Added "own-land-only" option to each powerup so they can be configured individually.
Added an option to set a cooldown for individual commands and disable them in certain worlds.
Added an option to disable commands for the kingdom being invaded and the entire kingdom of the invader.
Added tax logs.
Added escaping support to complex message separators.
Added an option for turrets to be able to detect invisible players.
Added an option to only allow pvp during masswars.
Max kingdom/nation members now support math equations.
Added an option to customize "not special" message for /k tradable
Added an option to control whether kingdoms/nations get disbanded or players/kingdoms get kicked if they cannot pay taxes.
Added an option to limit relationship counts between kingdoms.
Added an option to be able to place turrets in unclaimed lands.
Added a cooldown for buying shields again after invading a kingdom.
Added confirmation for demoting all members and resetting all ranks in kingdoms settings.
Added an option to make players invulnerable to turrets after teleporting.
Added %kingdoms_masswar_time% which shows the time remaining until the next masswar starts if the event is not already running, otherwise it shows the time remaining until the
event ends.
Added an option to prevent potion effects on friendly players.
Claiming the chunk with "/k claim <x> <z>" will now set the kingdom home on the highest block in the middle of the chunk.
Added an option to restrict the player's distance to the target chunk that'll be claimed with "/k claim <x> <z>"
kingdoms will lose rp when their members die during an outpost event.
Turrets will no longer target vanished players.
non-admin players can no longer tab complete a player's name that is vanished.
You can now unclaim lands from /k map
Fixed a small issue with "/k fly" nearby enemy checks.