This is a very unstable version, read this before updating.
Added new kingdom audit log types: Claiming, unclaiming, nation leave/join, invasions, resource point converion (donation, withdraw and deposit, and upgrades)
More abstraction layer to ClaimLandEvent & UnclaimLandEvent and they now handle bulk requests instead of a single one.
Land history for players is now able to handle bulk changes.
Fixed defender kingdom command limitations during invasions.
Fixed an issue with /k pvp
Colors in placeholders are now preserved for next lore lines.
Fixed an error when connection-radius option was disabled.
Fixed an issue with /k surrender
Fixed powerup enabled option.
Added support for WinSCP transfer resume support for config watchers.
Fixed an issue with structures.yml auto reloads.
Turrets and GUI files are now validated. Also fixed a few other config validation issues.
Fixed an error caused by using /k color with arguments.
Improved /k gui
Performance improvements for turrets and kingdom upgrades in general.
Fixed the lore filter for resource points.
"refresh" options from GUIs are removed as they're no longer needed.
Fixed an error when trying to install a language from /k admin languagepacks
Fixed an issue where auto reloads didn't work on GUI configs when they were downloaded for the first time.
Fixed the update checker
Added rewards editor to outposts. Also, a lot of other issues.
Updated map viewers addon for bulk claim support. You need this if you're going to update kingdoms.
You will get validation errors for /structures/nexus/nexus.yml GUI. To fix them, go to the file and remove the following (there are multiple of them) sound: '%kingdoms_resource_points% >= %cost%': BLOCK_ANVIL_USE '%kingdoms_resource_points% < %cost% || %level% >= %max-level%': BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS