A high quality plugin, 10/10.

Version: 10.38.0
Coming from someone who owns a 13 year old minecraft server with a lot of experience..

Auxilor plugins seem to be consistantly buggy and nothing ever seems to change.

Support is very lacking. Issues hardly get fixed, Some staff and support seem very rude. I think you have to many plugins on the go and not enough time to develop quality over quantity.

You seem to spend every other day "updating your plugins" But really this is probably only done to just "bump" your plugins to the top of the
"Sort By: Last Update plugin list"

Eco is STILL disabling double drops from activating with mcmmo and other skill plugins after months and months of being reported of being bugged.

Think it time to move to a different enchants plugin sadly. ‍♀️

Probably best not to use any Auxilor plugins unless things change dramatically for the better.

After 3-4 years of using this Authors plugins i genuinely give up.

I cannot deal, or spend multiple hours trying to diagnose these faults and bugs. Enoguh is enough. Will spend my money elsewhere for now.

My first ever review but it had to be done.

Sorry, But this just is not acceptable, Especially for premium paid plugins.
Author's response
1) I just returned to university, I have things going on - but I'm sorry and I'll be sorting it ASAP

2) I haven't posted an update in over a week

3) I'll be fixing it

4) 0% chance you've been using my plugins for 3-4 years considering they haven't been out that long

Version: 10.38.0
post a bug about enchantment limitation not work two months ago, but still no one respond the issue, or fix it
Author's response
Hey, I'm sorry I missed that! I'll get that sorted ASAP

Version: 10.35.2
I consider the eco plugins to be good plugins but sometimes I find some problems that make me change my mind, there is an incompatibility problem with shopkeepers and it cannot be solved and I don't see any other viable alternative.
Author's response
Hi, you left the same review on three plugins, this isn't how to ask for support.

Version: 10.31.2
It's a nice plugin but it can't support the server of 1.18.1,maybe you can support this version for someone need
Author's response
It supports 1.18.1 - sounds like you're having an unrelated issue, please ask on the discord :)

Version: 10.31.1
Plugin is good, but a lot of suggestions get ignored. Made one 1 month ago and still no response.
Author's response
Going through suggestions currently, implemented a few recently and will continue to do so - i'll get to yours!

Version: 10.26.5
Mr Auxilior the plugin is great, I moved from AdvancedEnchantments and it's orgasmic how good is this plugin compared from ae. BUT PLEASE MAKE THAT EMPTY STRINGS DON'T ADD EMPTY LINES ON LORE SO WE CAN REMOVE DESCRIPTIONS FOR VANILLA ENCHANTS.

Version: 10.26.5
This Plugin is very great but update are too frequent and some of them break your previous enchantement and config. Support is not what i expected, many request has been ignored.So uptade are a major issue. if this change of course i will reevaluate my reviews.
Author's response
Hey! The only change that broke configs was over 11 months ago and there won't be another one, that was a complete rewrite to make EcoEnchants the best enchantment plugin ever made. As for support, feel free to shoot me a message on here and i'll make sure it's fixed as soon as possible, bugs are the absolute top priority. I hope you can enjoy EcoEnchants once again!

Version: 10.26.2
It's a very good plugin but it's lacking some critical features, for example right now if you enchant books you can get sharpness and protection on the same book, it would be nice an option to limit book enchanting to 1 enchant so this won't happen. Also, there is no way to disable lore descriptions for vanilla enchants, there should be an option for just showing lore descriptions for eco enchants.
Author's response
That's a vanilla mechanic so I didn't want to alter it. I can add options for all of these

Version: 10.26.0
I want to make a review because I really think that this plugin is so insane after all of these updates.

I haven't used this in some time because I don't make servers for now, however I am certainly that this plugin is cheap and you'll get a advanced enchantment plugin.

Haven't seen an enchantment plugin that's stable like this.

Auxilor is doing a great job maintaining all of his plugin and I think they are the best, and combined with ExecutableItems or EcoItems, you can do some crazy stuff.

Version: 10.23.2
I have a terrible experience with discord support, i created a thread with bug report over a 2 month ago, and got no response. If you ask in offtopic chat - you will be offered to use the code from github and fix it yourself!

Now about plugin - i bought this plugin when he was 8х version and it was a great plugin, maybe even best. For this time its constructor like lego, but imagine that some lego parts do not fit each other, some aspects of plugin break with updates. Default enchantments (after installation, like plug and play) works bad, and sometimes they don't work at all. And it's not surprising, check github, they were updated over a year ago!

I would like to believe that plugin will be fixed, and he will be cool as before, but now it's clearly not what i bought. At least fix your constructor default enchantments, you have many developers, is it really that difficult?
Author's response
Hi, there weren't any bug reports that were over 2 months old.

When it comes to default enchantments, they work as intended and the only reports come from you and your friends (for any buyers reading this - LomNar, Ivanusshka, AlexMiller, and vip_glist are all essentially the same).

Version: 10.23.2
Not optimized plugin, half of the enchantments do not work, before the plugin gave more or less stable content, now each noname throws its enchantment into the general database and you have to rummage through this mess!!!
Many triggers for writing your own enchantments either do not work or do not work correctly. The latest updates create more problems than they fix. Previously, the plugin was really the top one in the market, now I don’t advise, as I wrote above, you will have to sort out the problems created by the developers. I hope they will listen and draw conclusions, otherwise the developers have made a very complex tool that they themselves cannot maintain in a stable form.
Author's response
Hey, i'm unsure what you're talking about? All of the default enchantments in the plugin work as intended and I haven't had any reports about broken triggers. I'm sorry you've had this experience, but please use the issue tracker so I can fix it for you.

Version: 10.23.2
Great start, but still far from ideal, effects like telekinesis, infernal touch does not work with new setblock, but its easy to fix, you need add to hash block what you set to air, and than you can use it for drop/effects/exp/etc. Its not hard, i can create pull, but i think you can do it yourself!

Also you can give me access to discord, because I can only answer you here :)
Author's response
You're banned from the discord for posting openly pedophilic content.

Version: 10.23.1
Hello aux! Cool optimisation update (by Kapitowa) But still no fixed blockbreak effects (hight load), velocity (sometimes can't get position and spam console), multiply (filters i think). Sorry about bugreports here, i don't have access to your discord! Peace :)

Version: 10.22.0
EcoEnchants is easily the best enchantment plugin on the market. It's always worked well for me, and I've had few issues from it. Support is usually able to help me with any issues I have, and any bugs are fixed relatively quickly. Enchantments are very customizable while still being easy to configure and manage, and the default included ones cover almost any enchantment you'd want.

It integrates nicely with other plugins, especially with Auxilor's other ones. EcoEnchants has noticeably improved in quality over the past year or so, and I would highly recommend!

Version: 10.22.0
Still no optimization block break trigger, still some checks that are not needed, still terrible discord support by often - aggression, toxic, kicks for no reason.

For example - BlastMining (3x3 break pickaxe) with 100% chance can kill ur tps, 3x check regions (wg)? Ur welcome, and many other things!

About OfTen and optimization -
Author's response
You're a persistent review-bomber and you're banned from the discord for being a pedophile and talking about how you love 14 year old girls.

Version: 10.20.4
Please add geyser support!!! Please add geyser support!!! Please add geyser support!!!

Version: 10.20.4
Geyser support!Geyser support!Geyser support!Geyser support!Geyser support!Geyser support!Geyser support!Geyser support!

Version: 10.19.0
The truth is that it seems like a good plugin to me, it has good performance, and the support is excellent and I can create my custom enchants and combine it with advancedenchantments and my custom survival looks spectacular

Version: 10.19.0
why the enchant name don't reveal in the items ,I have checked it in many parts and have used the latest pro and eco

Version: 10.19.0
[ModernPluginLoadingStrategy] Could not load plugin 'eco-6.63.1-all.jar' in folder 'plugins'
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( ~[?:?]
at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( ~[?:?]
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller( ~[?:?]
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( ~[?:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.provider.util.ProviderUtil.loadClass( ~[purpur-api-1.20-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.provider.util.ProviderUtil.loadClass( ~[purpur-api-1.20-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.provider.type.paper.PaperPluginParent$PaperServerPluginProvider.createInstance( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.provider.type.paper.PaperPluginParent$PaperServerPluginProvider.createInstance( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.entrypoint.strategy.modern.ModernPluginLoadingStrategy.loadProviders( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.entrypoint.LaunchEntryPointHandler.enter( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugins( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.yaml.snakeyaml.representer.Representer: method 'void <init>()' not found
at<init>(EcoRepresenter.kt:9) ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>(EcoLoadableConfig.kt:147) ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>(EcoUpdatableConfig.kt:19) ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>( ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>( ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>( ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>( ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>( ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>(EcoSpigotPlugin.kt:140) ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>(EcoImpl.kt:78) ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
... 17 more
[09:43:28 INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Initializing EcoEnchants
[09:43:28 ERROR]: [ModernPluginLoadingStrategy] Could not load plugin 'EcoEnchants v10.18.1.jar' in folder 'plugins'
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( ~[?:?]
at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( ~[?:?]
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller( ~[?:?]
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( ~[?:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.provider.util.ProviderUtil.loadClass( ~[purpur-api-1.20-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.provider.util.ProviderUtil.loadClass( ~[purpur-api-1.20-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.provider.type.paper.PaperPluginParent$PaperServerPluginProvider.createInstance( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.provider.type.paper.PaperPluginParent$PaperServerPluginProvider.createInstance( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.entrypoint.strategy.modern.ModernPluginLoadingStrategy.loadProviders( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.entrypoint.LaunchEntryPointHandler.enter( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugins( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[purpur-1.20.jar:git-Purpur-1987]
at ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.yaml.snakeyaml.representer.Representer: method 'void <init>()' not found
at<init>(EcoRepresenter.kt:9) ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>(EcoLoadableConfig.kt:147) ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>(EcoUpdatableConfig.kt:19) ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>( ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>( ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>( ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>( ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at<init>( ~[eco-6.63.1-all.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.libreforge.loader.LibreforgePlugin.<init>(LibreforgePlugin.kt:25) ~[EcoEnchants v10.18.1.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.EcoEnchantsPlugin.<init>(EcoEnchantsPlugin.kt:44) ~[EcoEnchants v10.18.1.jar:?]
... 17 more

Version: 10.18.0
I don't remember rating, so here I am.

Updates to often. Please make some "final" versions that works without bugs and then add new features. Please understand us sometimes... We're not some kind of lab rats to test us and I'm pretty sure you have enough "coverage" on spigot to not push your plugins "in front" of other plugins.

Overall 6/5 in terms of quality, quantity & performance.

Version: 10.16.1
[Server thread/ERROR]: Could not pass event DamageCheckEvent to libreforge v4.16.0
java.lang.StackOverflowError: null
at ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at ~[EcoEnchants v10.16.0.jar:?]
at java.util.HashMap.hash( ~[?:?]
at java.util.HashMap.put( ~[?:?]
at$createProvider$1.invoke(EnchantLookup.kt:328) ~[EcoEnchants v10.16.0.jar:?]
at$createProvider$1.invoke(EnchantLookup.kt:321) ~[EcoEnchants v10.16.0.jar:?]
at$registerProvider$1.invoke(EnchantLookup.kt:62) ~[EcoEnchants v10.16.0.jar:?]
at$registerProvider$1.invoke(EnchantLookup.kt:60) ~[EcoEnchants v10.16.0.jar:?]
at$lambda-0(EnchantLookup.kt:74) ~[EcoEnchants v10.16.0.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.lambda$doComputeIfAbsent$13( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.compute( ~[?:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.doComputeIfAbsent( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.computeIfAbsent( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LocalCache.computeIfAbsent( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LocalManualCache.get( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at ~[EcoEnchants v10.16.0.jar:?]
at$lambda-2(EnchantLookup.kt:99) ~[EcoEnchants v10.16.0.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.lambda$doComputeIfAbsent$13( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.compute( ~[?:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.doComputeIfAbsent( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.computeIfAbsent( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LocalCache.computeIfAbsent( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LocalManualCache.get( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at ~[EcoEnchants v10.16.0.jar:?]
at$lambda-4(EnchantLookup.kt:146) ~[EcoEnchants v10.16.0.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.lambda$doComputeIfAbsent$13( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.compute( ~[?:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.doComputeIfAbsent( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.computeIfAbsent( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LocalCache.computeIfAbsent( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LocalManualCache.get( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at ~[EcoEnchants v10.16.0.jar:?]
at ~[EcoEnchants v10.16.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.EcoEnchantsPlugin$handleEnable$1.invoke(EcoEnchantsPlugin.kt:59) ~[EcoEnchants v10.16.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.EcoEnchantsPlugin$handleEnable$1.invoke(EcoEnchantsPlugin.kt:59) ~[EcoEnchants v10.16.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.libreforge.HolderProviderKt$registerHolderProvider$1.provide(HolderProvider.kt:108) ~[libreforge-4.16.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.libreforge.HolderProviderKt._get_holders_$lambda-7(HolderProvider.kt:156) ~[libreforge-4.16.0.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.lambda$doComputeIfAbsent$13( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.compute( ~[?:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.doComputeIfAbsent( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.BoundedLocalCache.computeIfAbsent( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LocalCache.computeIfAbsent( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LocalManualCache.get( ~[eco-6.61.0-all.jar:?]
at com.willfp.libreforge.HolderProviderKt.getHolders(HolderProvider.kt:155) ~[libreforge-4.16.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.libreforge.HolderProviderKt.calculateActiveEffects(HolderProvider.kt:261) ~[libreforge-4.16.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.libreforge.HolderProviderKt.updateEffects(HolderProvider.kt:280) ~[libreforge-4.16.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.libreforge.conditions.impl.ConditionAboveHealthPercent.handle(ConditionAboveHealthPercent.kt:36) ~[libreforge-4.16.0.jar:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor2488.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor$2.execute( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:git-Paper-307]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.lumine.mythic.lib.manager.EntityManager.canInteract( ~[MythicLib-1.5.2.jar:?]
at io.lumine.mythic.lib.listener.SkillTriggers.damagedByEntity( ~[MythicLib-1.5.2.jar:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor495.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor$2.execute( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:git-Paper-307]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.lumine.mythic.lib.manager.EntityManager.canInteract( ~[MythicLib-1.5.2.jar:?]
at io.lumine.mythic.lib.listener.SkillTriggers.damagedByEntity( ~[MythicLib-1.5.2.jar:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor495.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor$2.execute( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:git-Paper-307]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.lumine.mythic.lib.manager.EntityManager.canInteract( ~[MythicLib-1.5.2.jar:?]
at io.lumine.mythic.lib.listener.SkillTriggers.damagedByEntity( ~[MythicLib-1.5.2.jar:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor495.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor$2.execute( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:git-Paper-307]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.lumine.mythic.lib.manager.EntityManager.canInteract( ~[MythicLib-1.5.2.jar:?]
at io.lumine.mythic.lib.listener.SkillTriggers.damagedByEntity( ~[MythicLib-1.5.2.jar:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor495.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor$2.execute( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:git-Paper-307]
Author's response
Hi! This looks like an issue with MythicLib, you should pass this on to them :)

Version: 10.16.0
I love this plugin and I will be considering to buy other Eco plugins as well to synergize them

Version: 10.13.1
Description is right: "A custom enchantments plugin that doesn't suck.". It just doesn't suck. I converted from another plugin for the customisability of EcoEnchants, and it takes the cake. Thousands of combinations of effects, filters, triggers and conditions, all to make it perfect for you, your players, and your server.

Each enchantment is individually configurable to be traded with Vills, obtainable in loot or in the enchanting table, allowing for the perfect setup, or even to make admin enchantments that you can pre-load onto custom items. Individual config per enchant is great, and supports any file layout. Overall, I love this enchantment plugin, couple it with some external plugins and you can match the functionality of another large plugin, but with loads and loads more customisation.

Version: 10.13.0
Bad support, blacklisted in discord by _OfTeN_ out of personal dislike.

P.S update enchants gui, add more configurable settings. Change title from Enchanted book to enchant name like placeholder, etc. Add \n to conflicts, target, loot change.
Author's response
You're a persistent review-bomber. I looked at your suggestions and said I'd implement them. I helped you in minutes when you had a problem.

Version: 10.12.1
The ultimate waste of time and effort. I'm not even sure any effort went into creating it, and developer is always confidently wrong when making fixes or features. Every fix brings more issues.

Performance is not bad, it's nonexistent.

Staff members are toxic, that "often" manchild needs to be taught how to talk with customers, how is he even allowed to talk with us? This man doxes and exposes people's addresses if you even dare to disagree with him.

To sum up, if you want horrible support, low to no functionality, to lag and crash your server - this plugin is for you!
Author's response
Hey Shisx. You've left a lot of reviews on EcoEnchants, and every time I mention it you like to go and delete them again. But that's fine, I can reply again:

- There was a bug report about performance opened by someone, and it was fixed weeks ago.
- You're fabricating straight up lies and accusations of doxxing, which are completely, totally untrue
- There have been zero reports of EcoEnchants crashing a server. None. It hasn't happened.
- You've bought the plugin over 2 years ago and don't even use it. You're only here to post 1-star reviews every few weeks, like you've done time and again in the past.

I'm sorry to any potential buyers who are reading this review, and it's sad that I have to leave this message again, but please just ignore this guy. Feel free to have a look at other reviews and make your own decision.


Version: 10.7.1
First of all the data migration from yml to mysql doesn't work, second the data is not properly synced between servers when using mysql, players are losing levels when switching servers or even when they disconnect, and third, the libraforge garbage new and cool update introduced so so so many bugs its insane! All of these issues are reported many days now and even months now!! The author fails to reply or provide explanations, he always busy or on a trip or on a vacation the best you gonna get is "i will look into it" if you are lucky, otherwise its a no reply and then weeks go by.
Author's response
Hiya! You've left the same review on a bunch of plugins so I'll just respond to them all with this:

- I'm still trying to recreate your data sync bug, it seems to only affect a very small number of people, but it's my current priority
- The latest update, just like the updates before it, fixes several bugs.
- I'm active on discord and frequently post updates on what I'm working on. There's even a channel to see exactly what I'm doing at any time!

Version: 10.6.0
New Review Regarding "Often" & Harassment over a minecraft plugin:

My Original Review has been replied to twice saying once that the bugs mentioned have been fixed and a 2nd time that they weren't sure what bug i was referring to. To clear up any confusion which i really shouldnt have to do given the issue is addressed directly in the below review which they may or may not have read:

Rocket Saver, a enchant that comes with the plugin when purchased does not work. It only functions if you edit the config to make all levels of the enchantment have a 100% chance of working. As of today, i have been told that this was an issue on the side of PaperMC, which i cannot vouch for or confirm noir deny.

The person who told me this, "Often" a official staff member for the plugin, confronted me on this issue and my reviews by bombarding me with public harassment on their server, I no longer can see these messages as I left, so take my word for it (or dont). They called me and another reviewer on spigot, r*tarded, along with many other slurs and unpleasant words. Considering this was one sided until I was pushed enough. I find myself the victim of these events, not them. I admit I verbally expressed my frustration in the heat of the argument but at least I stood for the right reasons. This all from someone the developer trusts enough to call staff on his official discord. I'm just a guy running a server with a plugin i paid good money for which i no longer wish to use from these events. If you spend enough time in the discord server I'm sure anyone can see "Often" is immature and not fit for his position of power over this plugin's support system.

I would rate this plugin 0 stars if i could.

Original Review:

I've been using EcoEnchants & EcoItems for almost 8 months probably. And I keep tabs on their discord quite often. Here's my review.

The plugin itself is great usually, but recently I find something is broken every time I update the plugin, some of the default enchants that come with the plugin don't even function for a variety of reasons. Bugs come with updates more often than fixes do.

Not sure what changed on that regard, but either way their support is not good, days go by without users received any updates on messages they send about their issues using the plugin or reporting bugs. One of my issues I've mentioned multiple times regarding how to use eco-items with eco-enchants has gone unnoticed 3 times. Another issue regarding the rocket saver enchant from on their discord I've been waiting for a fix on has been open for more than a month without even a message from someone letting us know they are working on it.

Most of this plugin is great except when its not, and they really need to fix their support discord or move it over to GitHub like almost every other plugin.
Author's response
Hi! There's been some changes since you left this review, so let me fill you in:

- All of the bugs you mention have now been fixed
- Support is being worked on and I'm making an effort to have more oversight to stop this kind of thing happening again

If you ever have any other issues, please reach out to me directly and I'll sort it for you :)

Version: 10.6.0
I've been using this plugin for a few years now and have been extremely satisfied. Like many complex plugins, it has a few bugs from time to time, but from my experience they are typically fixed within a pretty fast timeframe. Out of every custom enchant plugin I've tried so far, this plugin provides the most vanilla-like experience and easiest customization. It has a very extensive wiki as well to allow you to easily create your own enchants. Since downloading it a few years ago, we have never once had to switch enchant plugins and have no plans on switching anytime soon. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a great custom enchant plugin for their server!

Version: 10.6.0
So, im not a hater, i delete previous reviews. Finally, bug is gone.

But 4/5 cause discord support is not good, OfTeN toxic kid who blacklisted after bug-reports.

Version: 10.5.0
Easily one of the best enchantment plugins out there. I tried many similar plugins and they all had different issues. Eco however usually works fine, and the dev also tries to fix any bugs related with other plugins, which is why I can only reccommend this :3

Version: 10.5.0
I know code isn't always perfect, but I urge everyone who has issues to report instead of leaving any kind of a review. Auxilor has been updating non-stop and seems to want to address the issues, so show some patience before jumping into harsh criticism. Keep it up man, as a fellow programmer, I know this crap can be tough to fix sometimes.

Version: 10.5.0
Hey! Nice try, but bonus_health gives still from 1st item, ignore other xD
So bug are not fixed, don't mislead people.

Latest eco, latest ecoenchants.

YT proof -
GitHub enchant link -

You are trolling or i dont now what are you doing rly
Author's response
Hey, really sorry about that - during testing we forgot to test with thrive (instead using debug enchantments, debug EcoItems items, debug EcoArmor sets, etc.), and this bug completely slipped under the radar. This turned out to be a different issue that just happened to affect Thrive as well. This is fixed now!

Version: 10.4.1
another new version with a lot bugs and minimum fixes... i think developer needs a team, and testers to make this plugin great again
Author's response
Hey! Your bugs are all fixed now!

Version: 10.4.1
To say I'm frustrated at this point would be an understatement.

I'd like first to acknowledge that the amount of plugins Auxilior can maintain is astounding and impressive. This was one of the first enchantment plugins that perfectly integrated into vanilla's system, and I was incredibly impressed; I think everyone was.

Since recently, the quality of all the plugins has significantly decreased, to the point where I have to put my server on pause, waiting not to lose what I would consider a staple plugin for almost any type of server.

The influx of updates these plugins receive makes it almost impossible to keep up to date, which makes the fact that a slew of significant issues are brushed over in almost every update.

I want to love this plugin like I used to, but I think the amount of plugins that need to be maintained has sadly decreased the quality of not only this one but all of them.

For reference, I currently have Enchants, Jobs, Reforges, Skills, and Boosters.

(p.s. bring back Artifacts, the one pack in the discord crashes the server)
Author's response
Hey! I'm really sorry that's been your experience. It's true that the update from libreforge 3 to 4 wasn't as smooth as I would have hoped and definitely led to a lot more bugs than I initially realized. That being said, I'm cutting down on the list as much as possible and to my knowledge the health bug (annoyingly only affecting some users) is the only major one left. I'm devoting as much time to it as I can, exam season withstanding

Version: 10.4.1
I've been using EcoEnchants & EcoItems for almost 8 months probably. And I keep tabs on their discord quite often. Here's my review.

The plugin itself is great usually, but recently I find something is broken every time I update the plugin, some of the default enchants that come with the plugin don't even function for a variety of reasons. Bugs come with updates more often than fixes do.

Not sure what changed on that regard, but either way their support is not good, days go by without users received any updates on messages they send about their issues using the plugin or reporting bugs. One of my issues I've mentioned multiple times regarding how to use eco-items with eco-enchants has gone unnoticed 3 times. Another issue regarding the rocket saver enchant from on their discord I've been waiting for a fix on has been open for more than a month without even a message from someone letting us know they are working on it.

Most of this plugin is great except when its not, and they really need to fix their support discord or move it over to GitHub like almost every other plugin.

I will update my review if something is fixed or support gets better.
Author's response
Hi, these bugs have been fixed now!

Version: 10.4.0
How many new versions are needed, to fix an elementary bug with health effects?

For new buyers - effects like give_health or bonus_health do not work correctly. For example if you have armor enchants with this effects, health will be given only from the 1st. And many other problems that are ignored by aux. So please consider this before purchasing product.
Author's response
For any new buyers, this is all fixed now!

Version: 10.3.0
Plugins haven't been patched for 2 weeks, KingdomX compatibility bug reported multiple times by several users. Don't expect support because you won't get it!
Author's response
Hi! KingdomsX compatibility has been fixed

Version: 10.2.7
Great plugin with lot of customization and features. Never had any problems with their support, they always helped me with everything that I needed.

Definitely can recommend 10/10

Version: 10.2.7
blacklisted by OfTeN after bug report, still no fixed critical bugs, health effects work terrible
Author's response
Hi, these bugs are now all fixed!

Version: 10.2.7
I need a different plugin. I have contacted support on their discord, and it was horrible. I said I wouldn't upload all my latest.log because it has personal information, and before, I got hacked that way through backdoors. I have uploaded the error from the plugin itself, but the staff have been disrespectful and said I need to give a complete log, but I do not trust everyone seeing all my stuff.

They removed me from supported and removed my verified bags even though I requested a refund but did not get one because they did not want me to have any contact with them.

The plugin is probably good, even though it does not work for me, and I never tried it at all. Sad to see terrible support at their discord and abusive mods, one of which was "_OfTeN_#0989".
Author's response
We need your latest.log to figure out your problem. You can't get backdoored from a log file. You refused to provide us what we need to help you and then acted extremely rude and unhelpful while we were trying to help you.

Version: 9.17.5
Editing my one star review from last time.

An honest review.

I've given EcoEnchants a second chance, on the promise of the recode by Auxilor. The recode is a lot better, less performance issues ect.

Cons to those upgrading:

If you move from the old code to the new, all existing enchants from the old code will no longer function. (Aborist, Defelection ect) I was quoted $200 in the discord to have the old enchants re-implemented/configs re-done which is very disappointing as they were the reason I purchased the plugin in the first place. As a result, several pre-existing tools no longer work as expected due to the enchants not existing. As a server owner who has used ecoenchants for several years, you can imagine the chaos that is now ensuing from players who need new enchants applied to their pre-existing tools.

While it does boast "250" enchants, please check out the enchant list as the majority are uploaded by other members who have the plugin. They're not all guaranteed to work and there's a lot in other languages from english which can be difficult to stifle through.


I'm going to admit, I previously took an avid dislike to this plugin. It was bumped several times a day with bugged updates, spamming my spigot notifications and made it difficult for server owners to know which build was stable. However, since the recode I have watched the updates and it does seem like they are less frequent and positive. I have not come across any bugs so far, and the discord has a lot of free content / helpful members.

I appreciate the "free enchants" in the showcase channel, and it only took a little search to find that someone had infact re-created the very popular artifact enchants.

In all, this would have been 5 stars if it did not cause me a pain with the old enchants being deleted, while the plugin was recoded, it really should have retained the enchants advertised when we first purchased the plugin.

It is by far, regardless - the best enchant plugin on the market right now. I am very impressed with the improvements and I look forward to watching this plugin develop further.

Version: 9.17.5
I stopped using this plugin at one time due to performance issues.
I will try to use it again because of the efforts of the developer who keeps updating it.
Keeping updating something requires interest and affection, but
We know it's not easy. Kudos to this developer as well.

Version: 9.17.4
Constant useless updates to bump bazillion of eco poorly made plugins that had no effort put into them with basic functionality. Never real changes that will actually affect the gameplay or any improvements.

Full of bugs, toxic developer and very bad support.

Version: 9.17.2
Lovely plugin, lots of enchants, supportive owner, good value, gets the job done

Version: 9.17.2
dont buy here. you will treated like shit and never get support. if you buy, buy on Polymart where it is kept up to date.

Ive had nothing but problems with the eco Library. Nothing is kept up to date on SpigotMC due to a dispute between this author and the website owner. plugins seems to work for a day and break the next. some functions outright do not work. ive extensively tested different hosts, and my own personal pc with just the eco plugin library.

stay far away. there are far better free alternatives for ALL of his library.

Version: 9.17.1
Don't buy it!!!!!!!! Because the author's updates come from thanking others for providing the code. The attribute bug has existed for half a year and still hasn't been fixed!!!!

Version: 9.17.1
Don't buy it!!!! The author has no ability to fix the bugs. His update only comes from thanking others for submitting the code

Version: 9.17.1
This is my favorite enchantments plugin, its pretty much vanilla as possible whilst still adding new features, i hate the tinker system or other weird stuff in other enchantment plugins, this one is just perfect.

Only reason I am leaving 4, not 5 star review is maybe because im dumb, or the reason that artifact enchantments are gone, i cant seem to find them anywhere and they were my favorite aspect of the plugin, maybe im dumb and i can turn them on and i will change to 5 stars:)

Version: 9.17.0
Please don't buy it, because the attribute bug has appeared for half a year and the author hasn't fixed it. His update only comes from unlimited thanks others

Version: 9.17.0
There are really many bugs in this plugin as the infinite amount of blood. Even if there is an attribute clearing provided by the author, it can't clear all the attributes that are blocked because of the bug. Before, I thought v9 was a great one, at least better than v8, but now I realize that the author can't maintain it at all. He will only rely on what other people write to add to his plugin. If you want to get support, please comment on one star in the spigot, so you will get a reply, Because the question I raised in discord has not been answered by staff for a week. If you are still considering whether to buy, please do not buy it
Author's response
This is at least the 16th one-star you've left. You and yebai need to understand that this is not where to ask for support. You're banned from the discord for being a constant pain in the ass.

Version: 9.17.0
EcoEnchants is no different from the rest of the Eco Catalogue... It is cool when it works, but sadly it rarely works.

I've used the entire Eco catalogue for a little over a year and a half; the entire time, they have been constantly out of date and broken due to the owners inability (for no reason other than he doesn't want to, due to a dispute with the owner of SpigotMC) to keep his plugins up to date on this website. If you buy, buy on Polymart. where he keeps them up to date. A disclaimer would be nice. The favoritism on the platforms really sucks for those who buy it here. A single notice about it on the purchase page would be great... but that would hurt sales right?

what's up with the permanent 25/50% off sales? they aren't sales if they are permanent... that's the normal price. I understand you want money, but come on...

But I still would advise against it. even when up to date, they are riddled with bugs and problems that you will receive absolutely no support for in heir discord, in their specific support channels. The only help I've received, was from random community members who wished to do so out of the goodness of their heart.

I have tried using the eco catalogue on different server hosts, and including my own personal server. Though I have experimented with other plugins, I have tested the eco catalogue, in a completely fresh setting and on their own with only the base requirements to run them.

Cool when they work, but they are functional less than half the time. and almost never all at once. Truly terrible when they often work in conjunction... and are supposed to do so.

He curates reviews in his discord, deleting anything bad and only putting up good ones. I have a hunch that this author has payed for bots to review bomb his selling platforms to be predominantly good. Pure speculation, but you read all the reviews and let me know what you think.

Version: 9.16.2
Enchant Thrive and Streamlining makes HP and Speed infinitely raise everytime server restarted. Thats the only bug I can found.

Other than that, its OK.

Version: 9.16.1
In order to access your discord, I re-registered an account. This is very interesting. I hope you can give feedback on the bugs submitted there in time. My previous comments have been deleted. It is also forced to communicate with you in this way. Now I have new problems, bones_ Health may lead to unlimited growth of player's life, and cannot be adjusted back to the base of 20 through other plug-ins
Author's response
Please stop leaving reviews. It's your 15th one at least. This is not the place for support. If you're banned from the discord it's because you were banned for being a persistent pain in the ass.

Version: 9.16.0
Can't recommend, after one game breaking bug is fixed another is created. Took around a year to get one dupe bug to be fixed as the plugin needed to be recoded, now there are more game breaking bugs and who knows how long it will be before anything is done about it. I am sick of waiting and never getting confirmation if it is being worked on. I need something that works right now, not interested in purchasing something that doesn't work. Unpolished / Unfinished / Unresponsive, would give 0/5 if I could I will never use Auxilor plugins again, I have given them multiple opportunities but I'm always left unsatisfied and frustrated at all the bugs.

Version: 9.16.0
It's a really awesome plugin! But please allow the license to be transferred to Polymart, thanks to the development team!

Version: 9.16.0
Lately, there's been bug fixes and the support has been great.

I've been using this for some time now, since 9.0 release (also 8.0). I'm happy say that I'm satisfied and yes I was a cunt at the beginning because of the bad reviews and great reviews, I couldn't decide whether to love this or not, but I must say.

Again, I'm satisfied and happy using this. Easy to config, easy to understand, a support you can easily go to through discord.

Auxilor, you are doing a great job, mostly Often :⁠-⁠P

Hell nah, you all are doing are great job.

Version: 9.16.0
I filled in "slot: mainhand" according to your method, which caused the plug-in to not load. If possible, I would like to give a suggestion to improve your plug-in wiki first, because I found that there is even 8.0 writing method of enchantment on it, and many places are not perfect. In the process of writing enchantment, I found that many existing enchantments in the past cannot be written according to the "effect" content you gave, such as tracking and indestructibility, if possible, Please write down the enchantment methods that can be done before, so that we can better upgrade from ecoenchants8.0 to ecoenchants9.0

Version: 9.16.0
The plugin is great, but I will mention this -

Enchants can conflict with other plugins very easily. I strongly recommend testing the enchants before placing them into a live server. This should be the meta for any new addition to any server. A majority of bugs and issues came from not testing enchants beforehand in my personal experience. With that lesson learned, I do not have a single issue with the plugin.

When updating the plugin, I strongly suggest copying your config files over to a test server, update it in the test server and just try it out for a few minutes in case of anything. The author usually is good at letting the community know ahead of time of any significant changes.

Moving on from that, the features themselves are great. The ability to upload and download configs with just a command is really nice. Everything is configured and its possible to play with just the default config.

The author is very down to earth. Be nice to him and he will be nice back. Seems like a young-ish guy from what I can tell.

TLDR; with proper precautions you almost never will encounter an issue.

Version: 9.16.0
Previously, because of plug-in conflicts, I thought that the author had not repaired the bug of the plug-in. Now the misunderstanding has been removed, and I also deleted the negative comment. I tried to write the enchantment of EcoEnchants 8.0 to version 9.0 by myself yesterday, but I found that the wiki of the plug-in is not perfect. There are many previous enchantments that cannot be reproduced in the new version, such as indestructibility. There are also some enchantments that may be restricted by the author, such as repairing, I want to contact you through discord, but I can't enter discord. Even I don't know what I did wrong and I was kicked out of discord by you. If I have suggestions or bugs to submit, where should I contact you?

Version: 9.16.0
Ignore the blatant review bomb from a competitor under my review. Clearly fake.

Incredible and super powerful plugin to make custom plugin, with passive and active bonus. Comes with so many functionnalities and you can easily make what you dream!

Version: 9.15.9
I have used it for a few months now and it works very well for me, it is true that there are some minor bugs in most cases but the developer fixes it frequently, I have tried several enchantment plugins and this is really the one that has best suited me.

In general, it is a good plugin in my opinion, avoid reading the bad comments without foundations that only throw hate without justification.

Version: 9.15.9
The author has repeatedly evaded the occurrence of bugs. At least it has been nearly two weeks now. My server version is purpur 1.19.2-R0.1. Using the latest eco and ecoenchants cannot make the enchantment that increases damage effective for the player. Now I think the author has no development ability at all. I think you can not trust the author. He has no ability to troubleshoot the problem of his plug-in. Again, if there are no bugs, I won't argue with you here. Again, I can't enter your discord to communicate with you. I believe most other buyers will have the same fate as me. If you want to buy this plug-in, I suggest you think twice before you act. As the old saying goes, plug-ins are good plug-ins, but the author is really incompetent
Author's response
If you can't enter discord it's because you were banned. I've checked with many other people and run testing and your bug doesn't exist.

Version: 9.15.9
Developer is a total and their discord support, if it's even at this point possible to call support discord, completely useless.

Talk about an issue and all you get is "fix yourself" or "if it's such a simple issue why don't you just fix it and commit the code". I am convinced by now that Auxilor is unable to maintain any of his plugins and the only possible way he will do so if he's getting some outside help.

What is the point of making insanely simple and not complicated plugins ( I assume that is your goal ) if you are still unable to make them good?

You need to change the tag line of this plugin from "plugin that doesn't suck" to a "mediocre plugin". This sucks.
Author's response
I'm not going to bother to reply to this review, I'm just going to give a heads-up:

Shishx, yebai, and MClone are persistent review-bombers, and I just can't do anything about them. The plugin receives frequent updates fixing many problems.

Version: 9.15.7
The author still hasn't fixed the loss of enchantment damage in PVP in this version. This is my seventh feedback. The incompetent always feel that it is someone else's problem. If you fix it, I will stop giving one star. If you don't fix it, I will always comment on one star
Author's response
Hi, for anyone reading this: Shishx, yebai, and MClone are persistent review-bombers.

The 'bug' talked about here has been tested with many users and does not exist. It's just spam.

Version: 9.15.6
When I saw the plug-in update, I was very excited. I thought the author had fixed the problem of PVP losing enchantment damage, but I tested and found that he still did not fix the problem. He commented last time that "I'll fix that!". Now it seems that I am too stupid to believe the author's lies
Author's response
Hi, for anyone reading this: Shishx, yebai, and MClone are persistent review-bombers.

The 'bug' talked about here has been tested with many users and does not exist. It's just spam.

Version: 9.15.4
Some people may think it is the best enchantment plugin, and I don't object to it, but please treat this plugin correctly. It does have its good points, but there are still bugs and bad points. My comment also hopes that the author can fix the bugs, because I can't get in because of his discord. There are bugs that haven't been fixed for ten days. Again, I don't say it is a bad plugin
Author's response
Hi, for anyone reading this: Shishx, yebai, and MClone are persistent review-bombers.

The 'bug' talked about here has been tested with many users and does not exist. It's just spam.

Version: 9.15.4
The review bombing for this plugin is genuinely gross. This is hands down the best enchant plugin on the market and worth the money. Creating your own enchants are super easy and its compatible with basically every plugin. I can create something with mmoitems and add one of these enchants flawlessly. It has a good base of achievements, and unlimited options to create yourself. There's also constant updates. I've used many other ones and this is definitely the best and most updated.

Version: 9.15.4
You still haven't fixed the player's PVP damage problem,This problem is so serious that I cannot upgrade from 8.0 to 9.0
Author's response
Hi, for anyone reading this: Shishx, yebai, and MClone are persistent review-bombers.

The 'bug' talked about here has been tested with many users and does not exist. It's just spam.

Version: 9.15.3
I mean, enchantment effect fills damage_ Multipler, but triggers:
- melee_attack ,It only works on monsters,not player! the enchantment of introversion also not works on player
Author's response
Hi, for anyone reading this: Shishx, yebai, and MClone are persistent review-bombers.

The 'bug' talked about here has been tested with many users and does not exist. It's just spam.

Version: 9.15.3
Increased damage enchantment is invalid for players,the effects is damage_multipler!
Author's response
Hi, for anyone reading this: Shishx, yebai, and MClone are persistent review-bombers.

The 'bug' talked about here has been tested with many users and does not exist. It's just spam.

Version: 9.15.3
Honest Review.

A Community
Enchant Gui
Enchantment is not in a LORE
Easy to create enchantments

There is way to many bugs
Discord reports seems not to be taken care of
Not a total of 220 enchantments, but lrcdb does count it up to that number (just not official, like it was in v8)
Frequently updates with 1 small feature or fix

Overall, I recommend buying this over other enchantment plugins if you like customizable enchantments!

I use it, I've been using it for a long time now and my players love it and so do I...

You're doing a great job, and hoping those bugs will have an end.

Version: 9.15.2
The plugin is great, but Discord is not allowed to be invited in. There is no way to feedback questions at all. Github does not reply, so I would like to know where the author's bug feedback comes from?
Author's response
Discord invite is If you can't join, it means you were banned

Version: 9.15.0
near good as what it advertised for but for some reason, there's an /enchantinfo just straight out giving Errors.

Other than that, its good.
Author's response
Can you send me the error on discord?

Version: 9.15.0
I used to use the 8.x version of EcoEnchant, when I switched it to the 9.x version. The player's enchantment data is all lost, how can I fix it.

Version: 9.14.4
Plugin doesn't start on my server.
Previous versions have worked on my server but this one doesn't at all.
Been trying to contact support for this issue. They replied with give me the logs. Soon after i did this. They totally ignored my messages for 15 days straight. He keeps coming online but never replies to any of my messages. Beginning to feel scammed but waiting patiently!!
Author's response
Hi! I've been on holiday - can you let me know your discord tag and i'll sort it asap

Version: 9.14.2
The enchantment of automatic replanting of crop receipt has failed. I hope you can solve it!
Author's response
Hi! Replenish has been fixed :)

Version: 9.14.2
Hi, it seems like i can't join the discord server.
Maybe it's because i was banned there from 5 months ago.
my account was hacked and you ban my account because the hacker sending phising link. but i already get my account back can you help me?

My discord acc: FLX#4034

Version: 9.13.0
Shit storm continues, after many fake reviews I have to once again remind everyone that this plugin is made poorly and DOES NOT HAVE 220 enchants. It has 82 DEFAULT ENCHANTS.

Author says to "download other enchants" that were made by other community members and haven't been tested, nor they are official. 220 enchants are not included in the plugin by default. And least it doesn't lie anymore as it was 450+ before.

All "5 star reviews" below are complete sham considering NOTHING WAS FIXED OR CHANGED before actual real reviews were posted, the few last reviews are just smoke the author is trying to shove up customers butt. Author only restarted updating the plugin when good reviews came back and wasn't even doing anything when it had real responses. A classic Auxilor moment.

Do not buy, i don't recommend this to anyone and avoid at all matters.
Author's response
Hi - there are no fake reviews, I'm not going to have you even try that.
There are 101 default enchants (if you could count) included in the base plugin, which is pretty clear in the description. On lrcdb, that brings it up to a total of 243 *completely unique* enchantments.

I don't know what your problem is, man.

Version: 9.12.1
Now work perfect .

Version: 9.12.1
So yeah, after updates, the plugin is usable again!

Very good one. But, it was bugged out before (thus why my review)
I loved to use it year ago, now it's even better.

Version: 9.12.1
Best custom enchantment plugin on the market. The enchants blend perfectly into vanilla and there's amazing amount of effects to make your own. I also really love the togglable enchant descriptions for players, makes it so you don't have to describe each enchant to players.

Version: 9.12.1
Fantastic enchantment plugin, too bad so many cringe nubs buy it and put up fake reviews to hurt developers. I was happy with the original version, and you all should feel lucky they rewrote the whole plugin to make some happy. Its a amazing plugin that works perfect with a massive free database of hundreds of add on enchantments. It deserves 10 stars.

Version: 9.11.0
FINALLY an enchant plugin that is just perfect and does what it's supposed to do. Everything works great, just one enchant was bugged (Finishing) but have reported it, hopefully it'll be fixed soon. ALL your plugins are just amazing. Great dev.

Version: 9.10.0
Now we need buy the other resource to have more enchant . Its time to find another plugin.
Author's response
...There's over 200 enchantments available for download on, you can also make your own in config (that's the point of the plugin) - I don't know what you mean?

Version: 9.8.0
Sorry, it doesn't work, bugs don't get fixed, and honestly, I just give up here, it's practically unusable.

It's a shame. Could be good plugin, but... nope. It's just buggy mess, and I can't make that live.
Author's response
Hi! Just to let you know, I've been hard at work over the past week fixing tons of bugs - should be sorted now!

Version: 9.6.1
I've been a long time customer who purchased eco enchant. I loved the plugin but in all honesty not anymore. I normally don't give 1 stars unless it deserve it. The developer doesn't even care to fix the bugs and always creating new features on it. I've posted a bug about sculker blocks not getting EXP so many times. Even on ticket before and then on forum post in there discord. Explained the situations but he NEVER replies back at all or care to fix the bugs. He seems to care for new features to impress others and looking for the money to me. I really don't appreciate that.

I doubt he will ever change that part. Lack of communication and support from him.

Another thing the wiki just a side thing, it changes or get rid off since I don't see all the enchantments and labels of what it is anymore. And the levels.

Overall what bugs me the most is his lack of communication, support, and bug fixings. I cannot support someone like that any longer or would ever do.
Author's response
Hi! I'm really sorry that was your experience - I've been working on bugs this week and I'm fixing as many as I can as fast as I can, most of your problems should be sorted!

Version: 9.6.1
Only custom enchant plugin I trust on my server since I got it in August 2020. Remarkably stable and resilient, with new QoL changes being added. Open Source is a big plus, with me being able to easily build extensions for my server from it.

I have been in discord since the same day I got the plugin, through all the ups and downs of the plugin. Aux is a developer who honestly to god cares about his plugins and wants them to succeed.

Now, onto the negative reviews. I would say around 3/4 of the names I see are people that started drama on the support Discord, with them either attacking other members of the community or going out of their way to cause trouble. Most of them go out of their way to complain yet they do nothing to help the situation. They instead head to the reviews to complain about how they are being treated poorly when they themselves have treated others even worse.

While I would be the first to admit support is far from perfect, with me even having an issue for over a month, that doesn't mean I am the only issue. Throughout the month I waited, other bug fixes and features were being implemented. And that's fast compared to other big plugins, where oftentimes I have to wait months before my feature/bugs are even addressed.

Great plugin with a great dev behind it!

Version: 9.6.1
❌ Do not buy, plugin is complete trash and developer is a liar who abuses people asking for help ❌

So you claim you do not have a channel on your discord server where you make fun of people? What is this then?

It's a channel where you abuse members of the community if their opinions aren't like yours. Your reply to my last review was a sham as well - you act nice in front of reviews so it doesn't change your sales, but you are on your support discord a toxic mess.

This plugin is terrible, only has real 80 enchants when downloaded, is broken, developer is toxic and do not expect to get any support - you will only be made fun of and your tickets will be closed without answers.

To customers: don't buy, you won't get help, won't get promised number of enchants, only bugs and toxic dev.

Previous review: (screenshoting so this guy doesn't just change his reply)
Author's response
Mate, that's a channel for people who leak the plugins or try to leak the plugins. Maybe english isn't your first language.

Version: 9.6.1
The recode/v9.0 is multiple steps forward and one step back; the amount of customization you can do with how Auxilor has set up the configs is second to none, even inexperienced users can make new and interesting enchantments with ease.

However, my issue is that there's now a bit of dishonesty with how the plugin is presented here. As others have noted there are NOT 450+ enchantments included with the plugin. The author gets this number from their website for sharing configs for their plugins On the current version, v9.6.1, there are 81 included enchantments that you can expect to be able to use, assuming you don't have any of their other plugins (EcoBosses, EcoJobs, EcoPets, and/or EcoSkills).

My particular issue with the 450+ number, again, is that it isn't honest. It would be equivalent to Mojang stating there's hundreds of thousands of unique mobs and blocks to the game then pointing to CurseForge or Modrinth. It just doesn't tell the entire picture.

Some others in the reviews have also noted the duplicates on the site. I'm not going to spend the time checking each and every single enchantment for duplicates, there's better things to do with my time, but for dozen I did many often have at least one duplicate associated with them. Stimulating, Dynamite and Auto_Smelt being some of the larger offenders, having 11, 10, and 8 duplicates respectively. I doubt Auxilor wants to spend time moderating all this, so I can't blame them for not cracking down on these. I can, however, criticize this fact since they boast these number to make their plugin(s) look more attractive.

I also think it's a fair criticism for those to not be happy with the old number of enchantments (~240) being reduced to 81 (little over a 100 if you count the official "addon" enchantments). While what is there is certainly of better quality, this is true, many of us are going to have to face angering our audiences or spend a significant amount of time remaking these enchantments if we to be able to update to the newer versions. This is not a complaint, the author's time is just as valuable as ours, but rather an explanation why some buyers may be upset.

Tl;dr, Is this a good plugin that you'll get good mileage out of? Absolutely. Especially if you're familiar with yml files. But the 450+ enchantment number isn't accurate and should be considered misleading at best, false advertising at worst. A better and more honest title would be closer to "80+ Enchantments | 450+ User-made enchantments." This takes into consideration the official "addon" enchantments that can't be used by default.

I've gotten free updates, including this amazing recode, for 2 years with little to no issues so I can't complain too much, but potential buyers should be aware of what they're getting into. The title simply isn't accurate to what you're getting. Hopefully Auxilor will address this soon.
Author's response
Hi! I've just pushed an update to lrcdb, and all duplicate enchantments have been removed! I've updated the title to reflect the count of unique enchantments :)

Version: 9.6.1
Ecoenchants is more customizable and versatile than basically any plugin I've ever used. Far far beyond worth the money.

V9 is an absolutely amazing update, especially great in that after you buy the plugin nearly everything you could want to make is doable. The effect system so unbelievably versatile for that.
(If you're updating from V8 it does require a little bit of work to set up in exactly the same way as you had it before, but for new purchasers that obviously isn't a problem at all)

Most issues are user error. Reading the (very well constructed) wiki will get you very far.

TLDR: Ecoenchants is easily one of my favorite plugins. 100/5 stars. Update is great.

Version: 9.6.0
v9 has been a nightmare, honestly.


Let's start with all of the bugs that haven't been fixed.

1 vanilla and 1 custom inside one book when trading with villagers.
Enchantments that can be triggered using offhand.
Put any enchantment on an item, just spam click and renaming.
Placeholder not working.
And so much more!

And you say that the code is so great.
What about not having 13 active plugins that you cannot manage to fix? Example, Ecoskills is also broken? If you don't got the time to take care, then delete some of them or FIX THEM instead of adding content.

Do you even care or is this a money machine for you?

Warning to others: 450+ enchantments isn't correct, mostly duplicates or small changes on the site lrcdb.

I tried to be patient, but the latest updates are like... Wack.

Sorry, but v9 is bad and the same with ecoskills, not worth the money.

If this was free, yes totally this would be great! But it isn't.

To everyone; If you buy this, keep this in mind. You only get 100+ enchantments, includes ecopets, ecoskills, and other of his plugin enchantments.
Yes, there's a site for more, but it gives max 50 more enchantments.
You will be needed to know how to make enchantments, use time to do it by yourself.
Most of bugs you'll find will take up to month before fixing.

Sorry for this review, but this may be the last review.
- Going to find an alternative.
Author's response
Ok - to start with, this is the fourth review you've left in 1 month. You've left 3 1-star reviews, but also a 5-star review?

If you check, I've not been doing much work this week. I needed (and still do need) a bit of a break, I work on these plugins flat out most of the time.

Also, EcoSkills also broken? No it isn't, it works absolutely flawlessly - I don't know where you're pulling that from.

And finally - I've updated lrcdb to remove all duplicate enchantments. We're back down to a bit over 300 at the time of writing, but we'll get that number back up soon!

Version: 9.5.0
To potential buyers, as with all resources and things you can buy online, don't let the false one star reviews fool you.

It's sad to see a handful of these *obviously* false reviews occupying the recent reviews section, having absolutely no respect for Auxilor's quality and generosity.

At the bottom right of the reviews section there is a link 'Read all 224 reviews...' which will show more of reviews and you will discover that these rude users are in the vast minority.

Unfortunately this website has no policy to remove and/or punish them for these false reviews.

I'm not a staff member or anything, I'm just trying to help keep the truth be told about this resource, it's absolutely amazing software.

Version: 9.5.0
Can't tell how much I hate to see such wonderful and powerful plugins get spammed by kids like the one below, where 90% of a review is a legit lie, there IS a channel called "wall-of-shame", which contains screenshots of people trying to get plugins for free or trying to scam members of a discord server, NOT A SINGLE screenshot of "exposed conversation between a customer and a staff member", as for verification, it literally says in the verification message, that verification for spigot is done MANUALLY and is done by AUXILOR and not by the staff team (because he's the only one who can check verification screenshot if it's fake or not), and yes, sometimes it can take a few hours because Auxilor is not online 24/7. So what do we got here ? Another false review which won't get removed by spigot mods because you are allowed to lie in reviews due to SpigotMC "wonderful" rules.

Version: 9.5.0
well what can i say? I find it difficult to write such a text, but unfortunately the circumstances are so frustrating that I see no other option than to do so now!
I liked the Auxilor plugins and have bought 5 over the years. great ideas, lovingly designed, you can tell the work that went into it! I've been with ecoenchant almost since the beginning and recommended the plugins to everyone without hesitation.
now i have a problem with eco and the mysql database and i went to the discord for help.
if you don't use a bungee or waterfall you don't have the problems and therefore they are rather rare i think important, without the database working properly the plugins are useless if you depend on them.
well, what to do if that doesn't work? ok first github and see if the problem is known... ahh yes it is... another user describes my problem exactly and i'll see if there is a solution!
Um no... 16 days no answer! uff ok is it like that everywhere? look at other problem messages... YES is almost everywhere! okay just be calm maybe there is support in the discord!
wonderful, dc exists and is full of staff (about 10) and support (about 25) users... that's great :-)
As you can see, English is not my mother tongue and I am therefore dependent on a translated language.
I'm looking for the dc and can't find a support channel o.O
wtf... what am I seeing? a channel "wall of shame" okay... there customers/buyers/players are publicly exposed with screenshots of the chats with the team! AHHH YES... it's nice here :-(
Well no matter support keep looking, can't find anything write somewhere where I can because I don't know how else to help. No Answer!
then i see an area where you have to verify yourself with screens of the purchases, ok then let's do it quickly.... 3 hours later no answer again! consider that around 30+ staff members and from time to time the dev are online at the same time.
I'll write to someone from the team, how long will it take? No Answer! Access to proper support is ignored here. i have the impression that as a customer with a problem you only bother, see wall of shame!!! no matter how annoying or stupid one finds the questions from the customers themselves as staff, they come to look for help because they don't know what to do!
now I'm sitting there with 5 plugins worth about 60 € and I'm very dissatisfied with the way customers are treated here...
not only see your site but also how it is as a customer when you meet and need help.
I hope this is heard and there is a rethinking of how to deal with customers @Auxilor!

Version: 9.4.0
This plugin deserves the 5 star, it is a good enchanting plugin and easy configurable. The developer is really kind and will help you with your issues. If there is anything bad you would want to say, please contact the developer first and ask for help.

Version: 9.4.0

As the review mentions below, you are not getting as many enchantments as advertised. You will get barely a 100 decent enchants and other "300" enchants are just poorly made user submissions, without quality.

Discord server is atrocious. Imagine having a channel dedicated to bring hate towards users which post negative comments about your products because of their problems - this is what the developer does. The whole discord server is toxic, full of immature users, which are all lead by this "Auxilor" person.

I have no idea how he's still on this platform, worst of the worst. Stay away from this clown and his poor work.
Author's response
Hi - I'm really sorry to hear you've been having a bad time.

You've been a really long-time EcoEnchants user, since September 2020; It sucks to hear you're not enjoying it anymore!

As for your review - I'm... confused.

There's no such channel about bringing hate towards users. I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.

I've explained below about the enchantment count, and if you look on lrcdb, there are a lot of extremely high quality enchantments made by other users.

Sorry to hear you're not a fan of the plugins, I'll make sure to make it right for you!

Version: 9.3.1
You really need to be aware of some things before you purchase this plugin. Please understand that the 400 enchants that is advertised IS NOT what you get when purchasing the plugin. Version 8 had a considerable number more enchants shipped with the plugin. Unfortunately the author was forced to rewrite the plugin and released Version 9. I get it. It was needed Version 8 had its issues, but atleast at the time that I purchased this plugin and many others, it shipped with the advertised number of enchantments. Then the version 9 update. In the changelog the version 9 update is listed as "do not use in a production environment". Fantastic. So I ran version 8, ran into a problem and then went to the discord to find a solution. I know better than to ask anything in Auxilors discord. So discord search it is. Where I find several times staff members saying that they would not support version 8 and that it was outdated.

Going from version 8 to 9 completely wipes enchants from your players, villagers, and books. The plugin now ships with 79 enchantments. Not 400. Lets go over with where the 400 comes from, please go to the wiki and under All Enchantments you will find a link to a database. In this database are config files of enchantments. You will then need to scroll through dozens of duplicates, bad versions, faulty versions and quite frankly a sea of junk. You might find a few in there that will work for you.

I went for help in the discord (knew it was a bad idea) but what other choice did I have. I spent several days scouring through the very poor documentation, trying to learn the new syntax so that I could rebuild some of what was taken out. Was ridiculed by the staff in the discord for my approach and structure of the config. Highly inappropriate! I was trying to learn it. I'm not a coder. That's the reason I purchased an enchant plugin THAT SHIPPED WITH ENCHANTS!!!

Its quite sad where this plugin has gone and the "support discord" that represents it, such potential wasted.

BUYER BEWARE!! If you have lots of experience. You'll probably be alright. But if you need any help at all from these people. Buy something else. Because as it was put to me by the very staff of this community. You do not purchase the plugin, you purchase the access to the support discord.
Author's response
Hi - let me clarify many things.

Enchants from v8 do not get wiped when you update to v9. EcoEnchants uses real enchantments and these are managed by the server, so they stay on items.

Second of all, v9 ships with 102 enchants out of the box (not 79). I've explained this many many times by now (but I can't expect you to know that), so in short: the focus for v9 was to ship a plugin that cares more about quality than quantity. v9 may have less out of the box than v8, but they play better, they're balanced, they're fun, etc. And yes - like you mentioned, you can download hundreds more community-made ones. I recommend looking at those made by theAstra, they're really high quality.

However, I'm really sorry you had a bad experience with support. If you have any questions about getting v9 to work well for you, please let me know and I'll make sure you enjoy EcoEnchants again!

Version: 9.3.0
Thanks again for this plugin. Haven't seen any other enchantment plugins that integrates with vanilla enchants and that's the reason to get this.

Description on enchantments, max enchantment per item and such is just a goto !

All of your plugins are worth the money.

Thank you Auxilor and any other that helped me changing my mind about this one.

And, also thank you for the credit !

Version: 9.2.0
Easily create your own enchants, and play with them among another 350 enchants. Maintained pretty much daily and there's a discord for bugs and other such things!

Version: 9.0.2
Auxilor is the most dedicated developer i have seen in a long time. i absolutely recommend buying this plugin, if you can imagine it, you can create it with libreforge.

I love the way it integrates with Minecraft, not just the overlay **coughs heavily advncdenchnts**

I can't believe the users who complain about everything, do you prefer a paid plugin that is updated twice a year than one that has many updates in one day? if it bothers you so much, disable notifications from this plugin. bruh

The 9.0.0 update is to improve the plugin at the cost of some incompatibilities with previous versions, but you can perfectly stay in the version you want because again it is very well programmed.

Version: 9.0.2
Im super impressed! The gui is wonderful, and the new website with all the extra enchantments is really awesome.

Version: 9.0.1
Deleted my old review.

Still not 220 enchantments as advertised, but a whole site where you can download them.
That just doesn't add 220 enchantments. There should be 220 enchantments as a default when it is installed as advertised.

But however, this plugin is great. Almost 98% customizable. You need your hardcoded enchantments. Replenish example. Really shitty range.

Is the plugin worth it? I think so. You can do much with enchantments.

Version: 9.0.0
EcoEnchants is a 10/10 plugin, and the guy who thinks that my review was fake is probably a delusional person who got no clue about whats going on with the plugin or how to reach for support.

Version: 9.0.0
Holy shit ... this update is massive ... few other developers on the platform provide such great service to their customers! <3

Version: 9.0.0
This is good plugin when its still in $4 now the developer is making money for all of his plugin with highest price.

1 star because all of his page has a lot of FAKE REVIEWS from his staff.
REDUNDUNT REVIEW from his staff. which is taking advantage from new buyer.

1 star because it has been recorded multiple times.
Unbalance enchantments.

Eco dependency are totally bloated.
So he always recoded his plugin multiple times.

I just don't get it in his discord for support team.
They are just talking to all of buyer like they threat a kid.

Before you purchase check all the review for all of his plugins,
Its from all of his staff, which lead as FAKE REVIEW.
I was SIMP last year, but i never support his plugins anymore.

Version: 9.0.0-b49

This guy uses his own staff members to get any positive reviews, as this plugin is unable to generate such. Plugin is really unstable, constant errors, issues, bugs.

His support is the definition of 'non-existent' - you will not get any unless you threaten to write a poor review. No one replies to issue reports, bugs, tickets.

This is a definite DO NOT BUY. Developer is a fraud and this plugin is as useful as having no custom enchants plugin.
Author's response
Hi! I don't tell people to write review for me, and chris is also not a staff member, just a happy user.

EcoEnchants v9 has just been released, so any issues that you've had with old versions are gone - the plugin's been completely recoded.

Looking forwards to you enjoying the plugin once again!

Version: 9.0.0-b49
I am quite delighted with ecoenchants now. It was finally time for the plugin to get recoded and be even better than it used to be. Finally, we got full access to create our own enchants based on the eco-system like most of auxilor's plugins are based on and it's super easy to learn since there is a whole wiki page with countless possibilities and information to help you create your OWN and UNIQUE enchants. like who doesn't want to have unique things on their server? Also, it's weird that i see people who are probably owners of a server complaining about the CURRENT number of the enchants when it was announced that more enchants would be added + LRCDB that just got released where we can be sharing configs(ecoenchants included), or downloading configs of others and interact as a community in general. And the fact some of the customers care only about the number of the premade enchants is just cringe. They would rather have duplicated enchants so the number of the premade enchants would be higher like some other enchant plugins do so they would be more satisfied and probably wouldn't even use half of them on their server. What a joke! It's a pity seeing 1star reviews from people who probably can't understand the plugin's quality update and hate the developer. We are even getting more features added to the plugin like the GUI for the enchants that weren't in the pre-recoded version of the plugin. EcoEnchants is growing soon to its old number of enchants and the ones that are currently hating on the plugin are clueless impatient people.

In conclusion, if you are a server owner looking to purchase a quality enchant plugin with countless possibilities to make your OWN CUSTOM ENCHANTS eco enchants is for sure the best option for you. There is also a very welcoming community on discord that you can ask for help there too.

Version: 9.0.0-b49
Still best custom enchantments plugin available on the market. All those weird reviews below are left by people who either completely refuse to contact plugin dev on his discord or github to ask questions and solve their problems or just ignores obvious facts like beta, upcoming updates and other fun stuff coming, or even leabing bad reviews because 3d party addon does not get updated (wut?). Recommended 10000/10

Version: 9.0.0-b49
Incredibly poorly made plugin.

I've been using EcoEnchants for quite some time and there was always *something* wrong with it. You would think this plugin would be polished to a 't' with a seemingly dedicated developer that posts updates every day. However its very clear that he is doing this solely to get on the front page of updated resources and make more money.

I had anticipated that the "new" updates would fix the constant plague of issues, as this plugin did have potential, however it's obvious now that the developer couldn't care less. I'm honestly very surprised this plugin is even still on spigot with the way the developer conducts himself.

Regardless, I am sure this review will be met with a standard "What's your discord tag, please contact me for support" or some other masked waffle to which I will be unable to reply.... when in actual fact the support is about as useful as hog roast at a bar mitzvah.
Author's response
Hi Castielle! I think I remember you, you're a very long time EcoEnchants user, so I'm going to assume you're having issues with v8?

You mention there was always 'something' wrong - what? None of the v8 code still exists in v9 - to my knowledge there aren't any bugs in common: I'd really appreciate if you could let me know exactly what your problem is and I'll ensure it's sorted ASAP.

Really sorry you're disappointed, v9 should release very soon and I'm looking forward to see you enjoying the plugin once again.

Version: 9.0.0-b49
This plugin has been a nightmare for us from day one. I really can't respect this author anymore.

He updates so often it spams my update list and when I have a version more than a few days old I'm denied ANY support until I update. What a child.

Now he begins a brand new version, completely drops a majority of enchantments in the old version, it's still in BETA and I'm told version 8 is no longer supported so I'm fucked with a bug I'm having.

I spent a significant amount of time integrating EcoEnchants v8 with my server and people mostly liked it but now all of that is wasted time. He refuses to support code I PAID for that was released within the past few months.

His discord has never been anything but hostile to even basic questions. He calls people who buy multiple plugins "simps". Dude has a god complex.

Don't waste your time setting up these plugins in your server. He'll deprecate it and refuse support.
Author's response
Hi! I'm really sorry that's the experience you've had. With the addition of lrcdb (online config / enchantment database) v9 is almost out of beta.

In terms of issues you're having with v8 and the support you're not getting - that's on me. The transition from v8 to v9 hasn't been as smooth as I would have liked - while v9 is a far, far better plugin with more capabilities and less bugs, it might not be that clear for users of v8.

In terms of enchantments that have been removed, this is something I've explained many times in the discord but I don't think everyone has seen so I'll do it again here: v8 contained many semi-duplicate enchantments (e.g. a bow, sword, and trident enchant that all do the same thing), contained many enchantments that didn't play as well, et cetera - moving to v9 I decided to put more of a focus on the quality of the enchantments over the quantity.

That being said, the crucial advantage of v9 is that you can make your own enchantments in config extremely easily. You can delete enchantments you dont like altogether. You can rename base enchantments. Literally everything is customisable to your liking - and so if you're not happy with the selection you have, you can head on over to and download some more!

To my knowledge, there aren't any v8 bugs that still exist in v9 (it's a complete rewrite). If you still have your issues after v9 is out of beta, please let me know urgently and I'll sort them immediately.

Really sorry this has been your experience, and I'll make sure everything works out great for you.

Version: 9.0.0-b47
I really doesn't hope that those 220+ enchantments are with the other plugins included: "ecobosses, ecojobs, ecopets and ecoskills" included!

Then you NEED to advertise on the spigot page that all of the enchantments can't be used because you need those plugins.

If I saw this enchantment plugin, brought it and hoped that it was included with 220+ enchantments useable enchantments, but no... need more plugins that also cost money.. then I will feel like you scammed me.

EDIT: I must warn others with a bad review if you really do it like that and not like the old EcoEnchant.

And also, I know you are great making plugins but somehow I feel all of your plugins are mostly copy & paste, nothing else. Just a new name..
Author's response
Hey! Thought I'd leave a new reply now that this has been addressed: if you want more enchantments, you can download them from!

Version: 9.0.0-b42
To overrule the other reviews I will now make one.

1. It's in beta, so I'm not using that version yet. I use the old one and it works perfectly. I also want 200+ enchantments, but I also want them to be optimized which are Auxilor goal to do.

2. Works like a charm, and this new update will make it so much better!

3. Support IS great! They help when they can, and will take time to help when they are there.

4. It works with so many other plugins! No issues and can be used with so much!

5. They just added a GUI to the enchantments?! That's better.

Overall, they do a great job.
And not only this one, but every plugin is great.
The only thing, I just think are confusing is to make an effect with filter, and conditions and chains, but I am still trying.

Good job.

Version: 9.0.0-b39
I still hope you fix ECOGUI better. And where is the translation you were talking about
Author's response
Hi! EcoEnchantsGUI was a third-party plugin not written or supported by me. However - good news for you! EcoEnchants now has its own in-built GUI that serves the same purpose!

For translations, they're currently being redone for v9, but thanks to lrcdb you will be able to download translated enchantments directly!

Version: 9.0.0-b37
The Plugin is super cool, if it would work correctly. It says 220 Enchantments. I only got 52. In the Updates-Section of this Website, the Dev said he added more enchantments. I still only got 52. I tried to get help on discord but it didnt really work. For me as a Person whos not that much into coding its hard to find out what errors in the server console mean. If this plugin would be free, I would not care about it. But in my opinion, 15€ is VERY much for a plugin that has issues like that.
Author's response
Hi! Just to give an update, many more enchantments have been added!

Version: 9.0.0-b35 Changelog
A really poorly made plugin, has a ton of issues and lags on server. I posted a few issues on their github over a month ago and they haven't been resolved yet.

Support on Discord server is atrocious, slow and in channels you will get ignored and tickets take years to respond.

0/10 wouldn't recommend
Author's response
Issues from over a month ago will be from the old versions. I've been active in discord fixing several bugs over the past few days. Whats your discord tag? I'll check what your issue is!

Version: 9.0.0-b35 Changelog
Can't lie, I'm happy that I figured out how to make custom enchants myself without help, I've read the wiki and been trying for the last 2 hours to make a custom enchant now I've finally done it. The powers you have with this plugin are beyond exceptional.

Also much love for Auxilor for fixing the issue I had in the last version :)

Big props to Auxilor <3

Version: 9.0.0-b31
I decided to rate this plugin 3/5 stars for the time being simply because I don't want to bash on Auxilor, but I'm highly discouraging anyone from using this plugin unless you want to use the outdated V8 version. any beta V9 version is incredibly unstable and filled with issues, I don't understand why it's recommended to use a clean install of V9 while it's like 10 times worse than V8.

Normally Auxilor is incredibly active and communicative with his resources but in the last week or even longer I haven't heard a single thing from him nor did I see any update about issues I have been reporting on the discord and on GitHub days/weeks ago.

Overall experience with EcoEnchants since the beta is just depressing.
Auxilor, I hope you fix this <3
Author's response
this has been fixed

Version: 9.0.0-b30
Help I have the latest version of ECO and ECOENCHANTS.
Author's response
full latest.log please. and make sure you're on the latest protocollib dev build

Version: 9.0.0-b20
Very much thank you again, its very awesome being able to use the beta as your working on it, so many changes and you are really dedicated to making these people happy. Not many like that out here thanks.

Version: 9.0.0-b16
9.0.0 is working well, it has fixed my previous issues.
I also like the new changes

Version: 9.0.0-b16
I love the new recode, and I was fine with the old ways. You are an amazing developer. I dont like when people post problems they more than likely cause themselves and then low star you. Great Job as usual.

Version: 9.0.0-b13
fix the eco report spam bug .
Author's response

Version: 9.0.0-b10
Do you need to delete all configuration files for the new version? Does the player's data still exist?
Author's response
playerdata is unaffected because EcoEnchants uses real enchantments to store on items; you'll need to do a clean install before you update to 9.0.0

Version: 9.0.0-b10
New version, new features, new lulux ! Everything is awesome and the plugin is super fun to mess with and work on. I highly recommend it !

Version: 9.0.0-b9
Good plugin, the author gives good support but the Discord server staff is kinda unproffesional

Version: 9.0.0-b8
The plugin as itself is good, but the support is trash and very unprofessional. It takes hours to get verified to be able to receive support and when you're able to get it you just get not answered
Author's response
I can only verify people when I'm awake - timezone issue, nothing I can really do.

Version: 9.0.0-b3
This don't work send a lot of errors in the console and don't load any enchant and the support sucks
Author's response
Have you tried actually reporting any issues? Did you remember to do a clean install when updating to 9.0.0-b3?

Version: 9.0.0-b1
First version of the recoded eco enchants beta does not let down. The first beta version of the recode works great all though not finished and most or if not all the bugs seem to be gone. Highly recommend purchasing this plugin as the creator cares highly of his work and gives great support in the discord.

Version: 8.110.0
Just wanted to clarify about these trolling reviews. I check the armor bug the below review talks about and could not reproduce it for armor or speed. Sounds like they have messed something up and would like to blame eco enchants. If I cant reproduce these errors im gonna come back with a 5 star review. Something fishy going on here with these reviews.

Version: 8.110.0
The plugin seems awesome. Nice custom enchants alot of configuration options aswell.

The custom enchant buffs on armor specificly DON'T go away when you unequip your armor. Players can get to 19 hearts total permanently. Even after dying, the hearts won't go away. This also counts for speed buffs on boots enchants. You permanently keep speed 2. Even after dying, teleporting to different worlds, entering 1v1's, disconnecting & reconnecting. It just won't go away.
This happens for EVERY single enchant that gives you buffs or hearts under all these conditions.

All this after just installing the plugin and not configuring anything.

I've tried to contact the support multiple times and I don't even get recognized. I've seen some other reviews having problems and they claim to ''recode'' the plugin. In my opinion it's not fair to leave all these issues open for people to just wait on a so called ''recode''.

As of now I don't find this plugin stable and suitable for a server untill they fix the base foundation of this plugin.
Author's response
Betas for the recode are now out - your bugs have been sorted!

Version: 8.109.3
I love this plugin im not sure why I feel trolls get lose in these review sections. This is a fantastic plugin like the rest of their plugins and totally worth it. Ive never had any issues for 4 months now. You get frequent updates also.

Version: 8.109.0
I firmly agree with RedDragon about the focus it seems. I've been waiting for months on a response about my few bug reports that I found to be quite severe, just to be ignored after I sent the required information. I would've at least taken any word at all if it were possible or not. I really don't feel like I got my moneys worth out of the plugin, since there are quite a lot of issues with it.

I haven't tried Aux's other plugins, so don't assume they're all like this. Just know this plugin seems to have a very bumpy history of bugs.
Author's response
Betas for the recode are now out! No more bugs coming your way.

Version: 8.108.2
Sadly the dev cares more about profits than making quality products.
Always focusing on new features / plugins. There is nothing to be made from fixing bugs and so they go unfixed unless they are simple misconfiguration.

Waited months for a fix, got confirmation on discord it would be done at the next possible moment which never came. I wish I could use it but the Redstone dupe bug when used with ecoskills or mcmmo is too much for me and so I cannot recommend.

2 stars because there is a decent variety of enchantments.
Author's response
Betas for the recode are now out and the bugs have been fixed

Version: 8.104.1
I really like the ECO and negative enchantment plugins. Can you make the two plug-ins non-conflicting

Version: 8.104.0
Since my last review, the dev has got members of his own team to comment below this trying to dismiss issues that I bought up in my previous message. Join the discord, check yourself, these are staff members even using the same names there. The dev reached out to me on discord asking how they could improve, this is what i have to say:

Honestly, a simply reply to tickets would be a good start. I've had tickets go days without a good reply. Just a half assed screenshot or copy paste message with no explanation or help beyond that. Myself and many others are reporting countless issues in the ecoenchants discord channel but all complex issues go ignored. You don't need to look much further than the ecoenchants updates page on spigot to see that all of the devs time is going into adding new features, its not very often that you see something fixed beyond small issues.

There are currently 78 issues open on github and countless more reported in tickets/ecoenchants channel. A lot of these github issues date back almost 8 months with no reply let alone a fix.

You want to know how to improve? Focusing on fixing what you already have, new features can wait. If you or the team don't have the time or motivation to do this, maybe don't charge so much for the plugin.

Theres my two cents.

After this whole experience I strongly recommend avoiding this plugin.
Author's response
I dont have a team. I asked you personally in the discord after you left the review for what exactly your problem was and what you felt was lacking. You never replied

Version: 8.102.0
I wouldn't trust another plugin over EcoEnchants for handling custom enchants on my server. I have been using the plugin for over a year now with very few problems, which are fixed relatively quickly. API is also great to work with, allowing me to create plugins easily without the hassle that other custom enchant plugins have brought. The plugin being open source is a giant plus as well!

Version: 8.101.1
I don’t know what Husk is speaking about but the wiki is really good, the support is just awesome and you can do everything you want. Don’t listen to dumb reviews just check the wiki and you will see it’s a 5 star plugin.

Version: 8.101.1
No real support. Discord tickets will remain open forever with no response and any response you do get is normally just a copy-paste from their moderators. No help at all.

There are countless people asking for help and reporting issues in the ecoenchants discord channel and most go ignored, any that do get a response seem to be super simple issues. Complex issues are ignored.

The wiki is missing HEAPS of important information, leaving you with little choice but to ask for help on the discord.

Love the plugin itself, wish i could rate the experience higher but the lack of support and documentation ruins what could have been an amazing plugin.

Purchase at your own risk.
Author's response
The betas for the recode are now out and your bugs have been sorted.

Version: 8.97.0
As I've always said, literally the best custom enchantment plugin available on the market, all enchantments act like vanilla ones, most plugins will support EcoEnchants natively, and even though there are 200+ ready to use EcoEnchants, you can create unlimited new even without the coding knowledge, just by configs (API enchantments available as well)

Version: 8.97.0
Amazing plugin, this plugin is honestly one of the main plugins keeping my server alive, tons of customisation and regular updates. I've never had an issue with in it in my 1+ years of using it, if you're on the fence about buying it now is 100% the time (due to the sale), i'll be worth the investment.

Version: 8.97.0
No proper support, a ton of issues are open and still useless daily updates are constantly posted. Performance is bad, plugin lags with just 10 people on the server, isn't close to a good enchants plugin. 2/10 plugin
Author's response
Servers with hundreds of people use EcoEnchants with no lag at all - sounds like you have a special case, have you opened an issue on GitHub? Theres been little/no support from me in the past few days because I've taken a vacation. I announced this on discord.

Version: 8.93.0
Issues on Github are ignored, meanwhile useless feature additions are spammed almost daily. (nobody seems to be asking for these features either)

Never really bothered with leaving a review on a resource but this one makes me sadge, I've previously donated a small amount towards the developer & have reported numerous bugs & suggested features that got added or fixed a few days later, those days seem to be over.

I hope things improve in the future.
Author's response
GitHub issues have been resolved since the recode betas have been out!

Version: 8.93.0
I'm giving this plugin a 3 star rates, which I usually never would. I love this feature and it's great in so many ways. But the developer not so great. Auxilor seems to ignore all the bug issues in github reports. I've made 2-3 different reports and one of them had been almost 1-2 weeks no respond at all. I was told to open a github report which I did but he doesn't respond back at all. He never respond to any of his bug report on github it seems and just constantly updates everyday.
Author's response
GitHub issues have been resolved live on stream! More will be continued to be worked on but the highest priority bugs have been fixed - It's just only recently been the end of exams for me, and I'm getting back into the swing of things!

Version: 8.91.0
It's great! I've been using this plugin a lot now, and haven't found any bugs.
But, I must say that updating this plugin so frequently is SO annoying.

Why not update after some time and make a longer changelog than update for ONE thing, like most of the things is just you adding effects or other things.

I think more and more people are annoyed by it, so slow down.

- Another thing
Rebalance of all of the enchantments!
Stop focusing only on the custom, but also the existing ones.

Version: 8.76.0
This plugin updating very frequently,but what it actually update?Why don't fix the lag problem about the enchant and not update this plugin so frquently.
Author's response
Recode betas out! Performance issues have been solved.

Version: 8.72.1
Simply the best enchant plugin all around, you can create custom enchants, fully work like vanilla enchant, works in the Eco plugins system! Shape it as you want and even come with a default config wich works great! 5/5

Version: 8.70.1
Really powerful custom enchants plugin, with hundreds of pre-made enchants as well as the ability to make your own (with some limitations)

Do keep in mind that you should really be taking the time to go through all the enchants to tweak / rebalance / disable enchants as needed to best fit your servers general environment, as many enchants 'out-of-the-box' may seem "broken" or overpowered

Also keep in mind compatibility with PvP plugins, as well as claim plugins

Version: 8.69.0
Your server is boring well stop, this is the plugin to make your server the best one out there !

Version: 8.61.0
Amazing plugin with a lot of futures. Simple use,recommended for all. Really like this plugin.

Version: 8.60.2
The people on my server loves this plugin, they were blown away, sometimes literally. It changed their minecraft experience for the better. Thank you for making this possible.

Version: 8.60.0
Amazing plugin. Our server love all the Enchants this Plugin has to offer with everything working straight away and amazing support from the Discord team. 10/10

Version: 8.57.1
I'm trying to run the plugin without configs - ERROR! The plugin just won't run at startup. I created a ticket, attached an error, everything is as it should be. Zero response, no one answered
Author's response
Sounds like you're missing a dependency. Have you got eco and ProtocolLib installed? Open a GitHub issue!

Version: 8.56.4
Hello author, if I install the ECO plugin on my paper, he will replace the ECO of 6.33.0 with the (TabooLib) eco for me. What is going on?

Version: 8.56.1
EcoEnchants, is a great idea of itself. And has really neat enchantments compared to other enchantment plugins. However I find the plugin EcoEnchants including it's required plugin Eco to be most buggy, and not well maintained.

This includes:

- Changes to vanilla gameplay behavior
- Randomly bad behavior from the plugins per-update
- Important issues not just by me, have been sitting for months unanswered or randomly closed
- The official Discord for EcoEnchants claims to help with bug reports in one channel, and another claim to not help with bug reports, leading to confusion without being changed as of right now and being denied help on the Discord server

You can check the EcoEnchants and Eco github issues, and their Discord server if you'd like to see for yourself.

The biggest turn away issue that got my attention, was how EcoEnchants modified the core gameplay of calling the search feature function on maps in chests on chunk load rather than on chest opening.

Now, why is this such a big deal? The biggest reason, is this can cause treasure maps to completely freeze your server when a single player walks near one of them in a chunk, and possibly several of them which can crash the server on chunk generation or chunk load.

There are of course a few more concerning issues, just not as big as that one in my opinion. But neverless still concerning issues out there that're open.

I will be avoiding using any of Aux's plugins, not to say the others are bad, but to say that I feel like I cannot trust them for what EcoEnchants & Eco is currently and have shown to be.

No, I'm not saying go use a different enchantment plugin. I'm saying you should reconsider using EcoEnchants or Eco at all, possibly not even using Aux's other plugins depending on their quality compared this one.
Author's response
Hi! Sorry to hear that you've had a bad experience with the plugin. Can you open a GitHub feature request to add an option to change natural generation to be on chest open so I don't forget?

Version: 8.51.1
I mean, it's cool but god it has awful performance. Not usable on a production server with more than 20 players.
Author's response
I'm sorry to hear you had performance issues - it's an absolute top priority for me and it's regularly used on servers with hundreds of players without any issues at all; have you opened an issue on GitHub?

Version: 8.51.1
One of the best enchanting plugins on the spigot!! Excellent support will help you with your questions!

Version: 8.49.3
This plugin is good,But it has some lag enchant,for example the TimeBomb? And the explosion enchant with fire will break the map......
Author's response
I've never heard of a TimeBomb enchant?

Version: 8.49.3
Hello, I have this error when updating to the latest version with MM. I tried to get support on discord but they haven't verified me.

[23:41:28 ERROR]: Could not pass event EntityDeathByEntityEvent to EcoEnchants v8.49.3
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/lumine/mythic/bukkit/MythicBukkit
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.integrations.mythicmobs.plugins.IntegrationMythicMobs.canDropItems( ~[EcoEnchants v8.49.3.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.integrations.mythicmobs.MythicMobsManager.canDropItems( ~[EcoEnchants v8.49.3.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.enchantments.ecoenchants.normal.Telekinesis.telekinesisKill( ~[EcoEnchants v8.49.3.jar:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor1455.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor.lambda$create$1( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at ~[eco-6.28.3-all.jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.28.3-all.jar:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor56.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor.lambda$create$1( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callEntityDeathEvent( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at ~[app:?]
at ~[app:?]
at ~[app:?]
at ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer.attack( ~[app:?]
at$5.onAttack( ~[app:?]
at$1.dispatch( ~[app:?]
at ~[app:?]
at ~[app:?]
at ~[app:?]
at ~[app:?]
at$ensureRunningOnSameThread$1( ~[app:?]
at ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.doRunTask( ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantBlockableEventLoop.doRunTask( ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.doRunTask( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.executeTask( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.pollTask( ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTaskInternal( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTask( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.runAllTasks( ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$1( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Pufferfish-20]
at ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: io.lumine.mythic.bukkit.MythicBukkit
... 41 more
Author's response
Update your mythicmobs!

Version: 8.47.0
Hello, dear author. First of all, thank you for creating it, but now it has some problems. I won't translate it into Chinese. I can't get the correct "token". I need your help
[01:47:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: Parameters:
[email protected]0adc9[
c=[1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 netherite_helmet, 1 netherite_chestplate, 1 netherite_leggings, 1 netherite_boots, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 netherite_sword, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air, 1 air]
d=1 air

[01:48:09] [Server thread/ERROR]: [eco] Unhandled exception occured in onPacketSending(PacketEvent) for eco
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta.getPersistentDataContainer()" because "<local2>" is null
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.display.EnchantDisplay.revert( ~[EcoEnchants v8.47.0.jar:?]
at ~[[Q]eco-6.28.0-all.jar:?]
at ~[[Q]eco-6.28.0-all.jar:?]
at ~[[Q]eco-6.28.0-all.jar:?]
at ~[[Q]eco-6.28.0-all.jar:?]
at ~[[Q]eco-6.28.0-all.jar:?]
at ~[[Q]eco-6.28.0-all.jar:?]
at ~[[Q]eco-6.28.0-all.jar:?]
at ~[[Q]eco-6.28.0-all.jar:?]
at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.SortedPacketListenerList.invokeSendingListener( ~[[Q]ProtocolLib.jar:?]
at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.SortedPacketListenerList.invokePacketSending( ~[[Q]ProtocolLib.jar:?]
at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.PacketFilterManager.handlePacket( ~[[Q]ProtocolLib.jar:?]
at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.PacketFilterManager.invokePacketSending( ~[[Q]ProtocolLib.jar:?]
at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ProtocolInjector.packetQueued( ~[[Q]ProtocolLib.jar:?]
at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ProtocolInjector.onPacketSending( ~[[Q]ProtocolLib.jar:?]
at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector.processSending( ~[[Q]ProtocolLib.jar:?]
at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector.access$800( ~[[Q]ProtocolLib.jar:?]
at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector$3.handleScheduled( ~[[Q]ProtocolLib.jar:?]
at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector$3.onMessageScheduled( ~[[Q]ProtocolLib.jar:?]
at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelProxy$2.schedulingRunnable( ~[[Q]ProtocolLib.jar:?]
at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.EventLoopProxy.execute( ~[[Q]ProtocolLib.jar:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer$1.sendInitialData( ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at$ensureRunningOnSameThread$1( ~[?:?]
at ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-216]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.doRunTask( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantBlockableEventLoop.doRunTask( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.doRunTask( ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-216]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.c( ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-216]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.pollTask( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTaskInternal( ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-216]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTask( ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-216]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.managedBlock( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.waitUntilNextTick( ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-216]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-216]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-216]
at ~[?:?]
Author's response
Fixed in latest version, and the wiki has been updated with correct tokens!

Version: 8.47.0
Very nice plugin, and /enchantinfo is an amazing command for new players to understand the mechanics of all the enchantments!

However, something that bugs me is that there are a couple of redundant enchantments that could otherwise be the same thing, and that creates confusion. For example Leeching and Extract both heal a portion of damage dealt, however one only works on Swords and Axes, and the other only on tridents. It would make more sense to just call the entire thing "Leeching"

Other than that, it's a good plugin, survival-friendly, and with a large config to adjust everything to your needs. That above issue can be fixed in the config by just binding one enchant to all the items and disabling the other.

Version: 8.43.6
The best enchantment plugin you can buy and excellent support with friendly people.

Version: 8.42.0
You seriously cannot go wrong with EcoEnchants. It's extremely compatible with nearly everything, it's extremely customizable, and it's extremely lightweight (for what it is, having so many enchantments you can only optimize so far, and I'd say this is the farthest you can optimize a plugin like this)

Thank you so much Aux for the amazing work you do! <3

Version: 8.40.0
The best enchantment plugin you can buy and excellent support with friendly people.

Version: 8.40.0
Epic Plugin Now this plugin runs without any issues! i love this!
especially when you ask the problem can be solved in a very short time!

Version: 8.39.6
The player's maximum HP will be reset to 20 each time the armor is switched
Also not compatible with ExcellentEnchants
Overall, this is still an excellent plugin!
Author's response
Disable thrive and prosperity - should stop ecoenchants touching health at all

Version: 8.38.0
Why would you possibly consider a different enchantments plugin when EcoEnchants exists? Such an amazing resource, made possible with a very dedicated developer that goes above and beyond to make his customers happy. Most importantly, the enchantments are brilliant and plentiful. I wish more developers had the excellence that Auxilor does.

Version: 8.32.0
Hello friend, I have this error on my console, how can I fix it?

[20:57:23 ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerExpChangeEvent to EcoEnchants v8.32.0
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: begin 0, end -1, length 15
at java.lang.String.checkBoundsBeginEnd( ~[?:?]
at java.lang.String.substring( ~[?:?]
at ~[eco-6.21.1-all (4).jar:?]
at ~[eco-6.21.1-all (4).jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.enchantments.util.EnchantChecks.getEnchantsOnItem( ~[EcoEnchants v8.32.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.enchantments.custom.CustomEnchantLookup.provideLevels( ~[EcoEnchants v8.32.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.EcoEnchantsPlugin.lambda$new$0( ~[EcoEnchants v8.32.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.libreforge.LibReforgePlugin$registerJavaHolderProvider$1.invoke(LibReforge.kt:78) ~[EcoEnchants v8.32.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.libreforge.LibReforgePlugin$registerJavaHolderProvider$1.invoke(LibReforge.kt:78) ~[EcoEnchants v8.32.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.libreforge.LibReforgeUtils.getPureHolders(LibReforge.kt:175) ~[EcoEnchants v8.32.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.libreforge.LibReforgeUtils.getHolders(LibReforge.kt:185) ~[EcoEnchants v8.32.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.libreforge.LibReforgeUtils.getHolders$default(LibReforge.kt:184) ~[EcoEnchants v8.32.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.libreforge.LibReforgeUtils.updateEffects(LibReforge.kt:217) ~[EcoEnchants v8.32.0.jar:?]
at com.willfp.ecoenchants.libreforge.conditions.conditions.ConditionBelowXPLevel.handle(ConditionBelowXPLevel.kt:21) ~[EcoEnchants v8.32.0.jar:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor147.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor.lambda$create$1( ~[purpur-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[purpur-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:git-Purpur-1533]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[purpur-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[purpur-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerExpChangeEvent( ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1533]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer.doTick( ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren( ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1533]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren( ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1533]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer( ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1533]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1533]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$1( ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1533]
at ~[?:?]
Author's response
Been fixed a few versions ago!

Version: 8.29.2
I can't use ecoenchants to download Chinese translations, such as / ecoenchants locale download usanelonoj

Version: 8.26.0
Used this plugin for couple of months already and it's awesome it's like vanilla and custom enchants are one and it works perfectly fine, I will never get a message saying an enchant is dump or broken or something dumb related to that, the description system makes the plugin worth 100$, new players can understand everything really quickly and makes my work and my staff teams work less of a ***** c:

Version: 8.15.1
No idea where other people are getting performance issues with EcoEnchants. I have run EcoEncahnts perfectly fine with ~50 players online, 20 tps, with plenty of room to spare. The plugin has some issues, however, it's overall a solid plugin overall.

Version: 8.15.1
Well, as I told the Dev of this plugin on his Discord, I am going to be totally honest with this review that I will place in each plugin that I buy and that therefore, after using it I have the right to comment, honestly:

1. The plugins work and are great, but for small servers, where lag is not important, on servers with more than 20 players, the lag will be very important and they are not suitable for production servers. (you can check it with spark)

2. I got really tired of the dev continually changing its settings, every 2 months you had to be configuring everything again and that is something that is very tiring, too much if you have many configurations.

3. Update a lot and that is very good, but it is not the same to update, to correct and improve than to rewrite everything and having to change everything again.

4. Recently he merged two of his plugins and for whom we bought them, because "it is the best for us", according to him, when you had made specific configurations and when you had paid. And by the way, the plugin had not even 6 months of having removed it and is already closing it.

In short, it is exhausting and frustrating to use your plugins with so many sudden changes, unsolved problems, because "everything works fine" and because of the lag they cause. Use them on your server with friends, but not for a server with production players. I stop using them immediately find substitutes. This review is my personal opinion and my experience using ECO.
Author's response
Since you've copy-pasted the same review between three different plugins i'll copy-patse the same response under each of them:

1. Performance is a top priority for me. If I missed any spark profiles you posted in the discord, that's an error on my part, but from what I can see you haven't actually ever reported a single performance issue - and I can't fix something that I don't know about.

2. Over the past few months, my plugins have been getting rewrites and overhauls to bring them up to a higher standard. I made an announcement on my discord about how the rewrites are over and the configs are now in their final form.

3. Basically the same as number 2

4. EcoWeapons and EcoItems merged together into the new EcoItems. That plugin costs more than both other older plugins combined, to make sure that no-one was being cheated out of any money, and to bring the price in line with the new featureset of the plugins. Anyone who bought the older plugins (you included) have been given a license to the new one, free of charge. You essentially got it at a massive discount.

In short, I'm sorry to hear that you've had a bad experience with my plugins - I offered a refund by Koyere declined.

Version: 8.15.0
Ecoenchants in my opinion is the best enchanting plugin you're gonna find, on most if not all fronts. highly recommended premium plugin

Version: 8.14.31
I tried to use "/ecoenchants locale download jazuwiyido" to get the translation for simplified Chinese, but it shows: "You must supply a valid locale! Check the wiki for more information." Could you please make an update?

Version: 8.14.31
Eco-Enchants runs like a treat and adds a huge level of variety to almost every server Type. the API is perfect for adding custom extensions and the possibilities are great,

Casidesigns is notorious for posting fake issues and not providing adequate evidence / outdated evidence. Aux is a talented dev and I highly suggest to ignore any reviews or statements from them or their aliases (Pacific, Beacon and probably many more)

Version: 8.14.31
Seriously perfect. No isses with performance, all enchantments work great, easy to configure and set up.

My players love it and the option that adds explanations to enchantments is a must have.

10/10 would buy again

Version: 8.14.31
90% of the enchantments in this plugin cause major performance problems. I recommend you use another enchant plugin unless your server has less than 5 players.
Author's response
Consistent review-bombing at it's finest. This guy is a serial pest to developers and has been for around a year for me now.

Version: 8.14.31
Nothing wrong with this plugin. Provides all I need and has good support in the Discord. Worth the money.

Version: 8.14.20
Excellent plugin, One of the best! Good support on discord, +Rep

Version: 8.13.10
yey i can finally load the plugin now yeyeryyee and yes that's the end of the review.

Version: 8.13.6
Plugin works great and is very simple to use! The support is active and tries to help you the best they can! If there is something you don't like in this plugin there is a high likelihood that you can disable it. If there is something specific you want to add there are many ways to do this.
If you are looking for something to spice up your server I would 100% recommend this!

Version: 8.13.3
Since the new performance update, this plugin is 50x faster and lagless, its now the BEST enchantements plugin on the market!

Version: 8.13.3
Great Plugin, Bought it a while back and have had it as a must have one every server since. Buy it and see there is an issue or bug? just join the discord and chances are it will be looked into on the same day.

Version: 8.13.3
EXCELLENT custom enchantments plugin, absolutely best of all, bringing dozens of enchantments to your server to enhance your players experience. Has almost no affect on server performance unless you let your players abuse heavy enchantments as hell (you can always reconfigure limits or just disable them).

Also this plugin has a great community of people besides Auxilor that will help you with any problems you meet even if Auxilor has no time to answer.

And do not forget the extensions system. 230 enchantments is not enough? Want more? Want custom enchantments? Free ones? Paid ones? There are ANY of them and you can create your own.

I can literally see no reason to use any other CE plugin than EcoEnchants

Version: 8.13.3
Very good plugin, it brings many enchantments and with many addons, I recommend it 100%

Version: 8.10.6
THE best custom enchant plugin!
Trying it is loving it! Couldn’t have my server without this plugin

Version: 8.8.7
This plugin is very useful, it helps my server, my server players like it very much, thanks to the author for developing this plugin

Version: 8.8.5
This is not a support request. This is my rating of the current state of the plugin, to help future buyer's make their decision.

- Support. While the author is understanding and does answer your questions and help in his discord channel, I do feel kind of lost in the support. It happens where I have to ask the same question twice because it gets lost in the flood of support requests. Also, there's no real way to track what happens to my support requests. That's not the authors fault, but a faulty system, since there's only a single support channel for each plugin. I personally wish there would be a ticketing system, where you can keep track of each support request. A channel dedicated to suggestions where people can upvote them would be great as well. I'm just not a fan of how it's handled currently.
And I'm also seeing complains about it from other people quite frequently.

- Untested updates. It happened quite a few times where an update broke the plugin and spammed errors in the console. I wish they were more tested and less frequent. A release - beta version system would help. The author was very quick to fix these bugs when they happened, but I think it shouldn't have happened in the first place.

- Lacking performance. All his plugins are still using up too much of my server ticks. The plugins are a lot more heavy to run than most of my other 100 plugins on my server. See:
Now, as per my request, the author did fix a huge performance issue with how lores are handled a few days ago. That increased the performance by a lot.
However, if you're trying to tweak every bit of performance for your server, I'd say this plugin still lags too much. 4-5% of the whole server tick for eco & ecoenchants. You can choose if that's negletible for your server or if it's too much. For me, it's too much. I wish there would be more efforts focused on performance, as Mojang already trashed server performance with 1.17 (*cries*)

- Lack of customability. You can customize a lot. Just not enough for each specific enchantment, in my opinion (for example controlling how large the blast mining explosions are). It's up to you to decide if the current customization options are enough for you.

- I love the colored enchantments in the lore
- Apart from occasional, faulty updates, the plugin is relatively stable
- I have never had any complaints or bugs about an enchantment not working itself. They work pretty well!
- The SPAWNING of enchantment books / enchantments is very customizable.
- The author is friendly and understanding. I think the plugin is portrayed too badly behind his back than it actually is. It's a decent custom enchants plugin.
- Communication is great. If the author is busy, he communicates it and for how long. I'd say everything is pretty transparent.
- Regular updates

Would I buy it again? I don't know. I haven't tried any other enchantment plugins. I'd probably look for other options first, as performance has become critical in 1.17.

If you need a custom Enchantments plugin, I recommend you to directly compare this plugin with other plugins first - especially the performance aspect. Ecoenchants might be the best choice, it might not. I can't compare it.
Author's response
Performance has now been fixed!
Thank you to everyone who reported any problems, as of eco 6.10.0 (latest at time of reply), all the performance is now top tier and as fast as intended (very)

For anyone worried about performance before buying, be assured that it is not a problem anymore!

Version: 8.7.0
I've used this plugin for MONTHS without issue literally hands down the most stable and bug free plugin I've ever used, constant updates literally constant very active developer. I recommend his talisman plugin along side this as they work hand in hand GREAT plugin legit you can configure anything you need extremely easily. 11/10

Version: 8.6.3
Very bad support and very bad plugin, don't use it, their plugins better than this, he did not even look at my GitHub ticket and when I asked for support in discord he answered to me Very aggressive and told me we will not support any other plugins | " it was compatible problem" | and will not do anything to fix this problem I waited for him for 2 days to answer to me and after all of that he closed the ticket on discord in my face I Couldn't Even complete read what he typed to me Very bad support. from Auxilor , Fake Updates Every time to be in the first place on Spigot
Author's response
Few things:
1) You used the commissions bot for support when it explicity says TWICE not to do that
2) I've said on multiple occasions that I won't add support for other CE plugins: you shouldn't even run 2 on your server
3) I don't have a ticket support system in the first place
4) I don't really use github issues, I have a discord for a reason

Version: 8.6.2
A great plugin compatible with Oraxen. Thanks for keeping it opensource and accepting proposals from other developers.

Version: 8.5.0
The new %value% update is absolute pog, there is no single reason to use ANY other custom enchantments plugin rather than this one, it is totally all in one enchantment solution that you'll ever need in your life

Version: 8.4.3

Version: 8.4.3
The author ignored my comments. I don't like this enchanting mechanism. I can enchant many advanced attributes at one time. I have reduced the probability (tools can easily enchant fortune 4 and efficiency 4)
Author's response

Version: 8.4.2
Can the mechanism of Enchant probability be adjusted again? Players can easily enchant high-level attributes as long as they have a level (my server experience is easy to obtain)
Author's response
you can configure everything in rarity.yml

Version: 8.4.0
I have unload ecoenchants if the bug is fixed please call me.I try paper,tunity,airplane ,tps all can be 1,and less than 20 palyer,and when i
unload it ,tps can be 20 forever for 50 player,you say the bug is about spigot,I don,t think so.
Author's response
Stop using review sections for support - i have a discord.

Version: 8.3.0
Congratulations on reaching 400 updates! Just as what other reviewers have already said, it's the best custom enchants plugin out there. Brilliant plugin, brilliant developer. Totally worth a buy.

Version: 8.2.3
Author's response
You have something calling constant updateInventory checks, all the lag is due to get/set lore being slow as I said before. I'll report it to spigot devs

Version: 8.2.3
Enchant book:instability、quake and splash
Even with Residence protection,These enchantments can attack villagers。 can you fix it?
Author's response
I don't support residence currently - the developer doesn't have an API and offers essentially no support. You should use lands instead, it's similar

Version: 8.2.2
make my server tps ofen 7,8,9,can you fix it?..................
Author's response
I've never seen this before - 70% of all tick caused by get/set lore calls sounds like a bukkit bug rather than anything else. Is your server running very weak hardware? It makes absolutely no sense!

Version: 8.1.1
awesome plugin ! it will be good if the dev can divide the lang files from the config :v i have to translate in every update q.q

Version: 7.13.3
literally, Auxilor is the hotest and cutest dev of all time. Thanks for all the shit you've done for the community making this plugin.

Version: 7.13.3
The best plugin in its kind, as for me. Haven't had any problems or bugs using it so far. New features like an ability to share your localization or import someone else's from the game are insane! Discord support is fast to response and helpful <3

Version: 7.13.2
Absolutely wonderful plugin! The players on my server absolutely love it and it is very easy to configure as well. Worth every penny!

Version: 7.13.2
spark is this?tps20 is my machine is very excellent,and player is 4

Version: 7.11.0
Fantastic plugin! Worth the money, has almost endless features, and is worth every penny.

Version: 7.11.0
I love the plugin and quite frankly I've never run into an issue that wasn't solved by the dev within a few hours or days. He posts constant and relevant updates and is quite active on his discord. Seems like Casidesigns is just either incapable or a troll.

Version: 7.10.4
Casidesigns is clearly a butthurt troll. Ive had this plugin forever with no issues.

The only issue ive encountered was there is not enough artifacts which isnt even a problem its more of a suggestion.

10/10 Worth the buy

Version: 7.10.4
This plugin is riddled with bugs. Until solved I recommend you do not buy.

Author's response
'nullat' in the stacktrace?
You literally just wrote a fake stacktrace... wtf are you doing?

Version: 7.10.4
Terrible plugin. People are able to get enchants from fishing (enchanted books with CEs) despite them being set to not drop from any sources. Ruined my server economy.

Version: 7.10.1
Terrible plugin. People are able to get enchants from fishing (enchanted books with CEs) despite them being set to not drop from any sources. Ruined my server economy.
Author's response
You were banned from spigot and you're famous for being a liar in reviews. Splodgebox has had the same experience. Why are you here?

Version: 7.9.2
Very good enchantment plugin. Auxilor updates it almost daily as he is a very active developer so you know you are getting a well maintained product.

Version: 7.8.12
This is fantastic. Please give us a tutorial on how to install extensions! I really want to try them out but I can't figure it out.

Version: 7.8.6
Great plugin! I love its vanila flavour, it fits the basic game really well. I also like how well-done it is, so far I was able to easily solve all of my problems with the plugin, Discord was very helpful, developer is nice and polite.

Although, I wish there were better Wiki for this project with all commands and permissions listed, also more info about extensions.

Version: 7.8.4
One of the best plugins I bought, I highly recommend it.
Keep updating this great resource Aux. :-)

Version: 7.8.3
But there is no place to download, How can I download and which version do you recommend? I am using SPIGOT-1.16.5 (JAVA8)

Version: 7.5.3
I'm running a tuinity 1.16.5 Server with your Eco and EcoEnchants. The server's tps is now below 12 with around 30 players, while without the two plugins it can run at 19.9+tps.

The timings reported that your NaturalExpGainListeners(PlayerExpChangeEvent event) occupied a total of 32.15% runing time and is the main reason of lag.

The report link is and the report is here:
Author's response
- Timings aren't helpful, please use a spark profile because bad performance like that is usually a plugin conflict
- Use the support discord

Any users seeing this, it's very rare to have any sort of lag from EcoEnchants

Version: 7.5.1
Almost close to 5 star but using geyser wont allow bedrock client to use any form of inventories

Version: 7.4.1
Don't buy this plugin if you ever expect the developer to give you any replies or support. He will promise you lots of things, but nothing will ever come to fruition.
Author's response
You need to use the support discord

Version: 7.4.0
Such a wonderful enchantments plugin! For me though, it won't load on 1.16.5, but earlier versions will? I'm upset about this, but I am sure there could be something just incompatible on my side it seems. You won't be disappointed purchasing these extra enchantments, and setting them up for your survival server :D
Author's response
For anyone who's worried about 1.16.5: I use all my plugins on Purpur 1.16.5 on my test server and on EcoMC. This is definitely a conflict with another plugin: EcoEnchants DOES work on 1.16.5. It's built for it.

Version: 7.4.0
The author is active, very good! Can you add an optional one, do not control the amount of blood,
Because when I use it, it will conflict with a plug-in, and the amount of blood will conflict

Version: 7.3.4
The plugin itself is good and works well out-of-the-box. However, the support is bad (multiple of my questions were not answered).
Author's response
Sorry to hear you've had a bad time with support! I pride myself on the support I give and I consider it a failing if you've had a bad time with it. I check my discord constantly - feel free to bump your question if it hasn't been seen :)

Version: 7.3.0
Excellent plugin, if you are looking for new original enchantments and good support, get this one!

Version: 7.2.7
Excellent plugin, light and easy to understand, fast and friendly support, I recommend!

Version: 7.2.3
Really good plugin! It's really simple to use and you can just put it on your server and start using the enchantments. My players have wanted custom enchants for months and it seems that they have liked them a lot. Also the developer seems like a really friendly and nice guy, definitely going to buy another plugin from him!

Version: 7.2.2
REBOUND STILL NOT WORK, its been 7 days since my review please fix i dont want to remind another time. Make new version stable pls stop spam of updates this plugin is unusable and crash my server when use rebound
Author's response
Please stop spamming reviews on this plugin. This is the third and you've never once even asked for support.

Version: 7.1.3
So EcoEnchants...

I have been using this plugin almost since it was launched in spigot, in the beginning it always had horrible performance problems which were fixed with each update. In part I was always reporting the timing problems, and the dev was trying hard to make the plugin more stable, and he achieve it.

My server is not big, it has about 40-50 users per day, and this plugin makes it more entertaining with its items, original enchantments, a lot of them. I like that you can customize absolutely everything, the rarity of the enchantment, its color, where you can nerf / buff the enchantment or disable it if you don't like it.

Things I never liked, personally I still use version: 5.10.7 I know, very outdated, but why?

So far it is been a 100% stable version, it does not give performance problems and I do not have to reconfigure everything (as I did previously for updating), there are no bugs that affect the gameplay of the server and all the enchantments works perfect.

It is a plugin that is constantly updated, which is good and at the same time perhaps not, so those who have left very negative reviews is because they surely do not have the precaution of testing the builds on a local server and seeing that everything works correctly. So don't do it, wait or try it on a local first, report the bugs as it should, the dev is active, will give you good support in his discord.

Now in a few words, the plugin is worth it, it has great content for the price it has, it is a plugin that must be configured before placing it on an official server, never do it before configuring it or you'll probably have some issues with it and you will end up thinking that the plugin It's bad, configure it carefully, take your time and you will see that your users will be very grateful!

Version: 7.1.0
enchant rebound not work, fix now, plugin always broken have issues, very unstable not good
Author's response
Who are you?

Version: 7.0.1
This plugin is just the best. If people need GUI to this plugin EnchantGUI works flawless. It show everything and also "LORE" when it describe what enchantment it is. So keep this up ! Havent seen anything like this plugin.

Version: 6.10.17
Amazing plugin, super customizable. Literally all the bad reviews here are either alts or trolls. Would totally recommend

Version: 6.10.10
Bad plugin few enchants no work i have trouble with this discord not helpful, i dont recommed at all!!!!!!!!
Author's response

Version: 6.10.8
Best enchants plugin out there. So many custom enchants that you can fully edit as you please. The configuration file is very easy. Players love it.

Version: 6.10.8
Awesome plugin developer is very professional and is quick to respond. EcoEnchants best plugin.

Version: 6.10.7
Active DEV on consistent updates
Active DEV on the Discord Support
Active DEV on being a good with his community in the discord, bantering and such.
Never had issues purchasing the plugin. Plugin is on other plugin platforms due to expanding from Spigot.
Got Verified on his Discord the Day-Of Purchasing
You can build ur own loot table on enchantments spawnrate in Dungeons/chest/world loot/etc
Compatible with MCMMO/CMI/WorldGuard which is very useful

Plugin works great, we took out some of the features to match the requirement for our server's theme.
They work amazingly, and we on the Admin Team just love messing around with them as we made a Trident that can kill anyone within a 50k block radius. (Don't ask)

One time I accidentally didn't install a latest update, just completely forgot to install. Server online, players joined, enchantments were gone off the armor, no enchantments re-rolled at all. Shut off the server, installed it, enchantments were back on those items, there were some we had to refund, but it wasn't game breaking or anything.

My community loves the enchants, randomly found this plugin when searching for a new one since my previous one discontinued support.
All in all, Great. Worth the money. Never had any broken enchantments, we've tested them all before we give them out to the players. Strongly suggest other server owners to test them all before using them or letting players use them. Some Enchants have a positive/negative feature with enchantment conflicts.

Version: 6.10.6
Great plugin. I love the features, everything is diculented and there is an active support

Version: 6.10.6
Honestly a great plugin. I’ve tried many custom enchants plugins and this one has by far been my favorite. I love that it feels like vanilla and has anvil / enchant table support.

I’ve been using it for roughly 6+ months and I’d definitely recommend it!

Version: 6.10.6
EDIT: Just as soon as I posted my review, this guy had his suckups bombard the plugin with good reviews to fake the illusion of this plugin actually being good. Fact: it is not and this developer only cares about money.

Developer is known in the community to be extremely immature when it comes to any criticism, as the replies before to my reviews were and to this one as well, usually makes up blatant lies like "never contacted him" etc.

I contacted multiple times about help with bunch of broken enchants, only to get no support. Thanks Obama.

my friend contacted him (as seen in previous poor reviews he's trying to hide by asking people to spam good reviews on discord) and by asking for help, friend got bullied on the discord, developer invited his friends to make fun of my friend as well while not helping out with their purchase and banned from discord.

Do not purchase.
Author's response
For any buyers seeing this I'd like to explain:

- This man has never contacted me in any way shape or form
- He's not in my discord
- I've never spoken to him

- He doesn't even use the plugin
- He has continually review-bombed this resource in the past and staff have had to remove the reviews manually because they're blatant lies

Don't trust this man's reviews, he jumps at any opportunity to hurt developers.

"To fake the illusion of this plugin actually being good"
Well, that would take some sort of conspiracy that over 70 5-star reviews were all manufactured.

Look at the other reviews before you buy!

Version: 6.10.6
I'm really sorry to see people reviewing the plugin without a good point of view, like the only things the guys under this review said is that he's not accepting criticism, but if you see the auxilor discord he's avaible 24/7 to help, accept suggestions and answer the questions.
About the fact of the enchants, how can a plugin toggle the enchants if you remove it? Like what you expect to switch to AdvancedEnchantments and this is not happening? If you remove the plugin then the enchantments will bug i think, because they're supposed to work with the plugin, not without it xD

I'm really happy with my purchase, this guy is updating his resources everyday, and made avaible this amazing resources for free, everytime there's a bug is fixed in less than a day, what can we say more? Auxilor is one of the best developer out there, for the time he spends on his resources, the time he spends on the support and the time he spends always innovating his work

Keep it up Auxilor!!

Version: 6.10.6
Not sure what the previous reviews are talking about, this plugin works FANTASTICLY. Any questions I had were answered quickly, and for the few bugs I had, they were quickly patched.

Auxilor makes all his plugins open-source, which is awesome from a security standpoint, *and* shows he's not just doing it for the money.

As for the enchantments themselves, they're as vanilla-like as you can get without using client-side mods. Pretty much everything about each enchant can be changed, or outright disabled. While you can't add new enchants (without making your own extension), I couldn't come up with a single enchant that wasn't already in the base plugin, or in a readily-available extension.

Good job!

Version: 6.10.6
A very good plugin, I have been using it for a long time and it can really add a lot to any Vanilla, Towny, Factions or even MMORPG server experience.

Also I love the fact everything is customizable through configs and the unique variety, quality and quantity of enchantments, there is so much of them!

This plugin just makes combat so much more fun because of the different strategies you can do with the enchantments.

10/10 :)

Version: 6.10.5
Buyer beware!

If you want to uninstall this plugin for any reason, it will mess up enchantment mechanics. If your players had any armor with custom enchants with other vanilla enchants, the vanilla enchants will be re-rolled. Enchanting mechanics haven't been working properly on my server.

The dev, Auxilor's response to me on Discord was "i can't do anything if you uninstall it lmao why would you do that" when I mentioned it's become a nightmare trying to fix everything. My players didn't like the custom enchants and voted to have them removed from my server. That's why.

What a rude and unprofessional response to someone who paid that amount of money.

Edit: The developer also remove me from of the Discord.
Author's response
Enchantments wont get re-rolled, that's not a thing at all.

And yeah, obviously - I can't do anything after the plugin's been uninstalled, that's not technically possible in any way.

Any future buyers reading this review, this is absolutely bollocks and won't reflect what the plugin is like, read any of the other reviews :)

Version: 6.10.0
really nice plugin! fast updates and nice enchantments, i love it. Thank you very much!

Version: 6.10.0
We love auxilor. If I could donate £3 Meal deals forever, I would. Very epic!!!!

Version: 6.9.0
Super great plugin for enchancements :D
Give 5 stars with love feeling for this plugin

Version: 6.9.0
Not much to say other than this is the best enchantment plugin on spigot. Owner is very active on the discord and always being there to help.

Version: 6.7.0
Really grate plugin! This plugin makes your server 100% better, you can change where enchantments can be find very easily and the best think is CMI support, you can give what enchant you want with simple /cmi enchant <enchant> (I´m using CMI :D).

Support is great, i rate this plugin 5 stars with great feeling.

Version: 6.6.2
The plugin is very good, but it is not compatible with WorldGuard, which makes it possible to use charms for griefing... I hope the author will pay attention.
Author's response
I haven't been able to recreate any WorldGuard bug - it seems to be working for most people!

Version: 6.6.0
The plugin itself is very nice and stable, however it is imo missing a command /enchants which opens a gui in which you can find an explanation about each enchantment. This will make players more aware of all possibilities and the rarity of some enchantments.
Would be really appreciated if this can be added, however it is already a very nice plugin :D
Author's response
We've got /enchantinfo! A GUI might be a good idea but it would inevitably be a lot of enchantments broken down by what items you can apply them to, doesn't feel very user friendly when you have to hover over each individual one to find out what it is

Version: 6.5.3
can't using in 1.16.4
can't using in 1.16.4
can't using in 1.16.4
can't using in 1.16.4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Author's response
you can - but why would you? get 1.16.5 :)

Version: 6.5.3
I wish I could give this plugin 10 stars! It's perfect for my server. It's highly configurable and the default enchants are just "vanilla" enough for my server. I asked questions in their Discord channel and received help instantly.

Version: 6.5.3
Really nice plugin and developer. The plugin has minimum issues and lots of features & enchantments. Developer is super friendly, I think that I didn't even met more friendly developer. He helps with his support team really fastly and I can 100% recommend to buy this plugin ^^. Using it few months and I can say that I didn't ever have any critical issues/dupe issues, etc. Really thank you for making this and other your plugins Auxilor, good job and good luck with your next updates & plugins ^^
- Larkyy

Version: 6.5.1
By far the best custom enchantments plugin I have used/seen, very easy to config and dev is very friendly and responds REALLY fast (like launches updates with fixed 2x/week on avg). 100% worth the price

Version: 6.3.5
This is a world star plugin! I cannot fault it, nor the dev. The time and effort he puts into this plugin is outstanding. The support on Discord is amazing, and any bugs are fixed immediately. I wouldn't ever dream of using any other custom enchants plugin.

Version: 6.3.4
Literally perfect, couldn't ask for a better enchanting plugin doesn't interfere with the vanilla game at all just adds more!

Version: 6.2.9
The case sensitive part is the only part about this plugin i disliked.. Now its fixed. I love it!

Version: 6.2.7
The resource is alright. I’m having issues with the support being provided by the author. I reported multiple issues multiple times. The first time, responded that he would look for a fix, but never fixed it (1+ week(s) ago). Asked again, he didn’t even respond.

Author if you see this, please update the compatibility with NCP ffs!

I will delete this rating and give 5 stars once the issue is fixed.

Version: 6.2.1
This plugin is very nice, but I noticed the Preservation enchant not obvious。Can you fix it

Version: 6.2.1
The plugin is good, and the developers respond quickly. One issue though: MCMMO Double Drop is broken with this plugin.

Reported 2 weeks ago, and yet to see a fix. I will update to 5 stars when the bug has been solved as promised.

Version: 6.1.2
Easily one of my favorite plugins, drop in and play. Dev id very talented and easy to get a hold of. WORTH THE $$.

Version: 6.0.8
Incredible plugin with great benefits and overall worth the money! I removed one star because this one of those developers who update almost every day and sometimes multiple times a day, and that can sometimes be hard to keep up for some server owners. Other than that, this plugin is great and support is looking great as well! Keep up the good work!

Version: 6.0.2
This is a really good plugin to have on survival server, players can enchant on enchanting table more than 200 enchantments! The support that this developer gives is really good, anything wrong with the plugin and he will check for errors and help you out! I really suggest this for players that love to use custom enchants.

Version: 6.0.0-pre2
The functionality of the plugin is awesome and well received - however - I am removing one star since this is one of those developers who updates nearly everyday and sometimes multiple times a day.

In my own opinion - I feel that most of the updates that are pushed could be saved for more "Quantitative" releases and not "hey I exist" reminders.

Version: 5.10.7
Hands down the best enchanting plugin I've used. Super quick support (I had an issue fixed in less than 24 hours after reporting it), frequent updates, amazing and almost seamless integration with vanilla (even optionally enhances vanilla ones with a "lore" description), and all for under $10. You simply cannot ask for more. I would absolutely recommend this plugin over any and all alternatives.

Version: 5.10.4
Perfect plugin for those looking to get more enchantments for your server! Great range of enchantments and great support service. Extremely customisable.

Loving this plugin!

Version: 5.10.4
Great plugin, great developer, great customer service! At first I was unsure about this plugin because it didn't seem to be working, but I joined the Discord server and the developer explained what was confusing me. I recommend it!

Version: 5.10.1
The best custom enchantment plugin I have ever seen! The enchantments are worth the price and it is surprising to see that it is compatible with many other plugins which is great! It is very actively developed and not as laggy as other custom enchantment plugins. Great work!

Version: 5.8.2
Just incredible! Not only does it come with 220+ enchants, but it supports the best anti-cheats for compatibility, is extremely customizable, is always being updated, doesn't have all that extra crap, is highly optimized, and doesn't fail to let you down! It truly is incredible! The only thing I suggest, which I highly need personally, is a command to spawn in the custom enchantment books. It'd be so helpful! Thank you!

Version: 5.5.0
Still one of the best plugins on the platform. Highly recommended for all servers simply due to how configurable and versatile it is.

Version: 5.4.1
Its a really good plugin i love it so much but it will be better if you had other languages

Version: 5.3.3
Best enchant plugin on the market. Plus author is incredibly helpful, and fixes any issues immediately.

Version: 5.2.10
Somehow the reviews section became a bug and request submission page. Ah, SpigotMC never disappointing.

EcoEnchants is *very* actively developed by a great developer. I'd highly recommend it. No issues with it after about a month of use.

Version: 5.2.8
Please add support for Lands! Becouse some enchants can be used in Lands! <3 Thank you!

Version: 4.1.0-pre20
Insanely good plugin. Worth every cent. Obviously a lot of effort put into making it.

Version: 4.1.0-pre19
Great plugin but could you please add some type of menu where you can view every custom enchant available with their rarity in game?

Version: 4.1.0-pre16
Awesome but suggestion: Add more exclusive cursed enchantments to like fishing rods, elytra's, tridents, etc.

Version: 4.1.0-pre12
Honestly the best enchantment plugin I've ever used. It's an all-in-one package that includes things I didn't even realize I wanted, while still fitting into the vanilla feel of Minecraft. The plugin is updated multiple times per day, and suggestions & bug reports are responded to/handled quickly. The plugin is also highly configurable. It's an absolute bargain for the price.

Version: 4.1.0-pre3
Quality plugin, fast support, helpful support, great developers, updated frequently, not very buggy, a great bargain, honestly.

Version: 4.1.0-beta8
Awesome plugin, helpful developer, fast support. Absolutely amazing job done with this one. Keep up the great work!

Version: 4.1.0-alpha4
It feels very practical, if you have Chinese, it would be better。

Can I move it to I will indicate the original address and will not share the plug-in
Author's response
if you post a link to this spigot page then sure

Version: 4.0.24
Great plugin that integrates well with vanilla and is very accessible to players by having descriptions to the enchantments. Recommend.

Version: 4.0.20
i legit complained about 1 bug and 1 day later it gets insta fixed like wtf how is this man doing this-

Version: 4.0.20
This is a simple plugin, yet very unique and efficient when it comes to doing custom enchantments. And did I mention how lightweight it is?!

Overall the user experience is amazing. Haven't hit any problems yet, but I spoke to the developer before and I know that issues get fixed and fast.

It's a 5/5 from me. Would recommend buying it.

Version: 4.0.14
This is a great plugin, It is well balanced and needs minimal configuration. 4 of 5 It is stable, well thought out and works.

Only thing I found is enchants don't show up when using enchanting table until item is enchanted.

Version: 4.0.6
Plugin works very well, and is frequently updated. The dev is also friendly and provides great suppport.

Version: 4.0.4
Best dev on the market! This man just keeps adding what the people want :D AWESOME!!!!!!
Author's response
Good to hear you're having a nice time with it!

Version: 4.0.4
This Plugin is Great the dev is Frendly and gives quick responce i reaaly like the plugin in my collection !
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 4.0.2
Bad reviews for this plugin is actually stupid

Apart from Blast mining, which causes issues with anticheat (not the authors fault), this plugin works perfectly

Amazing and easy to use config, constantly updating with new features and bug fixes, this is only enchant plugin i have found that works perfectly and does it in a vanilla way

Highly recommend this plugin to anyone who is looking for a good enchantment plugin
Author's response
Appreciate it man!

Version: 4.0.2
Update is revolutionary, added enchant descriptions, and did it phenomenally, it looks sleek & clean!

Version: 3.2.14
Great plugin! always getting updated, and worked on! very friendly & talented developer!
Author's response
Thanks man!

Version: 3.2.13
Is this a joke? Author removes legitimate reviews based upon the fact that they are negative.

I reviewed this resource saying it is poor and that listed enchants do not work and review was removed, that's my review of this plugin not a "bug report", worst plugin I've ever dealt with.

Author 1/5: As stated before abuses this system and removes reviews that are not positive
Plugin 3/5: not all enchants work, I will not list the ones I did before, some are nice but a few do not work
Performance: Neutral have not stress tested

I can't express how unhappy I am with this plugin after such experiences.
Author's response
I literally cannot remove reviews. Staff do that. Please stop reviewing this plugin.

Version: 3.2.13
A great plugin and a great developer! Updates are good and he fixes the bugs fast! I recommend buying this plugin if you have a MMORPG, SMP, Factions or Towny server to give your players more variety in enchantments.
Author's response
Thanks again my man, good to hear you're continuing to have a good time with the plugin :D

Version: 3.2.10
One of the best enchantment plugins, I've found. The developer is often online and the support is great. The plugin works perfectly and gives more depth and content to classic vanilla gameplay while remaining the same style. Kudos to the developer!
Author's response
Cheers! Good to hear you're having a nice time with it! :)

Version: 3.2.5
Great plugin, amazingly vanilla feel. On top of that incredible discord support. Thanks :D
Author's response
Thanks, appreciate the kind words!

Version: 3.2.2
This plugin is super simple to use and constantly being updated! The author is very active and helpful! 1000% would recommend.
Author's response
Thanks for the review my man!

Version: 3.2.0
Barely any enchants work, just bought it but it seems low quality and despite what other reviews claim I don't recommend this custom enchantments plugin, sadly just saw that there's abundance of 1-change super small updates which seem useless and would suggest updating once per day at least and not like this. At that point you're just desperate for change.

This can't be configured well and for me I just got it and regret my decision, so far only 3 out of 20 enchantments work. Not recommended.
Author's response
You bought the plugin 15 minutes ago. I find it extremely unlikely that you have tested 92 enchantments. If you had bothered to join the discord, you could have asked me. All updates result from suggestions/bug reports in the discord, so I update frequently to implement them.

If anyone sees this review and it influences your opinion of the plugin, do let me know because I'll happily clear up any of the problems mentioned, even though they are completely untrue.

Version: 3.1.8
Great plugin with lots of cool enchantments, excellent developer who is always open to new suggestions and fixes any reported issues extremely quickly. The enchants are also very configurable, including the ability to easily change the names of the enchantments and have them automatically update across the server!

This plugin is much better than alternative custom enchant plugins I've tried in the past, highly recommended if you are looking for custom enchantments!
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 3.0.0
Really enjoy your plugin. all these new custom enchants brings a lot of fun to the server and the people playing. however. if its possible it would be really cool to have an option to view enchantment lore on items which they have been applied to.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Please make feature requests on the discord :)

Version: 2.1.6
Me encanto el plugin, funciona perfecto con mesas de encantamientos se siente muy natural, vale bastante la pena :)

Posdata: intente agregar imagenes en esta pagina para que el plugin sea mas atractivo para nuevos compradores.

Version: 2.0.0
The plugin works as it should. I personally really like the enchantments it has. The ones I don't like as much can easily be configured or disabled. Plugin author also fairly active and is open to suggestions, bugs, and other kinds of feedback.

Also, this plugin feels a little more vanilla. Enchantment plugins sort of have to be hacky or in your face due to how minecraft deals with enchantments and this one does a pretty good job at hiding itself and blending in so that it's intuitive.
Author's response
Thank you for the review! Happy to hear that you're having a nice time with the plugin :)

Version: 1.7.1
Plugin should have not been released as it is, it is extremely buggy. The Dev fixes things quickly, but I ended up uninstalling the plugin after it completely broke vanilla enchanting on the server. There were a few duplication issues and protection plugin bypasses. Would not recommend as it currently stands. Save yourself some headache and wait for some more updates.
Author's response
Sorry to hear that. I've just released v1.7.2, which should fix all the issues you have mentioned. If you are looking at purchasing EcoEnchants and this review concerns you, drop me a message on my discord and I'll happily address your concerns.

Version: 1.5.3
Best enchantment plugin out there!
Found no bugs and has loads of features.
The developer is really nice!
Highly suggest everyone gets it!
100% worth your money!
Author's response
Great to hear! Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.5.1
Very customizable, no bugs found yet, and the dev on Discord is a nice person. Will recommend to everyone.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 1.2.1
Simple yet efficient, good enchantment plugin and I like the API. Used it for a project.
Author's response
Thank you! The API is going to have some expansions in the near future, hopefully :)

Version: 1.2.1
One of the best enchanting plugins out there on Spigot, very unique and a lot of features, definitely recommend it! :) 5/5
Author's response
Cheers! Always working on adding more :D

Version: 1.2.1
Nice and easy enchanting plugin. Also very configurable. The author is very communicative
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,420
First Release: Jun 13, 2020
Last Update: Jan 31, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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