Looking for the ultimate Regeneration Plugin? Make sure to check out ✅ Regenerator ✅
The Ultimate Solution To Ensure That Your Server Will Never Run Out of Resources!
- Download and Install the plugin - Start your server, Open up the Plugin folder - Set up your own Settings and Reload the Plugin!
Super Customizable Multiple Worlds Discord Sync PlaceholderAPI Support An easy to use GUI World Disabled Commands Hourly Resets And much more!
- /Resource TP (Randomly teleport to the Resource World) - /Resource Reload (Reloads the Plugin) - /Resource Menu (Open up the Resource World Menu) - /Resource Reset (Reset the Resource World)
- rw.tp (Access to /Resource TP) (default: true) - rw.tp.nether (Access to /Resource TP Nether) (default: false) - rw.tp.end (Access to /Resource TP End) (default: false) - rw.admin (Access to the Admin Commands) (default: op)
PlaceholderAPI Placeholders
%rw_world% (Shows the Duration Breakdown of the Resource World)
%rw_nether% (Shows the Duration Breakdown of the Resource Nether)
%rw_end% (Shows the Duration Breakdown of the Resource End)
Plugin showcase by: barbercraft (Outdated)
German showcase by: SpigotFAQ
If you find any bugs or if something doesn't work, please report it on GitHub. The review section is for reviews only and support Wont be given here. Before asking for help, always check whether you have the most recent version installed!
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