⛏️More Ores⛏️ icon

⛏️More Ores⛏️ -----

Adds new ores that can be found underground

Version: v.1.13.6
Amazing plugin I love how it works 0 errors here is 5 stars---------------------
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: v.1.13.6
Srry for the low rating, but can u make this 1.8 compatible. This looks like a cool plugin but I cant add it to my server because of the update level.
Author's response
Hello, you could try More Ores Legacy ( https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/more-ores-legacy.78601/). It was made for 1.12, but it may work for 1.8; I have not tested it on 1.8.

In the future, you can contact me through the discussion tab or the discord server. The discord server is ideal because I will get a notification when you message me. Thank you.

Version: v.1.13.3
has a memory leak that will make your servers ram 15gb and ores are not worth it to players
Author's response
Is there anything I can do to help?

Version: v.1.13.3
The work is very good, how should I add Simplified Chinese (zh_cn) language files for 1.18 "More Ores"?
Author's response
Thanks, you should be able to change the lang,yml. Message me if there are any issues.

Version: v.1.12.7
2 stars because It spawns it inside my "spawn" world where it wasn't supposed to spawn... also I didn't know it could spawn ores in chunks there was already loaded.

If you say I could just change it inside config and disable "spawn" world, no. I couldn't because it was when I loaded the plugin.
Author's response
Once you've changed the config, you can use the /mo clear command to remove any ores from the spawn world.


If you have any questions let me know in the Discussion tab or by messaging me

Version: v.1.12.7
This plugin is better than many premium plugins. I wouldnt mind paying for it. I had a question and the dev replied quick too. Great addition to the server, thank you.

Version: v.1.12.6
nice work on this one no problem so far with the newest version . i was looking for plugin like that. and does nice job.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: v.1.12.4
Hello, I translated Chinese (zh-tw), but I don’t know how to contact you. I hope you can add it to language.yml, DC:SmailDot#4883. I want more Taiwanese to use this plugin smoothly: )
Author's response
Thanks, I'll add it. I sent you a request on Discord.

Version: v.1.12.3
Awesome, great! let us use color codes in lang yml :) Otherwise awesome plugin! goodjob!
Author's response
Thanks! Color codes should be working, message me if you're having issues

Version: v.1.12.3
such a great work!, can this plugin work on epic world manager? or other world manager plugins? it spawns ores in biomes with cave flag? I hope if you can explain little bit further how does this thing work. thank you
Author's response

More Ores should work with pretty much any world manager plugin.
Ores will spawn anywhere there's stone, andesite, granite, diorite, netherrack, or end stone between the minimum and maximum heights set for the ore in the config.

Version: v.1.12.2
This is a very good plugin. Can I move this to www.mcbbs.net? This is a Minecraft Chinese forum. I will fill in the download link to spigotmc
Author's response

Version: v.1.12.2
Wonderful and complete plugin, It's worth the download I advise everyone.

Feliz 10000% :D

Version: v.1.12.1
I left a star because it hasn't come out to 1.17 T_T
Please update to the new 1.17 please I'm really in need of T_T
Author's response
More Ores already works with 1.17, but I have now added it to the tested server versions.

Version: v.1.12.1
Otras 5 estrellas, excelente plugin.
Tengo una pregunta, cabe la posibilidad de implementar custom model data? (o soporte con items de mithycmobs)
Gracias por crear este plugin ^^

Version: v.1.12.1
Otras 5 estrellas, excelente plugin.
Tengo una pregunta, cabe la posibilidad de implementar custom model data?

Version: v.1.12.1
Is a good plugin but it would be awesome if you put an option to add our own ores

Version: v.1.12.1
Its a good plugin but when I try to craft a ''ore'' I get this; you dont have permissions to craft heads. Please help :/
Author's response
What other plugins do you have installed?

Version: v.1.12
really cool plugin! can we pleaassse get the option to create custom ores, like adding our own head texture to them. would be awesome.

great plugin though!
Author's response
Custom Ores has been released!


Hope you like it!

Version: v.1.12
Excelente plugin, total compatibilidad con la 1.16.5 Recomendado 10/10 a los usuarios les gusta nuevas cosas. Es muy llamativo y útil.
Me gustaría que futuramente agreguen nuevos ores y si pueden agregar soporte para usar pociones personalizadas del ipotion

Version: 1.10.1
muito bom.......................................................................

Version: 1.10
Muy bueno y todo , pero les juro que no encontre el link o algun material de apoyo para las recetas de cada item ajajaj

Version: 1.9.1
Hola hai forma de poner un item perzonalizado o tiene compatibilidad con un plugin para crear uno?
Author's response

Version: 1.9
very good plugin, I asked the developer for compatibility with oraxen and it did it immediately 10/10

Version: 1.8
Hola muy buenas tardes, amigo el plugin se bueno y promete mucho, esta disponible o sirve para la 1.8.8? o lo podrías hacer compatible.

Version: 1.8

good plugin please update to 1.16


Version: 1.7.3
I hope you continue with your work and improve the plugin to the full 7w7 :) good workd

Version: 1.7.2
De que sirve tener una espada corrupta?
Author's response
Causa el Wither marchito

Version: 1.5
I really liked the plugin
but I have a problem with the medkits, when you put them on the ground and take them off they double

Version: 1.4.2
Great response from creator and quick to solve bugs. Awesome plugin, hope he makes it work on enormous maps like mine too.
Author's response
The latest update should help with any issues you were having on a large map.

Version: 1.4.2
Nickel, after a small problem, the developer has been listening and is now trying to solve the problem.

Just it would be nice to add worldguard compatibility. And to be able to translate the items that have craft, otherwise very nice job, congratulations.
Author's response
Thanks, I'll add worldguard compatibility in the next update

Version: 1.3
Awesome plugin to add a custom feel to your server. The developer was quick to resolve an issue I encounter. Would recommend!
Author's response

Version: 1.2
I really like the plugin, but when people go out into unloadet chunks it gets laggy as hell, If i delete the plugin, will it automatically remove all the rendered ores?
Author's response
The latest update has fixed the lag issues. The latest update has also added the /moreores clear <world> command, which can be used to clear all ores from a world.

Version: 1.1
Nice plugin! you could put that there is a possibility that the user can create custom minerals.

Version: 1.1
Can you please add a 1.12.2 support? crash log at discussions.

Version: 1.1
Good plugin. =P
Author's response
Thank you

Version: 1.1
podemos crear nuestros propios ores y añadirle que se pueda picar con un enchant especial ?

Version: 1.0
What a interesting plugin! Can I reprint it to MCBBS forum( www.mcbbs.net )? I will indicate the author and let them come here to download your plugin.
Looking forward to your update! (more ores~)
Author's response
Thanks, and yes I give you my permission to put on the forum

Version: 1.0
Funciona bien, muy buena idea lo estaré usando en mi servidor, espero mas actualizaciones :D
Author's response

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 109,943
First Release: Apr 9, 2020
Last Update: Oct 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
34 ratings
Find more info at more-ores.fandom.com...
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