Throwable Creeper Eggs icon

Throwable Creeper Eggs -----

Throwable creeper eggs that explode after a configurable amount of time!

Supports versions: 1.7.2 - 1.20.4 (version 2.3.0)
Version 2.4.0+ only supports 1.21 and above!

Detonation time, explosion size & more can be configured in the config!

This plugin has compatibility with WildStacker and CoreProtect

Thank you to Gus_198_ for making an amazing tutorial about the plugin! (Gracias!)

Code (YAML):
: false
: CREEPER_SPAWN_EGG # Change for different versions of Minecraft
: "&eThrowable Creeper Egg"
   - "&8Sssssssssssss"
   - "&fLeft Click &7in the air"
   - "&7to throw this &aCreeper Egg"
: 10
: true
: CREEPER_SPAWN_EGG # Change for different versions of Minecraft
: "&bCharged &eThrowable Creeper Egg"
   - "&8Sssssssssssss"
   - "&fLeft Click &7in the air"
   - "&7to throw this &aCharged Creeper Egg"

: true
: false
: 1
: 5
: 100.0 # The percentage of damage that an entity will take from an explosion.
: false # Only applies if the material is a creeper spawn egg
: false # Only 1.15+ and looks weird if "time-to-explode" is more than 2
: 1.0
: true # The value is ignored if "use-creeper-fuse-animation" is true
: true # The value is ignored by "include-spawners-in-explosion"
: true
: true # The value of "explosion-radius" needs to be 2 or higher for spawners to be included
: true # The value specifies if there is a cooldown between throwing creeper eggs.
: 5.0 # The cooldown in seconds for the normal throwable creeper eggs.
: false # The value specifies if charged throwable creeper eggs have a separate cooldown or not.
: 10.0 # The cooldown in seconds for the charged throwable creeper eggs.
: false # Works best when not thrown into unloaded chunks
# There are four types of cobweb interactions: VANILLA, BOUNCE, DESTROY, EXCLUDE
# The "VANILLA" type will not change the behaviour of thrown eggs touching cobwebs.
# The "BOUNCE" type will make it so that thrown eggs bounce off of cobwebs when touched from the side or the bottom.
# The "DESTROY" type will make it so that thrown eggs are destroyed upon touching a cobweb.
# The "EXCLUDE" type will make it so that the thrown egg explosion does not destroy any cobwebs.

# There are two types of filter-types: INCLUDE, EXCLUDE
# The "EXCLUDE" type will exclude any blocks from exploding that are in the "filtered-blocks" list.
# The "INCLUDE" type will include blocks in the explosion that are in the "filtered-blocks" list, but any
# other block is excluded if not in the "filtered-blocks" list.
: false

: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fYou're missing the permission to use this command!"
: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fYou're missing the permission to throw creeper eggs!"
: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fYou're missing the permission to place creeper eggs!"
: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fYou gave &7</amount>x &eThrowable Creeper Egg(s) &fto &e</player>&f!"
: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fThe player you're trying to give an egg to is not online!"
: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fInvalid usage. Use &e/tce give <player> <type> <amount>&f!"
: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fInvalid argument. Use &e/tce give &for &e/tce reload&f!"
: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fSuccessfully reloaded the &econfig&f!"
: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fYour eggs are on cooldown. You cannot throw eggs for another &e</remaining> &fsecond(s)."

: false
: "#thrown_creeper_egg_by_</player>"

# You can change the default mobs and percentages or add more mobs with the same format under the "percent-chances" section.
# The percentages are out of 100. If the randomly generated number is the percentage chance or under, it will qualify as a drop.

# If "affected-by-looting" is true, then the drop chance will be increased by a certain amount when using a looting sword.
# The chance formula is: ( looting level / ( looting level + 1.5 ) ) * looting multiplier
# When using the default looting multiplier of 15, the maximum chance increase is 10%.

# ! Only one egg will be dropped - even if using a looting sword !
# | Only drops if the killer is a player |
: false
: false
: 15
: 3
: 1.5

# If enabled, a thrown creeper egg has a chance out of 100 of becoming a charged creeper when exploding.
# If the creeper is charged, then the explosion radius defined in the "options" section will be
# multiplied by the "explosion-radius-multiplier".
: false
: 10
: 2

/tce give <player> <type> <quantity>
/tce reload

tce.give ( Allows the player to give throwable creeper eggs to players )
tce.throw ( Allows the player to throw creeper eggs )
tce.reload ( Allows the player to reload the config )​

The API can be accessed with: dev.pixelmania.throwablecreepereggs.TCEApi

Accepts an int parameter for the amount of items and returns an ItemStack which is the unique Creeper Egg that can also be retrieved using the "/tce give" command.

Accepts an ItemStack parameter - the item will be checked to see if it's the one that can be given through the "/tce give" command and returns a boolean value.

Accepts an ItemStack parameter - the item will be checked to see if it's a Creeper Egg through the versions of 1.7 to 1.19 and returns a boolean value.

Accepts an Entity parameter - the entity will be checked to see if it's a Throwable Creeper Egg entity, e.g., a thrown Creeper Egg or a Creeper itself and returns a boolean value.

Accepts a Creeper or Item parameter and returns a UUID value of the player that threw the Creeper Egg

Accepts a Creeper or Item parameter - returns a String value of the player's name that threw the Creeper Egg

Accepts a Player & Cooldowns parameter and returns a boolean which indicates if the player is on cooldown or not.

Accepts a Player & Cooldowns parameter - puts the specified player on cooldown, and returns a boolean which is false if the player is already on cooldown, and true if successfully put the player on cooldown.

Accepts a Player & Cooldowns parameter - returns a double which is the amount of seconds left on the player's cooldown time, and returns 0 if the time is below zero.

Accepts a Player & Cooldowns parameter - if the player has a cooldown applied when this method is called, then it will be removed and the player can throw an egg.

Thank you for 1400+ downloads!
If you find any bugs then please enter the discussion and post some information about it, thanks!
I will try to fix any reported bug(s) as soon as possible.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,334
First Release: Mar 9, 2020
Last Update: Oct 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
16 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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