✅ Resource World ✅ ~ Never run out of Resources! (MUST HAVE!) icon

✅ Resource World ✅ ~ Never run out of Resources! (MUST HAVE!) -----

⋙ Don't let your Wilderness get depleted, Set up an Automatically resetting Resource World. ⋘


[+] Teleporting to the End will now use a simple and short location checking method, Instead of looking for un safe locations it'll now only check if the player is in the air

[+] Removed the option to choose what un safe blocks you want to avoid in the config.yml

[+] The teleportation checking system is now more lightweight and simple, Instead of checking for un-safe blocks it'll now check if the player will suffocate after teleporting or if the blocks below him are any type of liquid (Lava , Water)

[+] If a world is resetting - or about to reset, Players will no longer be able to use the teleport command resulting in a NullPointerException.

[+] Cached many classes inside the Reset Method

[+] You can now choose whether or not you'd like to teleport async (Paper Only) or not.

[+] The plugin will now suggest Paper once again

[+] Fixed a bug where if u manually reset the end world, it'd generate an overworld instead
----------, Jun 18, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 22,182
First Release: Mar 12, 2020
Last Update: Feb 15, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
76 ratings
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