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⛏️More Ores⛏️ -----

Adds new ores that can be found underground

Ores for the End, World Guard support, and quality of life improvements
  • Added ores that spawn in the end:
    • Pearl Fragments are used to make Upgraded Pearls and Rush Pearls.
    • Corrupted Ore can be used to craft Corrupted Armor or Pure Corruption.
    • Hardened End Stone will drop phantom membrane, dragon breath, a shulker shell, or an end crystal when broken with a diamond pickaxe. The items are configurable.
  • Upgraded Pearls are like ender pearls, but they will travel in the change direction depending on where the player is looking. They are crafted from 4 Pearl Fragments.
  • Rush Pearls behave like Upgraded Pearls but the player can ride them. They are crafted from 9 Pearl Fragments.
  • Corrupted Armor provides speed when worn with a slight chance for slowness. The more expensive the armor piece, the lower the chance of slowness.
  • Pure Corruption can be used on a sword to corrupt it. A corrupted sword has a chance to apply a withering effect on whatever the player hits. It will lose 1 durability every time the withering effect is used. Pure Corruption is crafted from 9 Corrupted Ores.
  • Added world guard support along with support for most other block protection plugins.
  • Added an option to the config for whether or not ores should drop in creative:
    • Defaults to false.
  • Added a list of items that break ores instantly to the config:
    • Defaults to Iron Pickaxe, Gold Pickaxe, and Diamond Pickaxe.
----------, May 25, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 109,943
First Release: Apr 9, 2020
Last Update: Oct 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
34 ratings
Find more info at more-ores.fandom.com...
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