Warning: This build is extremely unstable and is not meant to be used in a live server.
Where to look for math placeholders? Math placeholders are only in claims.yml, config.yml and invasion.yml
In your GUIs directory, replace all `condition: "%enabled%"` or `condition: '%enabled%'` with `condition: enabled`
`condition: "%level% < %max_level%"` with `condition: level < max_level`
`condition: "%included%"` (or with single quote) with `condition: included`
- Added placeholder variables. Check config.yml -> placeholders -> variables for more information.
- Added total structure count for the whole kingdom.
- Added /k admin commands
- Added "kingdoms_masswar_is_running" this simply returns true/false for conditioning purposes.
- Separated /k rp transfer kingdom/nation to their own commands.
- Fixed /k nation broadcast not sending the message to all nation members.
- Fixed a lot of misspelling in the default configs and the language file.
- Fixed an error with /k reload
- Fixed an issue where using /give @a coal command near a WarpPad caused it the warppad to refill ammo even tho the coal is picked up by the player.
- You no longer need "@" for complex messages. All messages are complex by default.
- The plugin now attempts to fix invalid chest size upgrade levels for kingdoms if you fucked up the config.
- PvP mode now allows using splash potion effects on each other.
- Fixed a dupe bug with structures in unclaimed lands.
- Fixed an issue where right-clicking mines triggered a warning in console about missing GUIs.
- Fixed an issue where you could open chests in other kingdom lands.
- Fixed an error with "/k invade ransack"
- Fixed an issue where players could damage friendly champions by shooting them.
- Players can no longer hit Siege Cannon fireballs back.