Throwable Creeper Eggs icon

Throwable Creeper Eggs -----

Throwable creeper eggs that explode after a configurable amount of time!

Separate Charged Cooldown & API Changes
Separate Charged Cooldown
───────────────────── | This feature is disabled by default
Now you can have different cooldown times for normal and charged throwable creeper eggs.

Two completely new configuration lines are added to the config under the "options" section:

| throwing-charged-cooldown-enabled | Default value: false
| throwing-charged-cooldown-in-seconds | Default value: 10.0

API Changes
Due to the new separate charged cooldown feature, the following API methods are deprecated:
| isOnCooldown( Player player )
| putOnCooldown ( Player player )
| getRemainingCooldownTime ( Player player )
| removeCooldown ( Player player )

The deprecated methods can still be used for legacy reasons but they only interact with the normal cooldowns and not the charged cooldowns.

The deprecated methods are replaced by these methods:
| isOnCooldown ( Player player, Cooldowns cooldownType )
| putOnCooldown ( Player player, Cooldowns cooldownType )
| getRemainingCooldownTime ( Player player, Cooldowns cooldownType )
| removeCooldown ( Player player, Cooldowns cooldownType )

Here is a quick example of using one of the new API methods:
Code (Java):
// Removes the player's charged cooldown.
TCEApi. removeCooldown ( Bukkit. getPlayer ( "PlayerName" ), Cooldowns. CHARGED ) ;

There are two types of cooldowns you can get from the Cooldowns class:
Code (Java):
Cooldowns. NORMAL
Cooldowns. CHARGED

The Cooldowns class can be found here:

In accordance to the new feature - if you already had a config file generated before this update and you would like to configure the new feature, then please regenerate your config file or add the following default lines under the "options" section in your config file:
Code (YAML):
throwing-charged-cooldown-enabled : false # The value specifies if charged throwable creeper eggs have a separate cooldown or not.
: 10.0 # The cooldown in seconds for the charged throwable creeper eggs.

Here is an example screenshot of where to put the new lines:

If you find any bugs in this update - please enter the discussion and post some information about it - thanks!
I will try to fix any reported bug(s) as soon as possible.
----------, Jan 22, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,334
First Release: Mar 9, 2020
Last Update: Oct 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
16 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings