Battles for might, land and glory.
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Added Turkish translation.
Added manual mode to turrets.
Added "lingering" option to mines, which allows mines to act as lingering potions from a certain level.
Added a separate cost for ransack mode invasions.
Added %kingdoms_distance_from_core% and %kingdoms_lang% placeholders.
Added two new pvp modes. Disabled and territory.
Added equation support for turret & structures cost.
Added an option to change PvP mode for each individual relationship.
Added "/k pvp <player> <on | off>"
Added an option to allow/disallow claiming in certain biomes.
Added UNCLAIM_OWNED permission to only allow players to unclaim the lands they claimed themselves.
Fixed an error caused by adding new ranks to ranks.yml without restarting the server.
Fixed an error caused by /k show
Added embed support for DiscordSRV announcements.
Added two separate DiscordSRV announcements for inavsion start and end.
Added commands to mute certain channels.
Added animal protection to anti-trample level 3. All kingdoms need to upgrade to this level (also update your misc-upgrades.yml)
Added equation support for unclaim refunds.
Added Vanish support for kingdom guards.
Added equation support for Extractor capacity.
Added options to whitelist/blacklist items that have lore/enchants.
Added an option to get resource points when mining the nexus only by using a certain item. A diamond hoe by default.
Added /k color, you can also access this GUI when changing your kingdom's color from nexus settings. It's also pre-1.16 friendly.
Added "/k admin unclaim all" and "/k unclaim auto"
Added an option to prevent people from putting certain items into kingdoms vault.
Added different siege cannon projectiles with different properties and damages by default.
"/k unclaimall" has been changed to "/k unclaim all"
Added "/k rejectrelation <kingdom>" command.
Added an option to give a specific amount or resource points and money after invading the nexus land rather than all the resource points.
The color limit for ranks will now count colors instead of characters and will disallow anything that's not a color code.
Protection signs are removed (their signs still remain) when you invade a land.
claims.yml connection-radius option will now work properly for multiple worlds.
Kingdom guards can now be most entities, but the targetting system might still not work for them correctly.
Spies will now also see kingdom/nation broadcasts.
"disable-misc-upgrades" option for invasions during Masswar now allows you to disable certain misc upgrades instead of all of them.
Fixed an error caused by "/k admin gui"
Fixed default permissions relating to sub commands of /k claim commands.
Fixed the default material for chainmail in champion-upgrades.yml
Fixed an issue where players could see commands that required permissions in /k help
Fixed an error caused by trying to ally non-existing kingdoms.
Fixed an error caused by "/k rp transfer" command.
Fixed an error caused by /k claim corner command.
Fixed an issue related to color accessors.
Fixed an issue where conditional GUI options didn't inherit options properly.
Fixed an issue where players could damage friendly lands with Siege cannons.
Fixed an issue where right-clicking while sitting behind a Siege cannon caused it to shoot before opening the GUI.
Fixed a few issues with Siege cannon block damage options. Also added an option to disable all block breaks.
Removed some duplicated message entries for outpost events.
Removed "/k outpost setspawn/center/teleport/remove" and replaced all of them with a GUI editor "/k outpost edit"
Added NationJoinEvent, NationLeaveEvent, KingdomKickEvent and MailSendEvent to the API.
Turrets will no longer shoot at immune withers.
Turrets now have the ability to make mobs drop customizable EXP. Currently it's only setup for arrow turrets.
When kingdom invitations expire they remain so players can see them in /k invites.
Improved the tab completion of a few commands.
Aug 2, 2022
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First Release:
May 1, 2020
Last Update:
Yesterday at 2:34 PM
All-Time Rating:
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